Hartman G. Wordsworth’s Poetry, 1787–1814. New Haven and London: Harvard Univ. Press, 1964. P. 60; Hartman G. A Poet’s Progress: Wordsworth and the via naturaliter negativa [1962] // Wordsworth: The Prelude: A selection of critical essays / Ed. W. Harvey and R. Gravil. L., 1972. P. 175–194.
Abrams M.H. Wordsworth’s Prelude and the Crisis-Autobiography // Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic Literature. N.Y.; L., 1973. P. 78.
Lujan L. A Psychology for Critics: Some Suggested Applications of Structural Principles Derived from Gestalt Psychology to an Understanding of Literature, Especially of English Romantic Poetry and Criticism. Ph.D. Diss. Univ. of California at Berkeley, 1977. Ann Arbor: UMI, 1994. UMI Number: 7812665.
Haney D.P. William Wordsworth and the Hermeneutics of Incarnation. University Park, 1993.
Haltrin Khalturina E.V. “Uncouth Shapes” and Sublime Human Forms of Wordsworth’s The Prelude in the Light of Berdyaev’s Personalistic Philosophy of Freedom / [PhD-dissertation facsimile]. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: UMI Dissertation Services, 2002.— VI + 226 p. — UMI Number: 3049210.
К примеру, с позиций структурализма “места во времени” исследуют Дж. Бишоп (Op. cit.) и Х. Линденбергер (Lindenberger H. The Structural Unit: “Spots of Time” // Wordsworth: The Prelude (Modern Critical Interpretations) / Ed. H. Bloom. N.Y., 1986. P. 77–88); с позиций деконструктивизма, опираясь на Деррида, — Ю. Штелцих (Stelzig Eu.L. Presence, Absence, and the Difference: Wordsworth's Autobiographical Construction of the Romantic Ego // The Wordsworth Circle. N 16:3. 1985. P. 142–145.); с точки зрения генетического критицизма — Е. Штоддард и С. Экин (Stoddard E.W. The Spots of Time: Wordsworth's Semiology of the Self // Romanticism Past and Present. N 9:2. 1985. P. 1–24; S. Eakin. The Spots of Time in Early Versions of The Prelude // Studies in Romanticism. N 12. 1973. P. 389–405.); исходя из истории идей — Аллан Чавкин (Chavkin A. Wordsworth's Secular Imagination and “Spots of Time” // College Language Association Journal. N 26:4. 1983. P. 452–464).
Beja M. Epiphany in the Modern Novel. Seattle: Univ. of Washington Press, 1971. 255 p.; Nichols A. The Poetics of Epiphany: Nineteenth-century origins of the modern literary moment. Tuscaloosa and London, 1987. XIV + 256 p.; Bidney M. Patterns of Epiphany: From Wordsworth to Tolstoy, Pater, and Barrett Browning. Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1997. IX + 236 p.
Blank G.K. Wordsworth’s Influence on Shelley: A Study of Poetic Authority. N.Y., 1988. XII + 243 p.; Kroeber K. Spots of Time and The Haywain // Romantic Landscape Vision. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1975. P. 3–28; Kroeber K. Beyond the Imaginable: Wordsworth and Turner // The Age of William Wordsworth: Critical Essays on the Romantic Tradition. L., 1987. P. 196–213.
Суждение Джойса о Вордсворте и Шелли осталось, например, в его письмах: Letters of James Joyce / Ed. R. Ellmann. Vol. 2. N.Y., 1966. P. 90. Попытка систематизации эпифаний Джойса при кратком упоминании “моментов озарения” Вордсворта представлена в статье Айрин Чейз: Chayes I.H. Joyce’s Epiphanies [July 1946] // James Joyce. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: Text, Criticism, and Notes / Ed. Ch.G. Anderson. N.Y.: Penguin books, 1977. P. 358–370.
Подробнее об этом см.: Халтрин-Халтурина Е.В. Английские романтики в художественном восприятии Вирджинии Вулф. (В рукописи).
Цит. по: Lewis C.S. Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life. N.Y., 1955; Weinberg M. Spots of Time: A Novel. N.Y. and Toronto: Macmillan, 1972. 262 p.