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Jade War

The Green Bone saga : book two

Fonda Lee

For the martial artists I’ve trained with and learned from.


The Green Bone Clans

Along with Their Associates and Enemies

The No Peak Clan



EMERY ANDEN, a Kaul by adoption, recent graduate of Kaul Dushuron Academy

KAUL LANSHINWAN, former Pillar of the clan, elder brother to Hilo and Shae; deceased

KAUL SENINGTUN, the Torch of Kekon, patriarch of the family; deceased

KAUL DUSHURON, son of Kaul Sen, father of Lan, Hilo, and Shae; deceased

KAUL WAN RIAMASAN, widow of Kaul Du, mother of Lan, Hilo, and Shae

MAIK KEHNUGO, Horn of No Peak

MAIK TARMINGU, Pillarman to Kaul Hilo

KAUL MAIK WENRUXIAN, wife of Kaul Hilo, a stone-eye

WOON PAPIDONWA, the Weather Man’s Shadow, former Pillarman to Kaul Lan

HAMI TUMASHON, Master Luckbringer

JUEN NURENDO, First Fist of Maik Kehn

LOTT JINRHU, a Finger of the clan

YUN DORUPON, former Weather Man of Kaul Sen and Kaul Lan; a traitor

AUN UREMAYADA, mother of Emery Anden; deceased

HARU EYNISHUN, ex-wife of Kaul Lan

TEIJE RUNO, a second cousin of Hilo and Shae

KYANLA, housekeeper of the Kaul estate

Other Fists and Fingers

VUAY YUDIJO, Second Fist to Maik Kehn

IYN ROLUAN, a senior Fist

VIN SOLUNU, a senior Finger talented in Perception

HEIKE, DUDO, TON, Fingers of the clan, former classmates of Emery Anden

DOUN, YONU, TYIN, HEJO, Green Bones reporting to the Pillarman

Notable Lantern Men

EITEN, proprietor of the Cursed Beauty distillery, a former Fist maimed by Gont Asch

MR. UNE, proprietor of the Twice Lucky restaurant

MRS. SUGO, proprietor of the Lilac Divine Gentleman’s Club

MR. ENKE, real estate developer, president of Enke Property Group

The Mountain Clan


REE TURAHUO, Weather Man


AYT YUGONTIN, the Spear of Kekon, adoptive father to Mada, Im, and Eodo; deceased

AYT IMMINSHO, adopted elder son of Ayt Yu; deceased

AYT EODOYATU, adopted second son of Ayt Yu; deceased

GONT ASCHENTU, former Horn of the clan; deceased

WAUN BALUSHU, First Fist to Gont Asch and Nau Suen

IWE KALUNDO, Master Luckbringer

VEN SANDOLAN, president of K-Star Freight, a Lantern Man of the clan

VEN HAKUJON, a senior Fist of the clan, son of Ven Sando

KOBEN ATOSHO, a child, born Ayt Ato, son of Ayt Eodo

SEKO, a Fist of the clan, manager of White Rats

MUDT JINDONON, an informer; deceased

Ti Pasuiga

ZAPUNYO, jade smuggler, leader of Ti Pasuiga

IYILO, Zapunyo’s bodyguard

SORADIYO, rockfish recruiter and manager

BERO, a jade thief

MUDT KALONUN, a jade thief, son of Mudt Jin

Others in Kekon

HIS HEAVENSHIP PRINCE IOAN III, current sovereign of Kekon

SON TOMARHO, chancellor of the Royal Council of Kekon, a No Peak loyalist

GUIM ENMENO, minister of Home Concerns, a Mountain loyalist

MR. KOWI, a member of the Royal Council, a No Peak loyalist

TAU MAROSUN, professor of foreign studies at Jan Royal University

MASTER AIDO, private trainer in the jade disciplines

DURN SOSHUNURO, Pillar of the Black Tail clan

DR. TRUW, a Green Bone physician

GRANDMASTER LE, head instructor at Kaul Dushuron Academy

TOH KITARU, news anchor for Kekon National Broadcasting

Representatives of the Espenian Government

GREGOR MENDOFF, Republic of Espenia ambassador to Kekon

QUIRE CORRIS, secretary of international affairs for the Republic of Espenia

COLONEL LELAND DEILLER, commanding officer of Euman Naval Base

LIEUTENANT COLONEL JAY YANCEY, executive officer of Euman Naval Base

In Port Massy

The Kekonese-Espenians

DAUK LOSUNYIN, Pillar of Southtrap

DAUK SANASAN, wife of Dauk Losun, his “Weather Man”

DAUK CORUJON, “Cory,” son of Losun and Sana

ROHN TOROGON, the “Horn” of Southtrap

MR. AND MRS. HIAN, host family to Emery Anden

SHUN TODORHO, “Tod,” a Green Bone, Cory’s friend

ETTO SAMISHUN, “Sammy,” a Green Bone, Cory’s friend

LEDT DERUKUN, “Derek,” Cory’s friend

SANO, a doorman at the grudge hall

The Crews

BLAISE “THE BULL” KROMNER, Boss of the Southside Crew

WILLUM “SKINNY” REAMS, top foreman of the Southside Crew

MOTH DUKE, a foreman of the Southside Crew

CARSON SUNTER, a coat in the Southside Crew

JOREN “JO BOY” GASSON, Boss of the Baker Street Crew

RICKART “SHARP RICKY” SLATTER, Boss of the Wormingwood Crew; in prison

ANGA SLATTER, acting Boss of the Wormingwood Crew, wife of Rickart Slatter


Heaven Awaiting

It was madness to rob the grave of a Green Bone. Only someone with little regard for his own life would consider it, but if one was that sort of person, then tonight was the moment of opportunity. The cool, dry days of late winter had not yet given way to the incessant rain of spring, and low clouds obscured the rising moon over the tops of the trees in Widow’s Park. The streets of Janloon were unusually quiet; out of respect, people were forgoing their usual activities and staying home, hanging ceremonial spirit guiding lamps in their windows to honor the passing of Kaul Seningtun—national war hero, patriarch of the No Peak clan, the Torch of Kekon. So even though Bero and Mudt had taken the precaution of carrying no light, there was no one to take notice of their arrival at the cemetery.

The groundskeeper, Nuno, met them at the gate five minutes before the official closing time. “Here.” He thrust a black garbage bag at Bero. “Be quick. Night security doesn’t arrive for another half hour.” The three of them were alone, but Nuno spoke in a hurried whisper. His eyes, in the sun-shriveled hollows of his face, darted fearfully about the shadows of the shrubbery and tombstones. Thieves were the lowest sort of scum on Kekon, and grave robbers were lower than that. A bullet to the back of the head, the bill for the expense sent to their relatives—that was the lawful punishment they could expect to receive by morning if they were caught.

Bero took the plastic bag from Nuno. Ducking next to the stone wall, he pulled out two blue shirts and caps embroidered with the logo of Heaven Awaiting Cemetery. Hastily, he and Mudt put on the shirts and set the caps on their heads. Nuno led them at a brisk walk up a switchbacked hillside path to one of the largest, most prominent memorials on the grounds. A new plot had been dug in front of the looming green marble monument. Tomorrow, Kaul Seningtun would be laid to rest next to his grandson, Kaul Lanshinwan, former Pillar of No Peak, murdered and buried sixteen months ago. Sixteen months! A frustrating eternity for Bero to scheme and wait for his jade.