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She then turned to look at Jager. Seeing his stern features, the smile Daylen wore slipped. Without a word, he manacled her wrist with his hand and hurriedly walked her to the basement stairs. He didn’t stop until they were upstairs and inside his bedroom with the door firmly shut behind them.

As Jager put his sword on the dresser and turned to face her, she tried to ask, “Are you pis—”

Before Daylen could finish the sentence, he had her in his arms and his mouth moving greedily over hers. She could feel the hard length of his cock pressed to her belly.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she rubbed herself against him.

Jager finally lifted his head once they were both breathing heavily. “You were magnificent. You’ve made me so hard all I can think about is being inside you.”

Daylen’s heart beat faster as she gazed up into Jager’s mutedly glowing eyes. “I’ll have to remember me beating your ass turns you on.”

Kissing a trail from the corner of her mouth to the side of her neck, Jager yanked at her clothes. “Only with you. I need you naked.”

A deep ache throbbed inside her pussy. They had made love so many times last night that Daylen had lost count, but her body was in flames once again for Jager. They both yanked at each other’s clothes until they stood naked. Jager pulled her back against him.

Daylen moaned as her taut nipples bushed against his chest. The feel of his hard cock pressed against her bare skin had wetness leaking between her legs.

Jager took her mouth in a demanding kiss as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

His other hand came up and cupped her breast. Leaving her mouth, he lifted her breast and bent his head to swirl his tongue around her nipple. Daylen clutched at Jager’s shoulders as intense waves of pleasure shot through her body when he opened his mouth and sucked her nipple inside.

The pulling sensation on her nipple caused her pussy to ache to be filled. Needing to touch more of Jager, Daylen ran a hand down his chest to his hardness nestled against her stomach. She trailed her fingers along the length of his cock, then took him in her hand.

Jager’s hips jerked, pushing his cock tighter inside her grasp as she pumped her hand up and down.

Releasing her nipple, Jager straightened and said huskily, “That feels good, but being inside you will feel even better.” He reached between her legs and worked a finger in and out of her core. “You’re already wet. I don’t think I can wait any longer.”

Daylen moaned. “I’m not stopping you.”

Jager moved his hands to her bottom and lifted her off her feet. Daylen put her hands on his shoulders. “Put your legs around my waist,” he said in a voice that came out half a growl.

As soon as she had her legs around him, Jager lifted her into position and impaled her on his erect cock in one stroke. He then slowly sank to his knees to the floor. Once he moved to a sitting position, with her bent legs on either side of his hips, he took hold of hers and lifted her up and down. “Ride me, Daylen.”

With his hard shaft filling her, deliciously stretching her, Daylen started to move.

Jager reached up to cup the back of her head as he brought her mouth down to his. His tongue moved in and out of her mouth in time with the motion of their bodies. Able to control their lovemaking, Daylen alternated between slow and fast strokes. She arched her back as his cock slid in and out of her pussy, which caused Jager’s hardness to rub in just the right spot to have her moaning.

Sinking down on his shaft, Jager lifted his hips to meet each of her strokes. His cock grew even harder inside her as she clamped her inner muscles around him. Faster she rode him, her body coiling tighter. Her orgasm edged ever closer. On the verge of coming, Daylen bent her head and dragged her tongue across the bite mark she’d made on Jager’s neck the night before. Jager stiffened, then bucked hard beneath her, lifting her knees off the floor.

“You like when I bite you there?” she asked softly.

“Call it a male werewolf’s G spot,” Jager said in a half growl. “You bite me there, and I’ll come.”

Already starting to feel the first flutter of her climax, Daylen bit down on Jager’s neck where it met his shoulder as her inner muscles rhythmically clamped down around his cock. Jager wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tightly to him as he started to come. His loud groans mingled with Daylen’s whimpered moans.

Turning her head to the side, Daylen rested her cheek on Jager’s shoulder and collapsed against his chest. Panting for breath, all she could do was put her arms around his waist and hold on. His still erect cock kept their bodies joined together.

Once she could breathe evenly again, she lifted her head to gaze into Jager’s light blue eyes. “If this will always be the end result, I’ll most definitely have to get the drop on you more often.”

Jager got her to sit up. He cupped the side of her face and brushed his thumb across her cheek. “Are you really okay with this, Daylen? With us?”

Each time they made love, she felt their mating bond grow stronger. With him buried deep inside her while she looked into his gorgeous face, she couldn’t picture herself being with another man. Jager and she just seemed to click. Daylen didn’t doubt they would butt heads over things now and then, but it was inevitable considering they both had strong personalities. Could she see herself uttering the words to him that she’d never said to any man before? Eventually, but it was just too soon.

“Yes. I’ve come to care a great deal about you. I’m not ready to say anything more than that, but that doesn’t mean I’m not committed to making this work. We have a few issues that need to be discussed though.”

A sexy grin spread across Jager’s face. “I have deeper feelings than caring a great deal for you, but I can wait until you’re ready. You’re mine now. That’s all that matters.

Now what are these issues you want to discuss with me?”

Daylen ran a caressing hand along the thick slab of muscles on his chest. “We have to talk about how our mating is going to affect me doing my job, and then there is the whole topic of Roxie turning me into a werewolf.”

“Before we touch on either of those subjects, I think we’ll be more comfortable if we move to the bed.”

In a show of just how strong he was, Jager managed to get off the floor with her still held in his arms and their bodies joined. He then carried her to the unmade bed and placed her on the center of it on her back as he followed her down. His movements had his erection moving inside her pussy, which caused Daylen to gasp with pleasure.

Resting his weight above her, he said, “There. Much better. Let’s start with the easy one—your job as a police officer. You’ll quit. You don’t need to work. I have plenty of money for the both of us. As you said so yourself, you’re now a Protector. It’s basically the same kind of job except on a smaller scale. Besides, the long hours we would have to be separated while you did your shift wouldn’t work out. We’d never make it.” Jager slowly moved his cock in and out of her in a lazy glide.

Daylen took her bottom lip between her teeth and moaned. “All right. I can do that.”

Another moan pushed out of her when he continued to slowly thrust between her legs.

“That feels good. How am I supposed to be able to concentrate while you do that?”

He chuckled. “I think you’ll manage. Now what about you being turned?”

She found she had to think a lot longer about that one. With Jager moving inside her, Daylen was having a hard time focusing on anything but the pleasure that started to build inside her once again. “Ah…ah, I think I need to know exactly what it means to be a werewolf before I can make that decision. You’re over a thousand years old and practically immortal. Does that mean werewolves can’t die?”