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“How so?”

“You don’t seem like the kind of girl who sits back and lets life fly by. You take the bull by the horns. Whatever you are meant to do will present itself. Be patient.”

“Patience isn’t my strong suit,” I said.

“‘Wise to resolve, and patient to perform’ –Homer,” she quoted.

The spiked apple cider made me feel drowsy. Stifling a yawn, I tucked my feet underneath me and fought the urge to close my eyes.

Andrew laughed at something as he walked into the kitchen. A red plastic cup was in his hand. “Mom, stop hogging my girlfriend,” he joked.

“I like this one, Andrew, don’t mess it up,” she said sternly, flashing me a grin, which I returned.

Glancing around the open kitchen, a sense of belonging stole my breath. This was what I’d been looking for. A connection to a family unlike my own. Andrew was right. After today, it was going to be a thousand times harder to leave.

The party went until midnight and it was half past one when my head hit the pillow. Andrew’s family knew how to have a good time. There was a pumpkin carving competition, pillowcase races, and an overflowing amount of spiked apple cider. Also, a buffet with incredibly delicious food I had second helpings of. Andrew’s sister forwent the cookie bake-off, which was a huge relief. We instead decorated gingerbread men with the little kids who smeared frosting everywhere. It looked like a Candy Land murder scene in the kitchen.

Tossing onto my side, I threw the duvet cover off my body and spread eagled on the mattress. The heat was on alarmingly high but there were too many buttons on the remote. What happened to simple gadgets anymore? Sweat beaded along my cleavage. Clicking on my phone, I saw it was the same time as three seconds ago. Sumiko was most likely awake but she wasn’t allowed phone privileges the first week in rehab. Hopefully, she wasn’t causing trouble. We weren’t on great terms after her attempt at escaping the hospital the night before she was to be admitted. A broken arm later, Sumiko realized escaping the hospital was harder than it appeared. I swear that girl had nine lives. Monica was another option, if she wasn’t having sex with her new boyfriend 24/7. With nobody to call, I groaned and threw my arm over my eyes.

“Haven? Are you awake?”

Light from the hallway spilled across the hardwood floors. A boxer clad Andrew tiptoed into the bedroom and shut the door.

“What are you doing?” I whispered.

“I miss my cuddle buddy.”

Although I melted into a pile of goo, Andrew’s parents’ room was a few feet away. If they caught us in bed together, it would be humiliating. Guess we would have to be quiet. He hopped onto my mattresses, crawled toward me, and flopped onto his back. His cold feet pressed against my calves.

A yelp escaped my lips. “Holy shit, you’re freezing.”

“And it’s a goddamn sauna in here. Jesus, is this how you like to sleep?”

“I couldn’t figure out how to work the remote.”

He smirked. “That’s adorable.”

I cursed the pitch darkness for obscuring my view of the hard cut lines of his abdomen and the bulge in his underwear. It was comparable to having a Christmas present that wouldn’t unwrap. The fireplace would provide enough light, plus an air of romanticism.

My finger stroked his chest. “Why don’t you fix the heat and turn on the fireplace? I’ll go change into something slinkier.”

“There is no other answer than hell yes.”

Laughing quietly, I grabbed the lace nightgown from my suitcase and went to the bathroom. My pajamas were upgraded to sexual vixen. I finger tossed my blonde hair into that just rolled out of bed look. The mirror reflected back my pale complexion, which hadn’t seen the sun in months. Since a spray tan wasn’t possible, I added a swipe of red lipstick to my lips. Better. I pressed my palm against my stomach that was fluttering with butterflies. Sex with Andrew would never in a million years get old. Like Monica said, he knew how to bring the thunder.

A soft glow flickered against the walls. Andrew was lying in front of the fireplace on the bearskin rug looking altogether spoonable. His boxer shorts left little to the imagination, exactly how they should be. Andrew’s gaze smoldered when he caught sight of my skimpy outfit. I tugged at the hemline self-consciously.

“Did I just die and go to heaven?” He asked as he titled his head. “Actually more like hell because you look like a naughty devil.”

“I should have bought horns.”

“Seriously, Haven. You are breathtaking.” His finger beckoned me forward. “Come here.”

The sexual tension in the room was thick as fog and we hadn’t even touched yet. I sat demurely next to him, folding my hands in my lap. Andrew had the ability to turn me into a virgin schoolgirl.

He plucked a bottle of wine from the gift basket his mom provided. “Do you want a glass?”

“Sure but there isn’t anything to drink out of.”

“Pretend like you’re back in high school.”

Unscrewing the cork, the smell of grapes and dark chocolate wafted under my nose. Andrew took a swig then handed the bottle to me.

“If I didn’t know better, I would say you were trying to get me drunk.”

“I don’t need to get you drunk,” his mouth brushed my hair, “to fuck you.”

The way he said fuck sent a shiver of pleasure down my spine. “Is that so?”

Holding my gaze, he slipped the spaghetti straps off my shoulders, exposing my breasts. Andrew took another swing of wine and dribbled the red liquid over my skin. I moaned as his tongue licked it off.

“You’re my favorite dessert,” he said huskily.

So far, Andrew had grabbed the reins whenever we had sex but it was about time I put myself in the driver’s seat.

Fixing my camisole, Andrew groaned with disappointment. “I rather liked that view.”

“Don’t complain or you won’t get your present.”

I pushed him onto the rug and climbed on top of him. The slick material bunched around my thighs. Andrew grabbed my waist and naughtiness shined in his eyes.

“I like this bossy side of you. It’s hot.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.”

A sexual deviant had taken over my tongue without the moves to back it up. In the past, sex with a guy was a selfish act. I used them for release and nothing more. With Andrew, I wanted to pleasure him and tap into what made him tick.

Andrew ran his fingers up my spine. “Are you ok, baby?”

“Fine, I’m just thinking of all the things I want to do to you.” A thousand porn moves ran through my head, each more ridiculous than the last.

Andrew witnessed my lost expression and took pity. “How ‘bout we play a game? When I do something to you, you do the same.”

“Like Simon says, but better?”

He grinned. “Exactly. Ready?”

Dipping my chin, I waited with bated breath. He brushed his mouth against mine then gently sucked my lower lip between his teeth. Andrew tasted like minty toothpaste and apple pie. Mirroring his actions, we collectively moaned. Goosebumps rose on my arms even though we were a few feet away from the roaring fire. Andrew lifted my hair off my neck and kissed the tender skin below my ear, traveling to the hollow of my collarbone. Minutes blended into nothingness as we continued to tease each other. Longing built to a dull ache between my thighs.

“Andrew,” I gasped as he flicked his tongue over my puckered nipple. “It’s your turn.”

“It’s both our turns.”

“No. The game is done. It’s your turn,” I said more forcefully. “I want to make you come with my mouth and watch your handsome face become undone as you orgasm.”

Andrew’s pupils dilated with lust. “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

With my fingers, I dragged his boxers to his ankles and tossed them to aside. My gaze soaked in his impressive form. Andrew had ruined all other men for me. Pulling a move from Cosmopolitan magazine, I straddled his legs, arched my back and stuck my butt up like a pinup poster.