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Getting back to her job as security, Jane checks in with her guys regarding the green being, and learns that he is still in his room. After a brief but unsettling run-in with Sabina, who tells Jane of an incident that occurred one hundred years earlier, when some type of cat killed a visiting Son of Darkness, Sabina warns that if such a thing happens again, it will be Jane’s fault. Shortly thereafter, three werewolves in human form drop from the floor above, including Roul Molyneux.

You Want Me to Shoot Him, Boss? Suddenly Jane and her team find themselves in the midst of vamped-out hosts, werewolves in both human and wolf forms, and upset werecats. Kemnebi declares that he will not negotiate with werewolves, as they are inferior, and were kicked out of Europe long ago. Raol, playing up to the cameras, which love him, takes issue with Kemnebi’s characterization of his species, and once again states his intention of taking Leo to court. Leo responds that the Mithrans at present are not bound by the laws of the United States, but by the Vampira Carta, which, Jane acknowledges to herself, fits the fact that currently vamps do not have status as citizens in the same way humans do. Jane gets notified that a bloody female vamp has appeared in the building, heading down to the ballroom. When she appears, Jane realizes it is Katie, who had been buried in the blood of all eight clans in order to heal during the events of Skinwalker, risen too soon and likely not quite sane. Katie draws power from all of the vamps and weres in the room, and Leo approaches her. Recognizing Leo, Katie allows him to embrace her, at which point he bites her neck. This action provides the impetus for more chaos, with vamps fighting each other, but Jane manages to calm a couple of them down and asks them to go and help Leo, which they do by feeding him. Unfortunately Jane learns that they also have a dead body in Leo’s office—the werecat, Safia, Kemnebi’s assistant. About that same time, the police have arrived, having seen the carnage begin on the live video feed. Puzzled as to who would have killed Safia, given that vampires wouldn’t want her blood, Jane meets with Jodi Richoux, head of the division dealing with supernatural crime, and Jodi passes on the information to the Bureau of Diplomatic Services in Washington, D.C.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up Over It: After moving the human reporters to safety and the werewolves to another room, Jane takes a few moments for herself and grabs some food before heading over to where the coroner, Peter Richoux, Jodi’s witch cousin, is examining Safia’s mauled body. Once approximate time of death has been determined, Jane tells one of her men to focus on security footage for a specific time frame. When Jodi states that they will be placing Katie under arrest while they investigate, Leo asks if they will be able to effectively and safely restrain her, which results in an agreement for Katie to remain where she is, but with law enforcement present. When one of Jane’s guys spots the green guy in the pool with bloody clothes, Kemnebi shares that the creature is a grindylow, a type of pet to the weres, but Jane knows there is more he is not saying. Going over video footage determines that Katie did not kill Safia, but also shows one of Leo’s men, Tyler, in conversation with two werewolves in human form.

Katie Ate Dead Meat: Peter, the coroner, says he needs to do an autopsy on Safia to definitely rule on cause of death (though Kemnebi steadfastly refuses), but was able to ascertain some facts through his exam. Safia was shot, but there is no exit wound, meaning the bullet is still inside her. Peter believes that what actually killed her was bleeding to death from her neck being torn up. One of the techs tells the group that a hidden entrance into the room has been found—a fact Leo had neglected to share. She also mentions that a shell casing was found that may have bearing on another case. In a private conversation with Jodi, Jane learns that Jodi’s unit received a tip a few weeks earlier, which resulted in them reexamining a cold case from the ’sixties. Two of the suspects in those deaths are Leo and Bruiser, news that does not please Jane. Calling her cabbie, Rinaldo, to come pick her up and take her home, Jane mulls over the complete silence from Rick, feeling both anger and frustration. Woken from a deep sleep, Jane finds Bruiser at her door. It seems that his fingerprints have been found on the shell casing in the room with Safia’s body, and he asks Jane if he can lie low at her house for a couple of days. Reluctantly agreeing, but not believing Bruiser guilty of Safia’s murder, Jane tries to sleep. When she cannot relax, she picks up Girrard’s business card and catches a scent that she knows she also smelled during the gathering. When she talks to Girrard on the phone, he is less than helpful.

I Intend to Make You Regret That Decision: When Jane arrives back at the house, Bruiser greets her, striking her as despondent. They discuss dinner, and decide to grill some steaks. Jane asks Bruiser if he knew that Leo was going to offer her up to Kemnebi, and Bruiser says he did not. At that point, Bruiser suggests that he and Jane occupy themselves in her room, which she declines. Beast, however, really likes Bruiser, and comes to the fore, allowing Bruiser to get closer than Jane feels is safe, since she does feel an undeniable attraction to him. After a short time Jane does get Beast to retreat. While the two are grilling the meat, Bruiser asks Jane about the boulders in the yard—the ones she needs for shifts that require extra mass, ones that she included in her contract. Jane gives an answer that has some of the truth, but not all. Jane then asks how old Bruiser was when he first sampled vamp blood, and learns he was seventeen. The price Bruiser has exacted for his answer is a dance, which is getting too hot and heavy when Evangelina thankfully arrives, with Tyler, Leo’s second, in tow. After an exchange in which it becomes clear that the two men do not like each other at all, and Bruiser learns that Leo still has a few tasks for him, Jane retires, only to be woken by a noise.

And He Ripped Off My Shirt: On the floor by the front door is an envelope that someone sent through the mail slot. Jane sees someone running down the street and gives chase. Ending up on Jackson Square, Jane knows she has lost the person she was chasing, but just as she scents him, Leo attacks her. Jane smells old blood on him—Katie’s—which seems to have affected him, and though he injures Jane, Leo suddenly takes off. When she gets home, Evangelina tells Jane to go wash off all of the vamp blood with hot water. Bruiser carries her up to the shower, and after he douses her really well, the two end up in a compromising position, once again interrupted by Evangelina. Once she gets downstairs and determines that the delivered envelope does not contain explosives (but does smell like Girrard), Jane takes it outside to open it. Inside Jane finds three photos: an old one of Leo and Bruiser standing over a dying, partially shifted werewolf, one of Magnolia Sweets, and the third a sheet of four shots—all of them of Rick with another woman in very intimate poses—Safia. While fighting back her pain at Rick’s betrayal, which she feels regardless if it is for work or not, Jane shows the photo taken of him and Leo to Bruiser. Since no one else was there at the time, Bruiser wonders who took the picture, and Jane responds that it has to be someone who wants her to help them figure out the rest of the puzzle they are trying to solve.