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Lunged for wolf.

Was hit in side. Lifted. Batted away by paw. Big paw. Bigger wolf attacking. Was slammed up. Into air. Beast-side rammed into sharpness of airboat. Screamed-yelped. Fell. Wolf killing teeth/fangs sank into Beast neck. Tore into flesh. Smelled/felt hot dog blood. Was yanked to side. Painpainpain. No breath. More gunshots. Too many to count. Bigger wolf staggered. Stumbled. Jaws opened and Beast/New-found-land fell free. Rolled into water.

Beast tried to swim. Could not move. Pain arched across ribs. Sank deep. Water covered head. Painpainpain. Cannot breathe. Looked up. Saw through water. Big wolf had gray coat, hairs with black tips. White underbelly. Black claws and muzzle. Big teeth. Biggest wolf ever. Short back legs. Sloping back. Big. Bigbigbig.

Dire wolf, Jane murmured into brain. Holy crap. A dire werewolf.

Wolf backed away. Carrying injured, smaller wolf, in jaws, like pup.

World began to go black around edges of eyes. Beast—I/we—was damaged. Was wounded. Blood poured into dark brown water, staining it with blood. Death striking deep.

Oh, crap, Jane thought. We’re bleeding. Holy crap. We’re dying. Too late to shift! Again.

Saw Alex dive into water, spindly arms and knobby legs. Water moved in ripples of cold. Felt Kid grab ruff of neck. Darkness fell over Beast.

* * *

“You will not die, damn you.”

Eli voice. Saying words Jane did not like.

But breath did not come. Only blood bubbling from mouth. Ribs cracked and moving out of order. Broken. Piercing lungs. Throat shredded. Am dying.

Light began to go. Darkness flickered around edges of vision.

“Damn you! You will not die! I will not lose another one!”

“Bro. Stop.” The Kid’s voice, full of pain. “She’s gone, bro. Stop. Jane’s dead.”

Eli grabbed head and swung it around. Stared hard into eyes. Fierce. Lips pulled back to show blunt human teeth. “If you die, I’ll fucking kill you myself. Again. So shift or I’ll shoot you, I swear to God, I’ll shoot your dead body full of silver.”

We had never done this—shift from another, lesser animal into Beast.

Inside, Jane laughed, sound broken and far away. We got nothing left to lose. So. Try it. Shift already, she said.

I reached down into self, and . . . shifted.

Eli scrambled away. Shaking his hands in pain. Cussing.

Jane laughed, laughter half wild, and feral. Yes! she shouted into mind.

I fell into self. Into Beast. Energies like lightning and fire, and loud, like thunder. Rumbled through gray place of change. Screamed with pain. Am Beast!

I died.

And lived.

* * *

I lay in water, half in, half out. Took breath. Filled lungs. Vomited water out of lungs, onto shore. Gagged with misery and agony. Spluttered water onto land. And breathed. I lay on Beast-paws and closed eyes, body half in water of canal. Deep in brain, Jane cussed. I breathed.

Clawed onto land, out of water. Pulled self onto shore. Claws extended. Body, mud-caked. Stinking of mud and rotten flesh. Dead alligator loomed at eye level, thick skin torn open, flesh spilled onto mud. In rushes saw dire werewolf, small dead werewolf in jaws. It watched, and growled low. Smelled of anger and confusion, watching big-dog that was now big-cat.

I clawed to feet and stood. Screamed into sky. Am Beast. Have killed pack-hunter. Have killed enemy. Have killed werewolf. Screamed into sky. Have won!

Yeah. Go, us, Jane thought into mind, thoughts tasting of sadness. Attack it.

I lunged. But bigger werewolf dragged smaller one away. Deep into sawgrass. Into shadows of trees. It ran.

I chuffed. Jane and Beast live.

I was in Beast form. Puma concolor. I looked to Eli and the Kid. They smelled of fear. I chuffed. Do not be afraid. I am Beast. Will not eat you.

“Jane?” Eli asked. “Are you there?”

I chuffed in laughter. And I smelled the were-magic of the change. Wolves changing, one still alive. Then smelled second one, smaller one change. Heal. In distance, I heard sound of boat starting, high-pitched, mechanical, electrical. Human-sound. Boat moving off small area of land, and into water. Humans did not hear—too far away.

Well, crap, Jane murmured, we lost them.

Smelled smell that was familiar. Will find them again.

Well, maybe. Maybe not. We just got bitten by a werewolf again. Jane took over thoughts and padded to airboat. Sniffed blood on boat sides. Stepped over low side and up onto seat. Lay down. Closed eyes.

* * *

Woke to hear the Kid, voice on cell phone—metal thing with ears and mouth, alive and not alive. Heard voice on other ear of cell, then another voice. Then heard voice of Gee DiMercy, Mercy Blade of Leo. “Tell me exactly what happened,” Gee said. Alex told him about wonderful fight with werewolves. Told how Beast killed one. Beast is good hunter. Told how werewolf bit Beast in dog form.

I opened eyes. Sat up on the seat of airboat. Mercy Blade killed rogue things. Would kill werewolf-Jane. Deep inside, Jane woke. What? she asked. I/we stared at the Kid.

“How soon can you be here?”

Eli took cell and said, “Take the helo.” Handed cell back to Alex.

Mercy Blade-and-killer-of-deveveo-vampires said, “Yes. That I can do. I’ll be there soon.” Call ended.

I growled low, pulling back lips, showing killing teeth. The Kid backed away, moving slow. Frightened prey.

Eli laughed. Showed white teeth in dark-skinned face. “Not coming to kill you, Janie girl. Coming to heal you of the were-taint. Meanwhile, let’s get you into the SUV and back to the hotel for a bath.” He unhooked seat belts.

I/we stopped growling. Looked around. Had not noticed where we were. Were back at boat landing near hotel. Saw ess-u-vee near. Thought about humans. Thought about humans with guns, afraid of big-cat. I chuffed. Stepped from airboat and into water. Lay down and rolled in water-over-rock called cement. Mud and blood came loose from coat. Rolled into water and rolled. Rolled. Stood and walked to shore. Walked to the Kid. And shook water from pelt.

The Kid yelped. I chuffed with laughter, walked to Eli. He raised hair over eyes and pulled steel claw. “Try it,” he said. Eli had hungry look on face, as if would try to hurt Beast with puny steel claw. As if he wanted to fight big-cat. Jane watched deep in brain, saying nothing. Waiting. I blew deep breath like sigh. Walked over to ess-u-vee. Climbed into back onto blanket Eli had spread there. Blanket was green and smelled of man-chemicals for cleaning. Stinky. Stuck nose into middle. Smelled old blood. Much old blood, Eli blood hidden beneath smell of chemicals. Looked at Eli, reaching up to close door of ess-u-vee. Saw scar on Eli collarbone.

Eli had died on this blanket. Was blanket of warrior. Of hero.

Curled up on blanket, laid head on paws. Closed eyes.

* * *

Metal and glass bird with noisy wings settled onto road, in wide broken pavement of old parking lot. Helicopter, Jane thought.

Stupid bird. Too loud to catch prey. More like a buzzing bee, but with no stinger. And vomits out live people. I chuffed with laughter, watching as Mercy Blade climbed from bubble stomach of noisy, stinky helo. Narrowed Beast-eyes. Will not ride in bird again. Do not think you can force me.