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his triumph,

trusting in the gods’ justice hereafter, the fields where

the meek

are kings and queens, and the powerful on earth are

like whipped dogs.

There’s moral victory!” But she threw back her hair with

a violent head shake

and clenched her teeth. “—So any craven slave will tell


smiling at his coward’s wounds, whimpering to the gods.

Shall I make

my hand so limp, my waste so trivial? — But no, no, no! Repent, mad child of Aietes! Though a thousand curses


like stones turned judges in the wilderness, all justifying in one loud cry your scheme, yet this alone is true: If you strike for pride, for just and absolute revenge,

the stroke

is wasted; for who will call it pride or justice, from you? ‘Her father was mad in the selfsame way and to the

same degree,’

they’ll say, and they’ll wrinkle their broad Akhaian brows

and wipe

cool tears away. Dear gods! Even as an instrument of


they’ve made me nothing, meaningless! And yet though


robs me even of human free will — takes from me even my soul’s conviction of freedom — I still can give pain.

Even now,

crowned by the wreath, swathed in her golden robe, his


is perishing. I see it in my heart. You’ve served me well,

good sons.

One more journey I must send you on, now that we’re


Run in! Go quickly! I’ll follow you soon.” She opened the


and clung to it, weeping. The boys went timidly in

toward light.

But for all her wailing, her mind was not for an instant


from what she was seeing. For her witch-heart saw it all,

from the beginning:

Before she was aware that his sons were with him,

the princess turned

with an eager welcoming glance toward Jason. But then,


her veil before her eyes, she turned her white cheek


loath to have them come near. The children paused,


but Jason said quickly to the princess, “Do not be hostile

to friends.

Forget your anger and turn your face toward me again. Accept as loved ones all whom your husband holds dear;

and accept

their gifts — worthy of a goddess — look! Then plead with

your father

that he soften toward these children and excuse them—

for my sake, Pyripta.”

The princess, seeing that golden gown, could resist no


but yielded to his will, and gladly. And scarcely had

Jason left

with his children and their old attendant, than the

princess put on the new dress

and circled her hair with the golden wreath. In her

shining mirror

she ranged her locks, smiling back at the lifeless image, then rose from her seat and around the room went

stepping, half-dancing—

her blue-white feet treading delicately — Pyripta exulting, casting her eyes down many a time at her pointed foot.

But now suddenly the princess turned pale, and

reeling back

with limbs a-tremble, she sank down quickly to a

cushioned seat—

an instant more and she’d have tottered to the ground.

An old black handmaid,

thinking it perhaps some frenzy sent by Pan, cried out in prayer. Then, lo, through the bride’s bright lips she saw white foam-flakes issue — saw her eyeballs roll out of sight, no blood in her face. Then the slave sent out a shriek far different

from the first.

At once, one slave went flying upstairs to Kreon’s


another to Jason to tell him the news. The whole vast


echoed with footsteps, hurrying to and fro. Before a swift walker with long, sure strides could have paced

a furlong

she opened her blue eyes wide from her speechless agony and groaned. From the golden chaplet wreathing

Pyripta’s head

a stream of ravening fire came flying like water down a


and below, the gown was eating the poor girl’s fair white


She fled crazily this way and that, aflame all over, shrieking and tossing her hair to be rid of the wreath,

but the gold

clung firmly fixed. As she tossed her locks, the fire

burned brighter,

and soon all the palace was heavy with the smell of her

burning hair

and flesh. She sank to the ground, her throat too swollen

for screams,

a dark, foul shape that even her father might scarcely


Her features melted; from her head ran blood in a

stream, all melled

with fire. From her bones flesh dripped like the gum of

a pine — a sight

to silence even the eternally whispering slaves. Lord


stared, rooted to the ground where he stood — nor would

anyone else

go near that body. But wretched Kreon, with a wild bawl threw himself over the corpse, closing his arms around


and kissing it, howling his sorrow to the gods. “Now

life’s stripped bare,”

he sobbed. “O, O that I too might die! — these many


ripe for the tomb, and thou barely ripe for womanhood!” So old Kreon wept and wailed; and when he could


no more and thought he would raise again his ancient


he found to his horror that she clung to him as ivy clings to laurel boughs. The slaves and the guards of the

palace stood helpless,

an army of useless friends. The fat king

wrestled with his daughter. When he pulled away with

the whole of his strength,

his agèd flesh tore free of his bones. Too spent at last to struggle further with the corpse or howl in pain, he


dryly, resigned to death. The slave Ipnolebes

stood over him, watching with empty eyes. The old king


“Nothing works! All we’ve learned is that!” And he died. Ipnolebes said nothing. Then, all around the room, the slaves began to whisper again. A sound like fire.

Then Jason covered his eyes with his hands and

moaned, for at last

he saw to the end. And then he was running in the wild


that still there was time. He flew down the palace

steps — no guards

in sight there now — and down through that smoky,

endless rain,

the clattering thunder and the sudden bursts of fire out

of heaven,

to his own locked gate. He hurled his shoulder against it

with the force

of Herakles’ club, and the huge bronze hinges snapped

like wood.

The Corinthian women inside all ran to the windows in


hearing the racket of his coming. But he came no

further. Above

his head, like a hovering lightning shape, Medeia


in a chariot drawn by dragons — beside her, the bodies

of his sons.

Squinting, throwing up his arm against that blood-red


his throat convulsing till his words were barely


he shouted, “Monster! Female serpent abhorred by
