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old man said:

“Come in my cave, good sirs. There’s a fire, and stones

for chairs.”

He led the way, tapping with his stick, and we followed


He’d shielded the entrance to the cave with scraps of

wood (old crating,

the salvaged planking of ships) till it looked like the

shacks you see

by the city dump. But the glittering walls of the cave

were warm.

Idas and Lynkeus stirred the coals, found logs to add. Jason stood quiet as a boulder, white-bearded, staring.


at something deep in the fire. Then all but Oidipus sat


I sat in the shadow of the others and reached out

timidly for heat.

Oidipus tipped down his head, both hands on his cane,

his forehead

furrowed like a field. “That was not the least of visits when Theseus came with his Amazon, after his cruel


of the beautiful Ariadne, whom Theseus swore he’d


forever. He felt no remorse at that. All the world


The fibers binding the oak together or the towering

plane tree

sever, sooner or later; or a life-giving storm from Zeus turns to an enemy and tears up the tree by its roots. In


steadfast faith is an illusion of fools. So Theseus


and scorned her, despite all she’d done for him. But

later, seeing

how deep that emptiness runs — how the center of the


is Hades’ realm, where the absence of meaning lies

bitter on the tongue

as a taste of alum — he changed his opinion. He fought

his way back

to the kingdom of the living and made his own heart a

law contrary

to the world’s. And at last he subdued that passionate


by laying plain the deadness at the core, the all-out


of dark gods seething, each against all, like atoms.

Like you,

a metaphysician to the bone, he knew, that scorner of


the smell of mortality in promises. Without that


nothing of importance can begin, though knowledge, if

it goes no further …

The rest is murky. So I saw myself — I, who answered the Sphinx’s riddle and swore by unflagging intelligence to keep Thebes firm. I was shown soon enough the


of hopes so overweening. The ground underneath me


and all I perceived and reasoned about was a mirror


I learned that the way of the universe is dim,


shape without shape, image without substance, a dark


from silence….

“And yet it is also true that Herakles was right— with Herakles too I passed a day — who believed his


was loving and always near, assuaging torments. (In a


confused and contradictory, everything is right, and all potential is real possibility.) By the character of Zeus as he understood it, he judged all things. When he seized

the initiative,

judging for himself, as if Zeus were not there, he was

filled with darkness,

loneliness, sorrow, and fear. Many times he fell, by his


and many times climbed back, bellowing, striking all

around him

with his wild-man’s club. He was wrong, of course, in

believing his father

was there, or that Zeus felt concern — one more blind,

feelingless power—

but the sorrow and joy in redemption were real enough.

So the Trojan

Aeneas thought, who abandoned the woman he loved

for duty

and sailed out of Carthage, take it as she might. His

voice grew wild,

telling me the story: ‘What pure serenity I felt,’ he


‘ “Let nobody fool you,” I said to the sailors around me

in the ship,

“though the mind yaw this way and that, anchorless,

the heart can be sure

what’s right and wrong, what the gods require. I’ve

proved it myself,

when I turned sternly on selfish desire for that loveliest

of queens

who lulled my noble and difficult purpose to sleep,


my lion-ambition with presents and comforts, till I’d


my people’s destiny, my arms grown flabby, the back

that once

easily carried my father from burning Troy grown frail and flimsy as a girl’s, my mind once keen grown soft

with love

and wine and poetry. ‘Who can say what’s best?’ I


sunk in the softness of Dido’s scented bed. But a voice outside my life and larger than life came urging me


peremptorily ordering ‘Up! To Italy!’ And now that my


stand balanced on the deck of the ship again, I know

the truth,

know it by the salt’s sharp bite in the spray, by the


pressure of the wind. There is no personal pleasure—


that touches the joy of duty! The man who claims the


are remote, indifferent — the man who feels no presence

of the gods

in all he does — is a man half dead. They exist; they


their character and will in every leaf and flower. Woe to the fool who closes his heart to them! His heart will

be dark,

his deeds puny and ridiculous!” So I spoke on the ship, ploughing north toward Italy,’ he said. ‘But that was


He laughed, furious, when he spoke with me now of his

former opinions.

‘Stark madness,’ he said, and gnashed his teeth, pacing

back and forth.

‘I could hardly know that as soon as I left her she’d

killed herself,

though we saw, three nights out of Carthage, the glow

of her funeral pyre.

Not all the magnificent kingdoms on earth are worth

the death

of a single beautiful woman — nay, the death of even a sick old man. When I met her shade I came to my


but understood too late. And with nothing remaining

but duty,

I followed duty — followed what once I’d known by


I thought, as the gods’ command. Came no such feelings


Turnus dead, my better, but a man in my destiny’s way; Lavinia my wife, a useful ally — her bed no Dido’s. Loveless, friendless. A compromiser for the good of the


selfless servant of the gods as a burning stick is servant to the chilly, indifferent shepherd. Such is the sorrow

of things.’

So he spoke, full of anger, longing for death. Nor was

it much better

for Ticius, or Lombard, or Brutus, or the others

dispersed but of Troy,

obedient to what they imagined the high gods’ will.

But each,

sick with betrayals, too cynic for love such as Orpheus


made his peace, built up weary battlements — for all his


of pride, made his stand of proud banners. And rightly

enough. No worse

than Akhilles’ way — if Odysseus told me, in that much,

the truth.

He would not bend for the pompous bray of civilities,