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"You're disgusting."

"You ever do that, Bit?" I pressed. I couldn't seem to stop pissing her off. Damn my addiction. "Touch yourself while you remember me?"

"No!" she shot back fast. Too fast. The tips of her ears were red.

My Bit was lying to me.

"Don't lie, Bit. You can still have it. It's right here, waiting for you."

I meant it as a joke, another jab to provoke her, but her eyes went down the second I suggested she look. Like she was waiting for permission.

She made a noise of disgust, all the while staring at my cock like it had insulted her dead mother. But staring nonetheless. And with a jolt, I was taken back to how it used to be with us. Her wild noises, the way she squirmed when she got close, her wide-eyed, mute adoration that made me feel like a fucking god among men.

No, now I was hard.

"Liliana." I said her real name, not the nickname that I had given her, that everyone had immediately adopted because it just suited her so well. I wanted to touch her face, feel her soft skin warm under my fingertips again. Every girl I had been with since she left was just an exercise in trying to forget. But my body hadn't forgotten at all. I knew exactly how she would feel if I touched her now.

"Jaxson." She still sounded pissed, but this time more at herself. She shook her head, and then her whole body. "Would you please cover that thing up? And get out of the bathroom, I have to pee."

Chapter Nine


I finished and yanked my underwear back up again, the damp fabric clinging unpleasantly to my legs. Goddamn Jax. Seeing him step out of the shower had done nothing to soothe the ache between my legs. I felt so empty down there it was like a crater had opened up.

I stuck my head out of the bathroom and triple-checked the hallway before sprinting back to my room and slamming the door closed. My heart was hammering in my throat and a pulse pounded between my legs.

Oh my God. Oh my God oh my God oh my God.

A year ago, I was certain that eighteen-year-old Jaxson Blue was the sexiest man on the planet.

I was wrong.

Nineteen-year-old Jaxson Blue was.

While I was gone, he had worked his already perfect body into rangy perfection. The taut belly I had kissed so ardently was now sculpted into the ridges and valleys of a perfect sex pack. The shoulders I had clung to were broader, the back I had scratched my nails down was stronger. The jawline I had nibbled was more defined and the smooth skin I had worshipped was spider webbed in new ink.

His cock, though—that was exactly how I had remembered it. Heavy and long, with that wicked little curve at the end. And the little wink of metal from his Prince Albert. The way that had felt as it slipped inside of me…

The sight of it nearly brought me to my knees, making me fear that once I was down there, instinct would take over.

I groaned out loud and buried my head in my pillow. Suddenly my whole body seemed overly sensitive. The brush of my flannel pajamas against my breasts was enough to make my nipples tighten. The seam of my pants pressed achingly against my throbbing clit.

It doesn't mean anything, I told myself as my fingers wandered downward. It's just fantasy. It's not real.

But hot slickness my fingers found was all too real. With a moan, I squeezed my hand tightly in my thighs, imagining Jax’s mouth down there. He used to love eating me out, spreading me wide wherever he could pin me and making me shriek. I shivered as I remembered the way his shoulders would bulge as he pressed against the inside of my thighs, eyes closed, that little mmm-ing noise he made that made me feel utterly delicious.

I flopped over onto my back and arched upward. There was no warm chest above me, no lips against my ear, whispering filthy, wonderful promises, but I was a writer—I could imagine it. Perfect fucking recall, down to the last detail. I could indulge in a little reminiscing and it didn't need to mean a thing, right?

My orgasm came fast and breathless and aching. I gritted my teeth, panting as the tremors ricocheted through me.

And then it was gone.

And instead of sating me, it just left me frustrated and wanting the real, blue-haired thing.

I yanked my hand out of my pajama pants with disgust. Really, Liliana? Jilling off as soon as you see him? You're fucking pathetic.

I tugged on my jeans and threw on a halter top, intending to rush back to the bathroom and wash my hands, get the smell of my desperation off of me.

Instead I opened the door and nearly ran smack into the source of my desperation's now-clothed chest.

"Jax, what the hell are you doing here?" I shrieked, jumping away from him like he had electrocuted me. He may as well have.

He lowered the hand he clearly had raised to knock on my door. If I could die from blushing, I would have welcomed it. Kill me now. Just let the big California earthquake hit right at this moment so the earth swallows me up and I don't have to look him in the eye.

Jax raised an eyebrow. Fuck, he wanted to tease me. I braced myself, hiding my hands behind my back. Hiding the evidence.

But instead he sighed and straightened his shoulders. "That wasn't how that was supposed to go." Goddamn him, he actually looked sheepish. In his white button-down and low-slung jeans, he couldn't have been more delicious than if he’d tried. His lips always had the sweetest curve, an exaggerated Cupid's bow that would've looked feminine on any other face, but on his, it only made the curve of his mouth more tantalizing.

"How what was supposed to go?" I was still out of breath. And knowing Jaxson and his preternatural ability for sniffing out my weaknesses, he could probably smell my orgasm still lingering about me.

"Our first meeting."

I leaned against the doorframe and crossed my arms. "No, I'd say that was about normal."

"Why do you always assume I'm being an ass?"

"Because you usually are?

He looked wounded a second. Then I immediately recognized the twisted curl of his lip that he did whenever he was trying to hide irritation. "So, how are you?"

I clenched my fists. "How am I?"

His eyes blazed. "Yes. How are you? It's a simple fucking question, really."

I hated him. "I'm jetlagged and irritable. I don't want to be here, and my soon-to-be stepbrother won't leave me the hell alone. How do you think I am?"

He grinned. "I'd say that was about normal.”

"Real nice."

"Oh, would you stop being so damned prickly all the time?"

"Me?" I wanted to shove him, but that would mean I had to touch him, and I couldn't trust myself with that. "You're the one who's giving me shit!"

"I'm trying not to!" he exploded and for a moment there I saw genuine frustration. Then the cocky sneer returned. "Time to go to dinner. Annie commands." He turned, his eyes already on his phone.

Chapter Ten


Two for two.

Actually, if you're counting my record in fucking things up with Liliana Nesbit, those two encounters were nothing in comparison with how badly I’d fucked things up in the past. But still, twice in the same day, the first day I saw her in a year… that was pretty incredible.