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"You were watching me sleep again? Oh my god Edward Cullen, stop being creepy."


"You're kidding me, right?" I waved my hand. "Never mind."

"I was just bringing you more water, psycho." He set the glass down on my bedside table and took the empty one, before backing away with his hands held up.

I rushed to slam the door on him, then instantly regretted it when the loud slam pierced my skull. "Oww," I moaned, sagging back onto the bed. "I'm never drinking again."

Jax chuckled on the other side of the door.

"Are you laughing at me?" I demanded.



"Because you're being ridiculous. Open the door, Lily."


"I have aspirin…"

I slunk miserably to the door and let it swing open as I stared down at his feet. "Give them to me."

"Say please."

"Really? Asshole!"

"Then I guess you don't want them?"

"No. I don't want them. I don't want anything from you."

He waited a beat. "You're a liar."

"I'm not." Fierce, I reminded myself. "You're just a bad habit. I can quit you just like I quit biting my nails."

He lifted my hand and turned it over. I was aware of every inch of contact his skin made with mine as he inspected each ragged, freshly bitten fingernail. "Huh," he said.

I snatched my hand away and my fingers immediately went to my lips, before I remembered and lowered them back down again. I lifted my chin.

Jax's mouth curved into a knowing smile. He leaned forward, so close I could feel the atoms buzzing between us. "One good thing about me, Lil. I'm not a quitter."

Shutting the door on him didn't feel nearly as good the second time. It felt like I was admitting he had won.


I opened my door again not long after, determined not to be driven into hiding. I could handle this. There were other people in this house besides Jaxson Blue, and I meant to go find them.

The sounds of far-off banging and jovial shouts rang through the house as I made my way into the kitchen to see my father sitting there at the island with a bunch of circuitry spread around in front of him. Glasses, the first time I had ever seen them on him, perched at the end of his nose and he peered over them while he swore softly at a wire.

"Morning, Dad," I said, sliding into a chair. I looked around hastily. Jax was nowhere to be seen.

My Dad looked up and gave me a wry smile. "Actually, afternoon, but no matter."

I looked up at the clock. He was right. I suddenly felt like a lazy slob. "What are you working on?"

"Stuff for the studio."

"Shouldn't you be working on wedding stuff?" I grinned at him. "You're getting married pretty soon and all."

He waved his hand. "Annie's got that all figured out. Honestly, you really think she's letting me anywhere near her big day? I'm just showing up, wearing a monkey suit, and keeping my mouth shut."

I spotted my chance. A way to keep busy and out of close proximity to Jaxson Blue. "You know, you made me come out here early because you said you needed help with the planning, and so far, all I've done is sleep and write. Is there anything you need me to do today?"

He looked back down at his wires. "Nah, Bit. You just sit tight."

"Really? Nothing?"

He winced. "Well, maybe something?"

I leaned forward, eager for the distraction. "What's that?"

"Annie wants us to write our own vows and shit." He winced again when he cursed but I waved him on. "I ain't so good with words. You are. You're real good at writing that flowery shit. I was hoping you'd help me write my vows."

"Oh, Dad!" I couldn't help it, I squealed.

"My God, you chicks really are all alike, aren't you?" But he grinned proudly and tucked a wayward strand of hair away from my face.

"We can start that now. Where's a piece of paper?"

"Really? Now?" My dad looked down at his wires wistfully. "I've got time, don't I?"

"Lyle Charles Nesbit, you are not writing your wedding vows the night before you walk down the aisle. You asked for my help, and that is my one condition."

"You really sound like your mother, you know that?" He looked down, sadness overshadowing the gruffness.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"You should. She was a hell of a woman. I was a shit husband to her, but it wasn't her fault."

My heart skipped a beat. My eyes filled with tears and I looked quickly down at the scrap of paper he had slid in front of me. "There's always room for second chances, Dad." I told him. The words seemed to echo in my head even after I said them, hanging there like the last ringing chord of a sad, sorrowful ballad.

"Do you really believe that?" Dad asked me.

I covered his hand. "I do."

"Me too," Jax piped up from the doorway.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Bit jumped a mile and the tips of her ears turned red. Caught you, I thought to myself. No door to hide behind this time, Bit.

"How long have you been standing there?" she faltered.

"Long enough to hear the old man needs some help." I yanked a chair away from the table and slung my leg over it. "I'm hurt, you know, that you didn't ask me."

"Yeah? Didn't think you'd be interested." Nails peered out at me from under those bushy-ass eyebrows. The stylist the label hired for my band would have a heart attack over those caterpillars.

I leaned back in my chair. Lily was staring at me with murder in her eyes and truth be told, I was aching for a fight myself. We're gonna talk about the beach, what the hell happened. One way or another, Lil Bit. This way is just going to be more fun. "That's my mom you're marrying, you old fucker. She's batshit insane, but I still want you to treat her right."

Nails leaned back in conscious imitation of my pose. "Don't I already?"

I had to concede that point. "In your own way, old man."

Did Nails Nesbit just look at me… fondly? I darted a look at Lily and I could see she saw it too. I nodded in her direction. "Hey Bit, wake up, we're brainstorming here. How about this one, Nails? Why don't you say something about how you'll always tuck her in if she's had too much to drink?"

Lily gaped at me. "Did you hear that, Bit?" I pressed her. "'I'll always tuck you in when you have too much to drink.' Write that down."

Some of the fire came back into her eyes. Oh that got to you, huh? I've got a few more. I leaned forward, ready.

She adjusted herself primly in her chair and scribbled something down on the notepad. "Okay, I got it. Now Dad, how about this? You should also say something about always being faithful. In fact, that’s probably the most important vow you can make when you love someone. You should put that first. Makes sense, right?"

I broke in before Nails could answer. "You could talk about never being afraid to say you're sorry."

"And you'll always come to her first with problems and not go sharing them with the press," Lily shot back.

"Why the fuck would I even do that?" Nails grumbled.

I stared at Lily. Her breath was coming shorter now and I knew she barely noticed her father was in the room anymore. I knew I didn't give a shit what he was hearing. "You might want to mention how you have her name tattooed over your heart."

Lily looked horrified but Nails just looked confused. "I do?"