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Talk about erotic overload. Mitchell just about shot his cream into Francine’s mouth when he saw Alejandro’s long, smooth prick thrust into her. He knew she enjoyed it from the way her mouth went slack around him as she lost focus, to the visual evidence in her shaking body that rocked back against the cock slamming her.

The jealousy he’d once feared didn’t surface. Instead, he found himself riveted and part of the action, as excited watching her getting pumped as if he slid into her himself. He could no longer form coherent sentences or he would have told Francine how beautiful he found it. How arousing. Letting his cock slip from her slack mouth, he moved to the side, unable to stop himself from taking a closer look, his hand stroking his dick as he watched.

“She has such a responsive little body,” Jag said in between grunts and thrusts. “See how she takes me and begs for more? Touch her underneath. Stroke her little nub and you’ll see how she quivers.”

Doing as Alejandro said, Mitchell’s free hand moved under and slid through her curls to her slippery nub. He almost snatched his hand away when he inadvertently touched the cat’s dick as it slid in, but fascination brought his finger back to circle and rub her clit. Francine screamed and Mitchell fisted himself faster as he saw her buttocks clench and her sex suck Alejandro’s prick into its tight grip.

“Yes, baby. Yes!” Alejandro threw his head back as he humped himself deep into her, his fingers digging into her fleshy ass cheeks as he found his pleasure.

It was fucking amazing. And to think I denied myself this pleasure for the last month. How stupid he felt now, especially knowing his love of watching-and as he discovered, even listening. How often had he jerked off listening to their lovemaking, wishing he had the nerve to join, wondering if he could handle it? Fisting his cock faster, he knew the answer.

“Your turn,” the cat said, interrupting his thoughts and drawing his attention away from her shuddering body.

“But-” Surely, she needed time to recover, but Mitchell didn’t protest as Alejandro pushed him down, Francine’s smaller hands aiding him, her brown eyes regarding him with…hunger. Despite her screaming orgasm, it seemed his woman wasn’t yet done. She licked her lips as she straddled him.

“Wait,” Jag said. “Turn around and sit on him this way. I have a treat for you. Mitchell, sit up and hold her against your chest.”

Curious, and still hard as a rock, Mitchell sat up, his cock jutting from his groin and straining toward Francine’s core, which hovered over him. Alejandro didn’t touch him, but he still managed to guide her onto his dick, her velvety heat squeezing around him, the faint tremors of her climax aftershocks sending tingles through his shaft. Remembering Alejandro’s instructions, he wrapped his arm around her waist while the other braced itself on the ground behind. He thrust up into her, and his delightful Red pushed back, sinking herself deep onto his cock. But while she sighed in pleasure, he could tell she was far from coming again, or at least much farther than him as he pretty much sat on the brink.

“Lean back a bit more,” Alejandro whispered, his soft breath somehow tickling his balls.

Alarmed, Mitchell peered over her shoulder, only to groan as he saw the cat flick out his tongue and dart it against her exposed clit. A shudder went through her. Alejandro lapped at her again. Another tremor. Each time he licked, she shook, the muscles of her pussy spasming, fisting him tight. It was fucking amazing.

Worry that the cat strayed too close to his man parts dissipated as Mitchell lost himself to the mounting pleasure, a pleasure increased as Alejandro’s actions brought Francine back up to that hill of pleasure, and with deft strokes of his tongue, pushed her over so that she screamed once again in climax, milking his shaft and making him bellow as he came at last inside her.

Blown away, chest heaving, and sweaty even in the autumn air, they collapsed, he and Jag somehow ending up side by side with her sprawled across them.

“That was unfreakn’ believable,” she groaned. “I think I might have died and gone to heaven. No, wait. I hope not, because I really want to do that again.”

“Insatiable brat,” Alejandro chuckled.

“I’m lusty, so sue me,” she sassed. “What about you, Mitchell, did you enjoy it?”

Concerned brown eyes peered at him, and he almost laughed in disbelief. Had she not noticed how hard he’d come? “I don’t know. I think we’ll need to try it again, say maybe a few thousand times, then I’ll let you know. Of course I enjoyed it and before you say I told you so, I already know I’m a dumbass for fighting it for so long.”

She leaned up to kiss him lightly. “Never dumb. Just unsure. I love you so much, Mitchell. Thanks for giving this to me.”

“No, thank you.”

“Why don’t we all thank each other by going for a swim in the stream and seeing if we can re-create the magic?”

The water turned out too cold, but it didn’t stop the giggles and laughter as they splashed each other and chased Francine around until they noted her teeth chattering.

Slapping her on the ass, he realized something. He and Alejandro were her mates and for more than just sex. They were also partners when it came to taking care of Francine, a beautiful woman whom they both dearly loved. And despite himself, much as it pained him to admit, he liked the damned cat. There were worse people he could have gotten stuck with for a lifetime. Besides, at least the man knew how to play lacrosse against Javier and Ethan. Not to mention, he knew some interesting bedroom techniques that he looked forward to learning, and most of all, applying first hand.

Of course, mentally admitting these things to himself didn’t mean he’d tell the cat he liked him. He enjoyed their verbal sparring too much, but when it came to sharing Francine, though, he was done fighting. Her happiness was the only thing that truly mattered to him, and what luck, her version of happiness meant incredible pleasure.

* * * *

Sated and grinning like idiots, they finally stumbled back into the house to the shrieking of an angry she-wolf.

“You bastards! You planted these basketballs inside me. I am going rip your dicks off. Ooooh!”

Francine turned wide eyes to her mates who shrugged sheepishly.

Mitchell turned red. “Um, in the heat of the moment, did we forget to mention Naomi went into labor?”

And that was the last coherent thing anybody said for a while as the family took turns holding Naomi’s hand, enduring her punishing grip when she freaked and demanded her men leave. Not that Ethan or Javier went far. They paced the hallway, their faces tight with anxiety, but not willing to miss the birth of their children no matter how pissed their delicate freakn’ flower was at the moment.

During one of her periods with her BFF, as Francine mopped her brow, Naomi stopped groaning long enough to say, “So, tell me. Was it good?”

A smile curved her lips as she sassed back, “Oh please, like you didn’t hear me screaming over your pissing and moaning.”



They grinned at each other for a moment before another contraction hit and Naomi went back to cursing mankind. The laboring went on for a few more hours, with the same doctor who tended Francine arriving to supervise the birth. Just after midnight, Mark and Melanie were born at a screaming five pounds four ounces, and four pounds eleven.

They were red, wrinkly, and possessed the mightiest pair of lungs ever seen. In other words, they were adorable and judging by the beatific smiles on Naomi’s and the fathers’ faces, they agreed. Her men, on the other hand, appeared quite green. The deed done, they wasted no time saying good-bye and leaving the new family alone, dragging her to the car.

On the drive back, not much was said, Francine dozing on and off on Mitchell’s lap as Alejandro drove. Once they got to the house, they carried her straight upstairs, two pairs of deft hands stripping her. Then she tensed as she waited to see if they’d leave since it was technically Sunday night, or if they’d fight over who got to stay. She smiled as she felt the bed dip on either side of her, two warm and very naked bodies cuddling into her on either side.