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The Jewish activist movement found its last expression in the rebellion of Ben Kosba. But where the Diaspora was concerned, R. Simeon bar Yohai’s words on the massacre of the Jews of Egypt by Marcius Turbo sum up the situation: “In that hour the horn of Israel was torn out, and will not return to its place till the son of David comes.”[1833]


A Brief Bibliography of the Archaeology of the Pentapolis Cities

For an exhaustive bibliography of Cyrenaican archaeology 1962-1972, see M. Vickers, JHS Archaeological Reports 1972-3.

The periodicals Quaderni dell’archeologia Libica, Rome, 1962-7, and Libya Antiqua, Tripoli 1964- should also be consulted.


AI 1-7, 1927-40 passim.

Enciclopedia dell’Arte antica, I, 1958, sv. Cirene.

R. G. Goodchild, Cyrene and Apollonia, a Historical Guide, Tripoli, 1959.

R. G. Goodchild, Kyrene und Apollonia, Zürich, 1971.

R. Mingazzini, L’insula di Giasone Magno a Cirene, Rome, 1966.

L. Pernier, Il tempio e altare di Apollo a Cirene, Bergamo, 1935.

E. Pesce, BCH 71-2, 1948/8, pp. 307 sqq.

A. Rowe, D. Buttle, J. Gray, The Cyrenean Expedition of the Manchester University, 1952.1, Manchester, 1956; II, 1959.

R. M. Smith, E. A. Porcher, A History of the Recent Discoveries at Cyrene, London, 1864.

S. Stucci, L’agora di Cirene, Rome, 1965.

S. Stucci, Cirene 1957-66, Tripoli, 1967.


R. G. Goodchild, Cyrene and Apollonia.

R. G. Goodchild, Kyrene und Apollonia.

Encip. dell’Arte antica, 1,1958, pp. 482 sq. sv. Apollonia.

AA 1962, pp. 431-2.

AJA 70, 1966; 71, 1967.

Berenice (Euesperitae)

R. G. Goodchild, Benghazi, the story of a city, Shahat, 1962.

Antiq. 26, 1952, p. 210.

Libya Antiqua, 3, 1965, pp. 91 sqq.

NAMC I, 1915, pp. 74 sq.


NAMC I, 1915, pp. no sq.


F. H., H. W. Beachey, Proceedings of the Expedition to Explore the North Coast of Africa, London, 1828.

C. H. Kraeling, Ptolemais, City of the Libyan Pentapolis, Chicago, 1962.

G. Pesce, Il palazzo delle colonne in Tolemaide di Cirenaica, 1950. Teucheira

AJA 1913, pp. 191 sqq.

DAI, II, Cir. ii, 1936, pp. 39 sqq.

Boardman, Hayes, Excavations at Tocra 1963-5. BSA Supplementary Volume IV, 1966.

Libya Antiqua, I, 2. 1964, 1965.

PEJ 1963, pp. 22 sqq.

SH 7, 1961, pp. 27 sqq.


Map 1. The cities and settlements of ancient Cyrene.

Map 2. Jewish settlement in ancient Cyrene.

Map 3. Cyrenaica — natural vegetation.

Map 4. Cyrenaica — the Water Supply.

Map 5. The geographical setting of ‛Ein Targhuna.

Map 6. The sity of Cyrena. Structures damages in Jewish Revolt. Повреждения зданий во время еврейского восстания.

Key to Map 6

1. Baths.

1a. Roman milestone.

1b. Road to Apollonia.

3. Caesareum.

4. Basilica.

5. Temple of Hecate.

6. Prothura.

7. Temple of Dioscuri.

8. Temple of Pluto.

9. Temple of Artemis.

10. Temple of Apollo.

12. Temple of Apollo Ktistes.

13. Sacred Way.

14. North Gate of City.

15. Temple of Apollo Nymphagetes.

16. Temple of Isis.

17. Fountain of Apollo.

19. Theatre.

20. Temple of Apollo (Agora).

21. Stoa of Zeus.

22. Augusteum.

23. Tomb of Onymastos.

24. Prytaneum.

26. The House of Jason Magnus.

27. Roman Buildings in Acropolis.

28. Shrine over the Tom b of Battus.

29. Monumental Portico.


Abaid, el- 101

Abbiar, el- 3, 5, 75, 77, 80, 81, 94

Abbu Kabir 306

Abella 231

Abraham 228

Abu’al Faraj (Bar Hebraeus) 303, 303n.

Academy 67, 290

Achaeans 8

Acilius Strabo, L. 171, 207, 210, 212

Actium 338n.

—, era of 164, 174

Acts of the Pagan Martyrs 244, 263

Adam 138

Addidaios 141

Adiabene 319

Adriatic Sea 128

Aegina 29

Aeneas Tacitus 34

Africa 28, 44, 45, 69, 127, 129, 214, 214n., 215, 227, 228, 234, 235, 306, 343

African god, the 301

Agatharchides 137

Agathocles 49

Agis 137

Ager publicus populi Romani 110, 111, 169, 170, 171, 173, 203, 205, 206, 208, 208n., 210, 211-215, 217, 219, 223, 232, 250n.

Aglomachus 26, 86

Agoranomos 306-7

Agriculture 82-125

Agrippa II 218, 323, 324

—, M. Vipsanius 65, 69, 72, 184-5, 186, 189

Ahmar, el- 80

Aiglanor son of Demetrius 203

Ailat Fayyid 101

Aizani 136, 210n.

Ajedabia 44-5, 46n., 80, 174 Ajela, el- 104

’Akko (Ptolemais) 144, 150, 173, 174 see also Ptolemais (Phoenicia).

Akoris 40

Aksine 112, 153

Ala Augusta 339».

Alabanda 336

Aladdeir (Alatteir) 26, 43, 187n., 198, 203

Alexander of Cyrene 220

- the Great 32, 48, 53, 97, 106, 108, 128, 144, 178, 179

Alexandria 49, 59, 60, 126, 133, 175n., 178, 179, 180, 182, 202, 219, 221, 222, 242, 243, 244n., 245, 246, 248, 251, 257, 258, 258n., 260, 264, 266-7, 294-5, 307n., 316-7, 329, 331, 332, 335, 335n., 336, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342n.

Alexandrounesos 136

Algeria 225, 343

Amasis 17, 22, 23

Amber 128

Ammon 30, 313

—, Oasis of (Siwa) 28, 45, 48, 127. See also Siwa.

Ammonius of Barka 61

Ampelos 85n.

Amphitheatre, Jewish 160, 164-7

Amphiktyons 39

Anabus 61, 64, 203

Anaoi 89

Andreas 259

Annius, L. 307

Annikeris 41n.

Antaeus 13n.

Antenorids 8

Antigonus Matthias 236n.

Antinoupolis 287

Antioch 269, 304, 319

Antiochus I 53-4

— III 120, 134-5



Jer., Sukk. V, 55b.