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Grinnos 9

Gubba, el- 72, 75, 80, 81, 94, 198

Gylippos 34

Gymnasia 67, 135, 140, 167, 178, 183, 185; at Ptolemais 288; at Cyrene 292, 293

Hadid (Hadita) 141

Hadrian 67, 72, 211n., 229n., 237, 245-6, 247, 252, 269, 270, 273, 275, 277, 282, 283, 285, 287, 291, 292, 293n., 294, 295, 297, 301, 302, 304-5, 307, 3io, 316, 317, 318, 3 19, 326, 339n., 342-3

Hanilai 321

Haniyah, el- 81

Harbours 2, 58-61

Hargiyeh Oasis 28, 45, 229, 315

Har  Ha-Melekh 323

Harrubbah 141

Harvests 117

Hasidai 321

Hasmoneans 139, 143, 242, 306n., 323

Hassa, el- 101

Hassidim 248

Hauran (Auranitis) 174, 262

Hawat, el- 81

Hay 94

Hebrew inscriptions and names 149

Hebron 240

Hecataeus of Abdera 136-7

Helen of Adiabene 299

Hellenodikai 39

Heracles 13n., 239

Heracleia 89

Heracleous Thinoi 104

Heracleopolitis 296

Heraclides of Pontus 32

Heralds 51

Hermes and

Heracles 219

Hermippus 83

Hermoupolis 309

Hermoupolitis 296


Herods 143, 144, 165, 172, 246, 260, 264, 32T

Herodeion t 66

Herodotus 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 21, 26, 27, 30, 33n., 45, 79, 83, 84, 85, 86

Hesiod 12, 15

Hetairea 38, 39n.

Hezeqiah 249

Hezeqiah, High Priest 137-8

Hides 129

Hierapolis 134

Hiera Sykaminos 138

Hieromnamones 39

High Priests 33, 50, 63-4, 73, 113, 186

Hillel of Cyrene 307n.

Hippolytus 302

Hirbet el-Yahud 170, 199, 236

— Maga 111

Homonoia 187

Honey 129

Honio see Onias

Horeb el-Yahud 194n.

Horses 20, 83, 86, 86n., 123-4, 124n., 129

Horus 239

Huldali 141

Huldaios 141, 142

Hutzpit, R. 302

Hydrax 200

Hyginus no, 211, 212-3, 219

Hyrcanus, John 333

Iaboch, Iobbacli 197

Ibn Khaldoun 198, 226

Ibrahimiye, el- 133, 147

Iconoclasm 333-5

Idumaeans 161n., 174n.

Illyria 66, 128

Images, pagan 333-5

Infanticide 155n.


— Adulis 54

— Aiglanor son of Demetrius 203n.

— Augustus’ edicts 69 sqq., 71, 177, 183

— Berenice, Jewish 160-70, 167n., 217

— Cathartic Law 36, 38, 77

— Cereal Stele 90, 97 sqq.

— Demiurgi steles 33, 39, 39n., 64, 87 sqq., 92, 93, 98, 107

— Eleusis, aparché 90

— Epliebe stele 177

— Fayyidieh, el- 199, 199n.

— Founders, Stele of the 10, 15n., 23, 35, 38, 39, 85, 36, 38, 77

— Grain contributions 291-3

— Hadrian’s edicts 292-4

— Memphis 160n.

— Negharnes 205-6

— Ptolemaic constitution 48, 50-52, 104, 106, 108-9, no, 129, 176, 187, 190

— Sunium lease 92

— Teucheira epitaphs iogn., 112, 113, 140, 142, 144-60

Instructors in archery 51

Ionia 51, 126

Irasa 10, 16

Irrigation 67

Isa 47

Iscina locus Augusti iudaeorum 198, 230-1, 230n., 232

Ishmael, R. 303, 327

— ben Phiabi 218-9

Isidorus, Bucolos 333

Isomoiria 180

Isonomia 176n., 180

Isopoliteia 180

Isoteleia 176, 180, 185

Italy 66, 126, 309

Itthalammon son of Apellas 167, 171

Itinerarium Antonini 230

Jacob and Simon sons of Judah 259

Jaffa 139, 144, 175n., 307n., 326, 339

Jarabub Oasis 315

Jarib, el- 80, 81

Jason of Cyrene 139, 218

— son of Ele‛azar 140

Jaulan 80, 81

Jebel el-Ahdar 2, 3, 19, 21, 39, 44, 74, 81, 82, 91, 94, 101, 109n., 119, 171, 223, 290

Jebel Zelten 4

Jerash (Gerasa) 307

Jerba, Isle of 45, 69

Jeremiah 199

Jericho 233, 325

Jerome 266, 295

Jerusalem 65, 137, 154, 167, 169, 215, 216, 219, 221, 236n., 249, 252, 255, 259, 299, 302, 307, 313, 325, 327, 341

Jerwa 198

Jesus 259

Jewish tax (half-sheqel) 221, 233, 246-7

Jews in the Cyrenes Amphitheatre 195

— Archons 193

— Age of marriage 156-7

— Civic status 176-190

— Communal organization 190-5

— Economic position—Teucheira 159

— Liturgies 193

— Military service 191n.

— Occupations 175

— Size of families and mortality 155-6

— — at Berenice 160-67

— — at Cyrene 175, 194

— — at ‛Ein Targhuna 170-74

— — at Ptolemais 167-70

— Teucheira 144-160

— in rural areas 195-200

— in Babylonia 262

— Libyan 307n.

— in Parthia 320n.

Jezreel, Plain of 325

Joab 304

John of Ephesus 334

— Hyrcanus 144

Jonathan the Weaver 152, 219, 220, 221, 222n., 223, 225, 228-9, 232, 258, 328, 344

José son of Synesius 299, 255, 257, 258, 301, 308, 321, 323, 326

Joshua ben Hanania R. 304

Juba 227

Jubilees, Book of 227

Judaea 112, 139, 140, 158, 218,

219, 220, 222, 231, 233, 242, 257, 262, 261, 264, 301, 301n., 322, 324n., 326-7, 331, 336, 339, 341, 342

Judah, agoranomos 306

Judah 249n.

— of Gamala (or Galilee) 249, 255

— the Maccabee 140

Julius Alexander, Tiberius 264, 319

— Caesar 68, 71, 178, 341

Jupiter 239

— Ammon 236

— Capitolinus 242

Juries 209

Justinian 194

Juvenal 333

Kaf e-Sabbat 199

Kainopolis 271, 290

Kapparodis or Kapparodos 139, 197

Katabathma 104

Kalymna 37

Kefar ’Aziz 327

Kenassiyeh, Wadi el- 15

King’s Mountain country, see Har Ha-Melekh 324

Kissos 229n.

Knodara 299

Koinon 56-7, 106

lvoré 302

Korobios 9, 10

Kuf, Wadi el- 3, 77, 80, 171

Kufra 44

Kuré, Spring of (Apollo) 12

Labienus 68

Labrakh 80

Lachares 334

Laconia 15, 128

Lake Chad 45

Lamludah 77, 80, 197n., 199, 272

Lamps 129, 175n., 235-241

Land, cultivated 103, 105, 107

— distribution 21, 21n., 24, 87

— tenure 61

Lanuvium 168, 216-7

Laodicea 243

Lapethos 298

Lato 116

Law courts 69-70

Learchos 17

Lebda, Wadi 76n.


— VII Claudia 269, 319

— III Cyrenaica 235, 300, 301, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 316, 326, 339, 339n.

— XXII Deiotariana 310, 311, 313

— X Fretensis 263, 301, 310

Legumes 90, 92, 93, 116, 117, 125

Lejja, el- 172, 321

Lejjun, el- 318n.

Lentils 93

Lentulus Marcellinus, Cnaeus 207

Leontopolis 134, 143, 147, 151, 153, 182, 318n.

Lepcis Magna 44, 58, 69, 166

Lethe 80

Leucosia 299

Leukon 17, 23

Libya 266, 296, 337

— Inferior 315

— Superior 315

Libyan nome 315

Libyans 13, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 27n., 32, 34, 35, 43, 47, 52, 57, 61-2, 64, 68, 69, 78, 79, 82, 84, 85, 86, 91, 96, 101-2, 107, 114, 123, 124, 125, 144, 149n., 150, 154, 155, 159, 173, 173n., 196, 198, 203, 207, 307

Libyarch 196, 196n., 203

Lindus 11

Lipari 46n.

Liturgies 70

Livy 309

Lobon 198

Locus 231

Loios 116