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I had known our neighbor for a long time. I guess since I was about six years old. My Dad didn't like him because he said he was lazy. I think Dad was jealous because both he and Mom had to work and our neighbor Tom just swam in his pool or tended his property. He had a small train in his garden and spent a lot of time building little buildings and stuff to go with it. I was fascinated and spent so much time over there my folks came over to talk to him. Mom apologized to him for my bothering him but he said I was more than welcome and that he liked to have me help him enjoy his hobby.

Mom was happy I had somewhere to go for the time between my getting home from school and their getting home from work but Dad did not like the idea. He said Tom was just a lazy slob who was content to live on the trust fund his folks had left him and his sloth may rub off on me. He said if Tom was worth a shit he would get a job and raise a family.

Mom finally convinced him we were lucky he did not work in case something happened to me during the three hours I was home alone. Then she took me aside and told me to be very nice to Tom and obey him because he was a free babysitter. If he got tired of having me around she would have to get a babysitter because if our house caught fire they would be in trouble for leaving me alone. She said she would check with Tom every now and then to make sure I was not a bother. She also told me not to swim in his pool because I may drown and to make sure I didn't she would hide my bathing suit. She had noticed that Tom would get so absorbed in pruning the bonsai plants to stay in scale with his railroad he would not notice I was in trouble.

I objected because I told her I was a big girl now and a good swimmer. I was eleven and was really beginning to feel grown up because I was getting boobies. She just said that was the rules and If I did not follow them and mind Tom I would have to stay home. I did not like that because there was nothing to do except watch TV and I had seen all the cartoons.

I told Tom that I would do whatever he wanted because Mom said if I didn't mind him I would not be able to come back. He promised he would tell Mom I was good as long as I did as I was told and didn't cause trouble.

A few days later it was really hot. I came home from school all sweaty and was looking longingly at his pool when he said, "It is really hot. Why don't you go swimming?"

I told him that Mom wouldn't let me because I might drown and to make sure I didn't she hid my bathing suit.

He said that was silly, he would keep an eye on me and since he had a high board fence around his property I could just swim naked and he would make sure I was nice and dry before my Mom came home. He said it could be our secret. If I didn't tell her, he wouldn't.

I was not sure about that since the only people who had seen me naked was Mom and Dad but the pool looked very inviting and he was almost as old as Dad. I decided that it would be all right. After all Mom had told me to do whatever he said which gave me the excuse.

I took off my clothes and slipped into the pool. It really felt good and I felt safe because he watched every move I made. I knew he could rescue me if I got into trouble.

When I got tired of swimming and sat on the edge of the pool he embarrassed me but made me proud when he said, "You are really growing up. You are going to have really nice boobies. They are ready for a bra already. Do you have hair on your crotch yet?" I blushed and said, "Yes, I am a big girl now."

"Really? Come over here. I want to see."

I thought he must have seen it since I had swum on my back part of the time but then realized I had my legs tight together and could not see the hair myself. I stood up and walked over to him where he was sitting on a deck chair.

He was not satisfied with just looking. He felt the downy hair on my crotch and gently tugged on them. It really felt good. I kind of got a tingle in the slit I peed out of. I felt naughty though because Mom had told me I shouldn't touch myself down there or let anyone else touch it. Then he said, "This will help your boobies grow."

He began fondling my boobies and gently pinched and pulled on the nipples. This felt good too and I planned to do it myself a lot to make them grow but then he put his finger in his mouth to wet it then began sliding it up and down my slit. This felt wonderful! My slit really began to tingle now and these strange thrills began to go through my body but then I began to feel guilty and a little frightened. Mom had never told me not to do something unless it was bad for me. Maybe it was like eating too much candy that tasted great at first but I would eventually get sick.

I pulled away from him and when he said, "What is wrong?"

I told him Mom had told me I should not be touched there. It might make me sick or something.

He just laughed and said, "Your Mom just thinks you are too young. Most girls don't like it till they are twelve or thirteen but you are special. I won't tell her you like it if you don't."

"Will you promise you won't tell her? I would never tell her. She would punish me."

He laughed and said, "Cross my heart and hope to die."

"Oh thank you! Are you sure it won't hurt me?"

"I am very sure! It will feel better and better till you get this really great feeling."

"I don't know. I feel guilty doing it since Mom told me not to do it."

"I can fix that too. I will give you a little spanking first. If you are punished for it you won't have to feel guilty."

That made sense to me. When Mom had spanked me for doing something wrong she always hugged me afterward and said she forgave me. I laid across his lap and said I was ready.

That was really a surprise. When Mom spanked me it really hurt but she used a big wooden spoon on my clothes that bruised me. His big hand on my bare bottom caused a little sting and tingle that seemed to create little tingles in my crotch. I was disappointed when he said I had been punished enough then had me sit on his lap facing out while he pulled my legs apart with his. He told me he would show me the thing that gave me pleasure and used his left fingers to spread the lips of my pussy then wet his finger again to slide it over a little nub he called my clitoris. He was right! It felt better and better until the whole front of me was tingling clear to my boobies and then I began to pulsate and pant until I got this wonderful feeling of release and I fell back against his hairy chest as exhausted as I would have become from running. I was even covered with a sheen of sweat.

He gently caressed my stomach and boobies till I calmed down then told me to get back in the pool to cool off and wash off my sweat.

He seemed to be sweaty too and said he had to go in the house for a minute to go to the bathroom. He told me to stay in the shallow end of the pool. When he came back looking all relaxed I had gotten out to lie on a towel in the sun. He had brought out more towels which he used to dry every part of me then told me to get dressed because my folk's would be home soon.

When Mom came over to get me we were innocently trimming branches on his plants. She thanked him for taking care of me and asked if I had been good. He told her that he enjoyed my company and that I was a big help in his garden.

That seemed to make her feel better about using him to babysit me. She told Dad I had been helping trim plants and that Tom did not mind watching me. He said, "Good. As long as she minds him we can forget about hiring the babysitter we had agreed on after that kid set his house on fire. I knew what he was talking about. They always watched the news and the night before there was a story about a kid who had been left alone and had started a fire in the kitchen trying to cook frenchfries. He was not hurt but there had been a lot of damage and the newswoman made a big deal out of unattended kids. The police were investigating to see if the parents should be charged with neglect.

That night in my bed I played with my clitoris again and managed to get that great feeling that caused me to go to sleep right away but it was not as thrilling as when he did it.