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By then all the boys had cum and thanks to the spanking so had Marcie. I just felt frustrated because I had just come close without getting the release I needed.

We all cuddled on the floor naked till we could breathe normally. Then Marcie said, "That was fantastic but it was not at all what I imagined for my first time."

Bill said, "Really? This was your first time? The way you took my dick in your mouth I thought you were really experienced."

"No. I just saw a picture of a girl doing it in one of my uncles dirty magazines and wondered what it would be like to do it."

That confirmed she would keep my secret because I knew she didn't have an uncle.

"So how did you like it?"

"It was kind of gross when your stuff shot in my mouth but it did not taste bad and I was so excited from the spanking and Mike's dick in me I just didn't care."

Jim said, "The spanking really excited you didn't it."

"Yeah. It was strange. At first it just seemed silly then I was embarrassed when Jill bared my cheeks, after that it really hurt for awhile but then it began to give me thrills through my whole body. I am mad at Jill though. She said that it would just be a little birthday spanking I expected to be on top of my clothes. If I had known I would be naked and how much it would hurt I wouldn't have done it. My poor bottom still stings."

I said, "Yeah but you ended up loving it. Besides you were just hit on your butt. That is no big deal." She did not argue although I knew some of the spanks hit her pussy. She must have been so excited she did not realize where the belt was landing. She did not like the idea of me saying it was no big deal.

She retorted, "Oh yeah. You are so brave. Your birthday is almost a year away. By then you will probably try to weasel out of it."

"No I won't! I am brave! For my spanking I will let them hang me from this beam in the ceiling like the picture in my history book so one can hit my butt while another can hit my tummy and boobs. I didn't get my turn. I will let you have a turn too."

"I don't believe you. If you are that brave you would let us do it today. You know you might not even be around here a year from now."

I am too that brave. I will prove it. I will take the thirteen spanks from all of you now and do it again on my birthday. Since you think you had to suffer you can spank my most sensitive places, my pussy and my boobies. We will see who is brave!"

The boys cheered and agreed I was really brave. Jim sent them out to the garage to get some rope. I told Jim to get a towel or something to put around my wrists so the rope would not cut them. Marcie was really impressed, "God. You have a lot of guts. They will really love seeing your big boobs bounce when hit. They may not hit them easy like you did mine."

About then the boys came back in with rope and Jim had me hold out my wrists while he wrapped the towel around them. When the rope had been wrapped around my wrist they threw the rope over the beam and pulled down on it to lift me off the floor. By then I was super excited and became even more so when after I was hung up Jim pulled my t-shirt over my head and wrapped it around the rope then slowly pulled down my skirt and panties to leave me hanging there naked. They all agreed my body looked wonderful hanging like that and gathered around me to feel my tight tummy and uplifted boobies.

Anticipation and excitement kept building as they cut cards to see who would be first to last. They decided that since there were more things to hit on my front the first in line would give five on my butt then move to my front to give the last seven while the next in line did my butt. After the first five I would be getting lashes on my front and back at the same time. I didn't worry about it since their belts were just light dress belts and had just turned Marcie's butt red.

I did become apprehensive when Marcie said, "My legs were apart. If we don't get her legs apart we will never be able to spank her pussy."

Jim said, "That is no problem. We have gobs of rope. Two of them knelt to tie rope to my ankles then pulled my legs wide apart and tied the ends to heavy furniture. I felt a coolness at my slit and realized that my pussy had opened and the coolness was from a breeze evaporating the liquid wetting my pussy.

Then Marcie said, "Since I am not as strong as you boys I will just hit her pussy and boobies."

They agreed as long as she moved to last position. I moaned, knowing that by the time Marcie had her turn my boobs and pussy should be really sensitive.

Like with Marcie they did not hit very hard. My skin got red and there was some sharp pain when the tip of a belt would hit my nipples or pussy but it was mostly pure excitement. It was even possible to close my eyes to fantasize about being tortured by Nazis to give up my secrets.

Just as I was going into a series of orgasms there was a pause. I opened my eyes to see Marcie standing in front of me holding the thickest belt and the boys on each side of her with excited looks on their faces while they fondled their hard dicks.

Marcie hit the outside of my left breast to make it jump violently and begin a burn to make heat run down my tummy to my pussy then she backhanded my right breast even harder. I squealed and moaned. Marcie said, "You aren't so brave. You will be screaming before I finish."

"I looked at her defiantly and moaned, "You won't make me scream. You won't!"

The boys cheered and then cheered again when she swung the belt around as if she was a softball pitcher and buried the belt into my sensitive pussy and clit. She must have loved the cheers from the boys that lacked the nerve to really hurt me because she put all the rest of the lashes on my gaping pussy or nipples. It hurt awful and I had to clench my teeth to keep from screaming.

Jim made it worthwhile by plunging his dick into my pussy seconds after she stopped lashing it to bring me to a glorious orgasm.

Mike laid on his back to pull Marcie down on his dick while Bill pushed her forward in order to get his dick in her butt. Tim pulled her head to one side to push his dick in her mouth.

We spent the rest of the afternoon hugging, fondling, fucking and sucking till the boys could not get hard again.

Jim and Tim said that as a treat they would take us out for burgers and a movie.

I hurried home to change clothes and to tell Mom I had a date. I was crushed when she said I was too young to date and would not be able to do it till I was fourteen and then it would have to be with an adult going along. Marcie called me crying to say her Mother had said the same thing.

I called Jim crying, to tell him what Mom had said. He understood and said we could still see each other on weekends because I could just tell her I was going shopping or something. I went into my room to cry over the injustice but after awhile I decided that this was all right. I still had Tom all week and would have Jim and the other boys on weekends. I knew I would not really miss dating since I would just be frustrated sitting next to him in a movie when we could be having sex.

My mom seemed relieved when she called me down to dinner and I seemed resolved to the fact I would not be dating.

It was hell for poor Marcie. Like me she had to go home right after school and could only get out on weekends during the day. She would be desperate for a real orgasm by the weekend. Like me she discovered that it was just not enough anymore to play with herself under the covers. The tiny orgasms she managed to get would only make her more desperate to get the multiple orgasms from pain and sex the boys could give her. Marcie was different than me. She confessed that she had become totally addicted to orgasms and had trouble sleeping or concentrating as her mind raced with fantasies. She also felt differently about pain. I enjoyed the sting and tingles as foreplay while she really felt guilty over her obsession and could only really enjoy sex after being punished enough to relieve her guilt. It didn't make sense since she had told me she could get orgasms by imagining herself being tortured while playing with herself. In any case she became very agitated as she waited for our weekends.To make matters worse there were weekends where everyone's parents were home and we had nowhere to go.