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I began to look forward to the weekend sessions even more because Tom had no imagination and just wanted to spank me easy so I had no marks and evidentally being older lost interest in fucking me every day. He began skipping days and even then had to whip me longer for him to get excited. By the time the weekend came I was almost as desperate for ultimate orgasms as Marcie.

I drew a slip that was pure pleasure. The boys made a sandwich of me by fucking my pussy and ass at the same time while I sat on their dicks.The boys waiting their turns spanked my breasts with soft straps. I loved the feeling of two dicks at once filling me while my boobs stung and quaked under the straps until I was so out of it I was almost completely supported just by their dicks.

Marcie drew the slip that excited Jim so much his voice quavered when he read it.

"Oh, wow! We are supposed to put big safety pins in her nipples and pussy then tie twine to them to pull her tits up toward the ceiling as far as they will stretch while she stands on her tip toes then use twine to pull her pussy lips apart as far as they will stretch. We just watch her until she gets tired enough to let her heels down to the floor every second less than four minutes earns her a lash. Then two of us whip her ass with switches, two others whip her tits with our belts, while Jill hits her "Gaping" pussy with the special strap."

I was shocked. If Jim had not fooled us by having us do our own tortures that could have happened to me. I said, Marcie! You lied! you said most of your things were easy. How could you want to do that to me!"

She sheepishly said, "I'm sorry. I told you I liked to see your tits tortured. I deserve this. I hope it hurts awful to make up to you."

They had brought boxes with things to make it possible to perform. My box Just had string to tie around my boobs to make them hard and round for spanking, some regular safety pins, and a whip I had made of small insulated copper wire.

Her box was a lot bigger. Jim went to it and brought out the biggest safety pins I had ever seen. I found out later they were used to hold down canvas tarps. Then he brought out the strap. She had glued cockle burrs to it as close as she could get them. She gasped when he brought it out. I could not tell if it was from fear or excitement.

Two of the boys held her arms while Mike, the strongest, hugged her against his stomach while Jim pulled out her nipples to force the pins in them. She had not been smart enough to make the points really sharp. She made blood curdling screams while he worked the pins through. They made big bumps at the exit before they tore through. She cried in relief when the last one was in and locked.

The laid her down on the floor holding her legs apart While Jim pulled on the pussy lips to find the perfect place to put them to get as much of her pussy open as possible.

I don't know if that hurt less than her nipples or her excitement had grown but she did not scream. She just moaned and whined through the whole thing.

After that they decided to take a break to share a couple of beers. That may have been worse for Marcie because it gave her a chance to think of the ordeal yet to come especially since the boys tugged on her pins while they drank. She began to whine that she had suffered enough but the boys reminded her that she was the one that thought of the ordeal and was going to subject her best friend to it. She sobbed but then took a deep breath and said, "Lets get it over with."

When they were done it looked both obscene and horribly painful. Even though she tried to get as high as possible on her toes her tits and nipples were stretched up till the pins were at her chin. To make it even worse her arms were tied behind her back and lifted by a rope around her neck so she had trouble keeping her balance. Her tits and nipples, super sensitive from the fresh piercing, would stretch alarmingly as she stepped forward or back to keep her balance. Her pussy lips were pulled open so far it made an oval hole to let us see clear inside. We all stared at her avidly as her heels would start coming down only to go up again when the pins pulled so hard on her nipples I was afraid they would tear through the skin.

Finally her heels rested on the ground while she sobbed. We got up fantastically excited to start her whipping. She earned thirty lashes.

I am ashamed to admit we were not very nice. It could have been over quickly if we had all hit at the same time and fast. Instead we took turns. She would get a lash to her butt leaving an angry red line to make her pull on the pins, Then one to the ultra white underside of her tits which would make her scream and jump at the jerk that would cause on her nipples, then I would bring the strap into her open pussy with the burrs hitting her clitoris. With the stickery burrs that had sharp hooks like one side of velcro I did not have to hit hard to make her scream but toward the end I became so excited. My strap was hitting hard enough to make a loud "Slap!" and the juice of her pussy was softening the glue enough to leave burrs stuck in her hole when I pulled back the strap.

At a lash about every two seconds the ordeal only lasted about three minutes but it was so intense that when we decided to give her the last three lashes all at once she slumped in exhaustion. I could not believe it. Nipples must have really tough skin. They supported the dead weight of her body with a pull so hard the big pins bent in an oval shape. Mike grabbed her to lift her up while Jim cut the cords. Then they put her on the mattress where she immediately went to sleep. They all came to me with throbbing hardons. It looked as if they would never get soft. I had a dick in my mouth, ass, pussy, and hands long enough to almost pass out too.

Marcie was asleep for quite awhile. When she came to we were so grateful even the boys were willing to lick her pussy while holding it open with her pins. She came so many times she finally said she was too tired to go on.

Even as young and healthy as we were we laid around about an hour before we were ready to go home. Jim offered to take out her pins but she said she wanted them left in and to just cut off the cords.

She wore them four days till she found some gold hoops to replace them. Naturally since the pins had not been put in alcohol or heated before putting them in she became infected so had to suffer the burn of my soaking her nipples and pussy in iodine.

She teased me all week about my not having the courage to have my nipples and pussy pierced. I did not like that especially since I was the first to discover the thrill of pain so I told her I would do it next Saturday. I cheated a little. I took the pins from her and spent hours sharpening the points to make them easier to go in then packed them in cotton soaked with disinfectant.

THe next Saturday I said since Marcie had made them so excited I would find the slip to put pins in my nipples and pussy. I was sick not being able to get the three slips I found before the pin one because they all involved having my pussy spanked then licked which I knew would have really made me cum.

I finally found the slip and gave it to Jim to read. I was really glad I had not been as mean as Marcie. In my version after the pins were in the cords were tied around my neck to make a kind of bra that held them up and the pins in my pussy were just tied around my butt.

When Jim went to my sack to get my pins and the whip I hade made with nine thongs of small electrical wire they all cheered when I said they could use Marcie's big pins rather than the small ones in my sack.

I was really impressed with Marcie's tolerance for pain when they were put in. Even with sharp points it hurt awful. Dull ones must have been unreal. I was glad I only set thirty lashes with ten on my butt, pussy, and breasts because my wire whip really dug in and hurt. When they finished I was covered with skinny dark red lines with places oozing blood. It was worth it though because they spent a lot of time caressing salve on me and since Marcie had used all six of her lashes on my tits and pussy she licked me till I could cum.