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Rape was the first thing that came to mind, but wasn’t the last. Unfortunately the possibilities were endless.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” Jimmy said.

Samantha opened her eyes.

“Not unless you try and hurt me or get away,” Jimmy added.

His voice caused something within her to snap and before she even realized she was going to say it the words, “What the fuck are you doing?” echoed.

Jimmy actually seemed to consider her question for a moment, but didn’t answer it right away. Instead he just shrugged. It was a simple gesture, yet one that caused a chill to race down her arms. He then started to undo his belt and the chill turned into genuine fear.

No, Samantha thought, her voice unable to muster any actual words. Please don’t.

Jimmy didn’t take off his pants, however, and fear of rape was suddenly replaced by a different worry as he coiled part of the belt around his right fist.

“To be honest with you,” Jimmy said. “I don’t really know what I’m doing. I’ve never kidnapped anyone before, and since you’ve never been kidnapped before it will be a learning experience for both of us.” A second shrug followed, along with a smile that added to her fear. “Just remember that I’m in charge.”

With that Jimmy disappeared behind her.

She struggled to twist around to see what he was going to do, but before she could even move the leather belt cracked across her back and unleashed a terrible line of pain.

Tears began falling from her eyes.

She expected more but nothing happened, and then Jimmy walked back into her line of sight. The buckle end of the belt was still coiled around his fist.

“That was gentle compared to what I could do. If I wanted to I could spend all afternoon hitting you like that and there is nothing you could do to stop me.” He sighed and started to put his belt back on. “And just think what it will be like if I cut your shirt off and hit your bare flesh?”

Samantha couldn’t imagine the pain being any worse than what she had just felt, but knew it probably would be. She also knew his words were true.  He could and would do anything he wanted to her. What would those wants be?

* * *

Though he could have stayed with Samantha for hours, his mind and body enjoying the wonderful situation he had created, Jimmy knew that word of her disappearance would spread once her family realized she wasn’t coming home and that the forty minute or so period between the end of school and her expected arrival home would be the target time used by the police to determine who had taken her. Because of this he wanted to be home for most of that time period, his body looking completely relaxed and seemingly relieved to have finished another day at school. Adding to this illusion that he had been home all along would be his little brother Alan. Normally the two would walk home together, but that day Alan had needed to stay after school for detention, and therefore wouldn’t be home until four. Upon his arrival Alan would see Jimmy and just assume he had been there since school let out, which in turn would aid in his alibi if one were ever needed. Then again, no alibi would ever help him if Samantha were found and told everyone that he was responsible. Thankfully Jimmy didn’t think that would ever become a reality.

The walk home from the Hood place didn’t take long. Once there, however, he had trouble relaxing because he kept thinking about Samantha and all the things he could do to her, which in turn caused an erection to press against his pants, one he didn’t want to deal with because later that night he planned on going back to the fallout shelter, and he didn’t want to be depleted. Unfortunately he couldn’t hold back and after looking at the clock and realizing his brother still had about fifteen minutes of detention time left, he headed up to his room and opened up one of his downloaded videos.

On screen a girl in a leather outfit was standing with her wrists tied over her head, a large ball gag in her mouth. Having watched the video many times Jimmy knew that it wouldn’t be long before the girl was lowered to her knees and forced to suck dick, the ball gag having been removed. Later it would be put back in place once the man had deposited his load in her mouth. Jimmy didn’t make it that far into the scene before he found himself burying another pair of underpants in the hamper, one which already had three pairs at the bottom despite his doing laundry two days earlier, crusty patches of semen clinging to each.

An odd but familiar disgust greeted him once he was finished, only this time it was not a result of how much money he had wasted on the kinky video downloads. Instead it was the knowledge that he had finally given in to the desire. All his life he had dreamed of kidnapping and tying up a girl so she had to stand with her wrists pulled over her head for days at a time, but had always been able to keep the desire a fantasy. Now it was a reality, one which he had often feared finding himself in because it would mean he had crossed the line.

Of course the feeling would pass. It always did with the videos and would with this situation as well. Also, deep down inside Jimmy knew it would only have been a matter of time before he did something like this anyway; once a fantasy was firmly in place in a persons brain there was no getting around it. He couldn’t suppress his sexual desire anymore than a homosexual could suppress theirs and no amount of ‘sexual reeducation therapy’ would have helped.

* * *

Her hands began to tingle half an hour after Jimmy left, and she desperately wanted free. Never before had Samantha stood like this for so long and already her legs were feeling weak and her lower back tired. Her hands were the worst, however, because whenever she relaxed her feet or legs the rope would tighten around her wrists and cut the blood flow off. Even when standing tall, her toes holding up her entire body, the ropes were uncomfortable.

The spot where Jimmy had hit her with the belt also hurt, though the pain from the lashing had faded considerably since his departure. What would ten hits feel like? Or twenty? Or thirty? And what would the other things he did to her be like? Thinking about this chilled her to the core.

Tears once again began falling from her eyes. She managed to brush some of them away with the inside of her arm, but most ran down her cheeks and fell to the floor.

She shifted her position. The pressure on her wrists grew. She tried raising her arms higher than the rope but it was an impossible task. Even if the rope were removed her exhausted muscles would not allow such an extension. Already they were screaming to have her arms lowered.

Curious as to what her hands looked like Samantha forced her head back and looked up. The rope that bound her wrists had been wrapped around several times before being knotted. A second rope was then tied to the first and then ran over a pipe in the ceiling before being tied to the one coming out of the wall.

Jimmy had said something about punishing her if she tried to escape, but really, given the tightness of the ropes, it was something he didn’t need to worry about. There was no way she would get free without help.

Her neck began to ache so she let it fall toward her chest again. Her eyes studied her shoes, yet her mind ignored them, and instead focused on her parents.

What were they thinking?

Were they even home yet?

Samantha had no idea what time it was. It seemed as if hours upon hours had passed, yet she knew this probably was not the case.

Her eyes moved from her feet and looked around the room. There was no clock. The place was not barren though. Fear of some sort of world war outbreak had caused the Hood family to stockpile many supplies inside the small fallout shelter. Wooden shelves ran the length of the entire wall to her left, canned foods, dry goods, and bottled water piled high upon them. The other side of the room had several coils of rope stacked one on top of the other. There were only two shelves on the right side, and upon them sat light bulbs and cleaning supplies. Between the two walls was a simple doorway, the opening closed off by a huge steel structure that had no window or openings of any kind. On the other side was the stairway, and the world she had once taken for granted.