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Maybe in time, once she was completely broken to the point of being unable to think of anything but pleasing him things would be different, but right now he had to be careful. One day of standing with her wrists tied over her head wasn’t enough to make her devoted to him. Hell, one week probably wouldn’t be enough.

But by this time tomorrow she will be sorry, which would be a step in the right direction.

Earlier he had developed a soft spot and felt bad for being cruel to her, now that wouldn’t be the case, and any time he felt a soft spot starting to develop he would smother it. The risk of her getting the better of him was just too great. He couldn’t allow it to happen. He couldn’t allow himself to see Samantha as anything more than an object he used for his own pleasure. Two days ago such an idea would have been unthinkable, now it was absolutely necessary. He wasn’t a mean person and hated making people feel bad in normal everyday life, but now he didn’t have a choice, not unless he wanted to spend the rest of his life in jail.

No mercy, ever. If she misbehaves you punish her.

At the moment he had accomplished that and had her in a position that she wouldn’t forget for a long time and would make her regret what she had done.

Jimmy knew this because he had hanged himself from the wrists many times when no one was home, and in the fallout shelter from time to time just to see what it was like, his mind always imagining he was some poor medieval peasant girl locked in a dungeon, hanging from her wrists until she confessed to some trumped-up charge.

It was an incredibly painful position, especially when rope was used and the longest he had ever been able to endure it was ten minutes, and only then on rare occasions, because once he ejaculated, which happened every time even without genital contact, he usually grew weary of the fantasy and let himself down. Sometimes, however, his determination to experience it got the upper hand and he stayed like that for the set time limit, which was always ten minutes because of his fear of getting stuck, which had nearly happened once, his fingers and hands too numb to undo the knots. It had been frightening, especially since his parents would have found him if he hadn’t been able to get free.

Samantha’s been hanging there much longer than ten minutes already, he said to himself, his mind thinking it had to be nearing midnight. And will continue to hang there until tomorrow afternoon.

God, what would that be like? A part of him wanted to feel the experience without the damaging consequences just so he could understand it. Another part couldn’t wait for the time to pass because he wanted to see what she looked like after all of it — her hands especially — and how she felt once she was lowered back to the ground.

These thoughts, mixed in with everything that had happened during the last half hour, caused an erection to build; one which he knew wouldn’t go away.

In his mind he saw himself going home and looking at some computer porn to get rid of it and then taking a shower, but then dismissed the idea because it just didn’t seem all that exciting. Plus he would have to wait for the computer to boot up and then connect to the Internet, and then would get sucked in to a dozen different sites, all of which would cause him to spend hours online which meant he would never get to sleep.

You could fuck Samantha.

The idea stuck and even though he wouldn’t be tall enough to reach her pussy with his dick he knew he could move some of the giant containers down there and stand on them. That would get him high enough for sure.

What if she has an STD?

The thought chilled him to the core, especially since he didn’t have any condoms.

What are the chances a high school senior has something?

Jimmy didn’t know the statistics on this, but knew the rate was growing and that there was a chance she had something.

At the same time he really wanted to know how it felt to have his penis up inside someone, though not as much as he desired the feel of having a mouth around it.

At least you won’t have to worry about taking care of a baby if you get her pregnant.

Jimmy smiled at the thought as he considered his options, his mind marveling at the fact that he had just eliminated one of the greatest of all the high school fears. However, it also made him admit the fact that he was never going to let Samantha go and that in all honesty she would die at some point, his own hands being responsible.

To his surprise the thought didn’t upset him all that much even though he didn’t like to think of himself as a killer. In fact, it brought to mind something he had seen in the past that he was curious about, something that also sexually stimulated him at times though wasn’t something he had ever dreamt he would truly get to see.

His hand started rubbing his penis through his pants. A few seconds later he went back into the fallout shelter, the words, “Let me down, please,” greeting him and causing his erection to thump even more.

Chapter Seven

Jimmy woke up the next morning completely exhausted and sore, and wished he could simply lie in bed for a few more hours, his mind focused on nothing but the TV and whatever programs they liked to spit out between six and ten. Of course knowing the consequences of such actions, Jimmy didn’t allow himself to get sucked in and forced himself to his feet, his body moaning with protests as his joints popped and his muscles flexed.

Oh god, he said to himself while putting his hands on his lower back and stretching his chest upward.

A smile followed.

Upstairs a pot of coffee was waiting along with Alan who was just finishing with a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.

“You’re up later than usual,” Alan noted.

“Yeah, couldn’t sleep,” Jimmy said while pouring himself some coffee, one which he added plenty of cream and sugar to.

“I know, me either. I was too worked up about the fight with Brett.”

“What fight?” Kelly Hawthorn asked while stepping into the kitchen.

“Ah it wasn’t really a fight,” Jimmy said.

“Yeah, Brett Murphy snagged Jimmy’s bike while he was taking a break from riding and we went and got it back from him,” Alan said.

“Was anyone hurt?” she asked.

“No, well, maybe just Brett’s ego,” Jimmy said and then took a sip of coffee. “Ugh, god.”

“Your brother made it,” Kelly said.

“Hey, I’ve never made coffee before,” Alan protested. “It’s always ready when I get up.”

“Tell him how many scoops of coffee you added.”


“What?” Jimmy looked down at his cup. “It’s only supposed to be five, and that’s when you make a full pot.”

“Yeah, well, I made us ten cups and thought that meant ten scoops.” Alan shrugged. “And I didn’t really think it tasted all that bad.”

“Not that bad, it’s terrible. And how in the world did you fit ten scoops in that thing?” While asking this Jimmy noticed coffee grounds floating in his cup, which meant it probably hadn’t all fit.

“I just kept pressing it down with my fingers.”

Frustrated because coffee was the cornerstone of a good day, Jimmy set his cup down and said, “You could have just woken me up, I would have made it.”

“I figured you wanted to sleep in after your bike ride last night.”

“Another bike ride,” Kelly said. “Wow, you’re becoming quite the little athlete.”


“Actually I think he’s riding a lot because he’s nervous about the prom,” Alan said.

Jimmy watched as his mother’s eyes actually seemed to grow while also slightly popping forward. “Jimmy Hawthorn,” she said while crossing her arms, “you have been hiding a girl from us.”