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Megan couldn’t stand the screams as Samantha tried to keep her wrists elevated above the ropes and quickly tried to distract herself by looking at the shelves of food. She also pressed her biceps into her ears, but that did little to drown out the sounds. Thankfully they didn’t last too long, though the gasps Samantha continued to make once the screams faded indicated that the pain hadn’t eased up any. Megan didn’t care just as long as the screams had stopped.

* * *

Tina could somehow tell that Rebecca had made the discovery, and prepared herself for the coming confrontation, but it never happened. Instead her mother stayed in her room for a long time, and then headed downstairs for a while, never once speaking to Tina or even venturing down the hallway toward her room. The situation was unnerving, especially given how uncharacteristic it was. Just the fact that Rebecca hadn’t said anything about Tina not making dinner since it was her night to cook was bizarre, but stirring it in with the prom ticket situation, that made it unreal.

It’s all part of a scheme, Tina said to herself while waiting on her bed.

Unfortunately she had no idea what that scheme was, which in turn meant she couldn’t prepare herself for it, thus causing her anxiety to skyrocket.

What is she waiting for?

The silence almost made Tina want to go confront her, but she knew that would be a mistake. Instead she would just mirror Rebecca. If she wanted to play the silent game Tina would play as well.

* * *

“Did you two stop by Taco Bell again?”

Jimmy looked up at his mother and then down at his plate, which he had barely touched.

“Jimmy did,” Alan said. “I told him not to and tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t listen and forced me to go with him and then threatened to tie me up and shove tacos down my throat all day if I said anything.”

“Shut up!” Jimmy snapped. He shook his head and said, “We didn’t stop at Taco Bell, I just got lost in thought there for a moment.”

“Where you able to get yourself all measured for your tux?” Kelly Hawthorn asked.

“Tux?” George, their father, asked.

“For the prom,” Kelly said.

“Prom,” George said. “You’re going to the prom?”

“Yes,” Jimmy said. His father always seemed one step behind when it came to current events in the Hawthorn household, despite always being around when things happened or hearing about them. It was strange and frustrating.

“Why didn’t anyone tell me?”

“George, we talked about it last night at dinner,” Kelly said.

“You talked about the prom, but no one ever mentioned anything about going.”

Jimmy stood up from the table and grabbed his plate, his mind too high strung to deal with a conversation like this, and his stomach too tense to handle the heavy spaghetti dinner.

“Honey, you haven’t eaten a thing,” Kelly said.

“I know, I’m sorry, I’m just not hungry.”

“Well at least sit with us while we finish dinner,” George said.

“I can’t,” Jimmy said.

“Why not?”

“I just need to get out for a while.” Jimmy didn’t know what else to say.  All afternoon he had been thinking about Megan and what he had done after school. It had been way too risky and probably unnecessary because chances were she wouldn’t have found a thing even if she searched the Hood place. At the time, however, his mind hadn’t really thought about the risk and instead just wanted her and her thoughts on the kidnapping out of the way. He also had been excited about the idea of having another girl down there. Two was better than one.

And they are best friends.

It was this final thought more than any others that was really tormenting him now because he wondered if he would be able to use that friendship against them. Would he be able to force one to do something on the threat of the other being punished? Even better, would he be able to force the two to compete against each other.

In his mind he saw both girls on their knees before him taking turns giving him a blowjob. Whoever made him cum first and swallowed everything would get to spend the night handcuffed to the post while sitting down — no more ropes for a position like that — while the other would be stretched to the very tips of their toes all night long, or maybe even put into a strappado position.

His pants bulged with the thought.

Of course, he didn’t even have the handcuffs yet to make such a situation possible, nor did he think he would be able to muster up the courage to stick his penis down their throats even though it was something he desperately wanted to experience. It was just too risky. In time maybe this wouldn’t be the case and they would be broken enough to do whatever he asked without question, but now that wasn’t possible.

I should knock out all their teeth, he thought to himself. That would solve the problem.

He wondered if such a thing would be possible. Could he safely remove their teeth without having to worry about infection killing them?

In his mind he saw the pliers yanking free a tooth. Once they were removed he would grab a bottle of peroxide and make them swish it around.

This led to another thought. What if the girls got tooth infections and cavities because they were no longer brushing or flossing?

God, he hadn’t even thought about this. A tooth infection could be fatal if left untreated.

He would have to start having them brush their teeth, or brush them for them if they refused to cooperate.

“Jimmy, why don’t you put the plate in the fridge in case you want some later,” Kelly suggested.

“Okay,” Jimmy said. He had already been planning on doing just that. Moments later the plate was sealed up with saran wrap and sitting on the bottom shelf.

He headed down to his room, his plan being to head to the fallout shelter once everyone went to bed, the way he used to wait to watch bondage flicks he had ordered in the mail or downloaded, the distance between his room in the basement and their rooms on the second floor making it so he could have the sound on low without worrying about them hearing it. Of course, one hand was always ready to mute things if he heard movement above.

Unfortunately, once he was in his room he couldn’t stop thinking about Megan and Samantha, a mix of excitement and terror illuminating the situation.

You shouldn’t have grabbed Megan, his mind would say. Not with her father being the sheriff.

This was always followed by an image of how hot she looked with her hands stretched over her head, her large breasts thrust forward against her tight shirt, her body waiting for whatever violations he had in mind.

The thoughts led him to look at some bondage sites on the computer, his goal being to find pictures similar to the image of Megan that he carried in his mind. Several of them appeared on screen without much effort, but there wasn’t any real thrill or excitement at seeing them. This didn’t stop him from saving the pictures to his hard drive, but it did make him realize he wasn’t going to wait until his family went to bed to go see Samantha and Megan. Nope. He was going now.

* * *

“What are you doing?” Samantha asked.

Megan didn’t answer right away and instead focused on turning her purse upside down. It wasn’t an easy task despite how simple it seemed. Every time she hooked her foot through the strap and tried to flip the purse, her foot would slip free, and every time she tried to simply scoot her foot under the purse and flip it over she would only manage to push the purse farther away. Once that happened she would have to hook the strap again and pull the purse back. It was frustrating.