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If another girl is reported missing this evening maybe… an image of a fingernail being ripped in a struggle filled his head.

Nothing behind the house pointed toward a struggle and so far all the reports of missing children that afternoon had been false alarms — most being the result of a late bus home from school, and one due to a parent that forgot their daughter had work that evening.

Paul’s radio came to life while he was walking behind the old shed on the corner of the Hood property and reported a car accident on the other side of town, one which sounded pretty bad.

“I can be there in eight minutes,” Paul said into the radio and quickly hurried back to his patrol car, thoughts on Jimmy Hawthorn and the missing girls quickly disappearing from his mind.

* * *

Brett sat in his room for a long time that night watching the videos Jimmy had thrown away, his mind playing with ideas on how to use the tapes against him. Earlier he had seen his stupid little girlfriend in the hallway during some odd commotion; one which had involved a deputy being called to the school and wondered what would happen if he gave some of the tapes to her.

What if she likes this stuff too and gets all freaky with Jimmy? Hell the two probably were making their own tapes and posting them on some obscure website.

Still, he wanted Jimmy to know he had these tapes and the best way to do that was to give one to the girl. And if it turned out she didn’t know about the tapes or how sick and twisted Jimmy was it would be even better because she would probably dump him right before the prom.

Now if only Jimmy were in some of these tapes.

Sadly he didn’t think this would be the case. If it was he would have made plans to somehow show the tape during the dance, maybe on a projector screen or something so that everyone could see what a freak he was.

On screen he watched as a girl was lifted off the ground by her wrists and then tormented with a pink vibrator. Kneeling next to her was another girl, this one sucking the man’s dick while he used the vibrator on the first girl.

Brett couldn’t believe people enjoyed stuff like this, especially people like the girls in the video. It was sick.

At the same time he wondered what he would do if he was one of those guys and knew he could do whatever he wanted with them. Would he join in? If so he wouldn’t have to live with the disgrace of still being a virgin, something that weighed heavily on his mind day in and day out, especially since he knew Matt was no longer one, the jerk having scored some pussy with his coworker at the video store last year.

It pissed him off.

Chapter Eleven

Megan peed herself halfway through the night while shivering from the cold, her wet clothes making it impossible for her body to stay warm as all the heat was sucked away from the underground shelter once the sun set. It was a miserable situation, one made even worse due to her position. Had she simply been tied up on the floor she could have scrunched herself into the fetal position, or in a corner, and maybe with one of those wool blankets. Instead she was stretched out, her entire body exposed to the air.

“You’ve been hung up to dry!”

She jerked her head toward the sound, but Samantha was the only other person in the room with her — as far as she could tell — and the voice had most certainly not been hers.

“Not funny,” she said.

No one replied.

Megan stretched open her eyes and looked around a second time, her body slowly twisting so that she could see the back of the shelter.

You’re imagining things, she said to herself.

It was the lack of sleep and food.

Her eyes relaxed, the heaviness of her lids making it hard to hold them focused. She could not sleep. At points she managed to doze off, but it was never deep, which was why her mind was now trying to dream while awake. It was trying to force her body into that much needed rejuvenating state.

Megan tried to fight it, but to no avail. Hanging like this in wet clothes made it impossible. Hell, hanging like this in dry clothes would have made it impossible too.

She twisted toward Samantha who was asleep and envied her position, again. The girl was lucky. Jimmy had allowed her to stay on the ground.

“The cold concrete ground.”

Again the voice didn’t seem to be her own, yet she knew it was.

“The two are working together!”

Megan shook the thought away and once again tried to focus her mind. It didn’t work. A permanent haze hung over everything, one that seemed to grow thicker and thicker with each passing moment. It was so bad that Megan didn’t even realize she was peeing in her own pants until after the fact. Instead she felt an annoying ache in her lower regions followed by relief and pleasant warmth, one which sadly faded quickly.

Disgust followed once she recognized the act.

It would have been one thing if she had been holding the need in for hours, the pressure building and building until she couldn’t take it anymore and had to open up. It was another for it to just happen.

Memories of Samantha lying on the ground the other day, urine flowing freely down her leg arrived.

No! No! No!

She didn’t want to become like that. Worse, she didn’t want to be aware that she was becoming like that.

“It will happen!” This time the voice seemed to echo across the shelter.

Please, God, NO!

She struggled at the ropes, the fresh scabs where the skin had torn the other day and then started to heal during her inactivity, tearing free.

A little bit of blood dripped down her right arm.

Shivers followed.

And then the haze grew even thicker. Several hours passed without her being aware of it.

Jimmy was now in the room.

Megan said something about him bringing back the warmth.

“What?” Jimmy asked.

Megan didn’t reply, though this time it wasn’t a result of defiance. Instead she simply had no idea what she had said, the words a minced up mess even within her own mind, and couldn’t repeat them, the thoughts that had generated them having quietly fled.

Jimmy yawned and then went back to the tin bucket, which he had filled with soapy water. He also had a pink loofa sitting on the floor.

Once finished with that he stood up and walked over toward her and said, “If you fight me this time I will really make you suffer.”

Megan heard the words but couldn’t really understand what he meant by them until he started undoing her pants. Once she realized this she started to struggle, but then found herself too exhausted and let him do what he needed.

It felt good having the wet clothes removed.

His work with the loofa felt even better despite how cold the water was.

Afterward she felt as if a pound of grime had come off her body.

Don’t let him do this, her mind screamed.

Megan ignored the statement. Later, once she got her strength back she would resist his advances. Right now she just didn’t have the energy.

“I’m going to lower you a little,” Jimmy said.

Her body fell before she even understood what his words meant, and had it not been for the rope and his hands, she would have hit the floor hard. Instead he eased her down until she was allowed to sit.

The relief was short lived as the cramps began; her muscles and blood vessels all springing into action as if an alarm had awakened them.

The pain was too much.

She had to scream.

Jimmy waited.