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“Oh God!” Jimmy cried at one point, his knees again bucking up against her. “I’m going to cum!”

“Give it to me!” she cried back. “Give it – ” she felt warmth through the condom and for a moment worried that the condom had actually broken, but then, when she slipped herself free, the thing was still covering his penis, though he had cum so much some had actually slipped down the shaft beyond the edge of the protection.

She had pulled the condom free after that and tossed it toward the waste bucket — it fell short — and then pulled the bed sheets out from under them and eased both their bodies beneath it, her arms around Jimmy.

“That was amazing,” she said while pressed up against him.

“Yeah,” Jimmy said.

Nothing else was said for a long time because words were not needed.

* * *

Alan glanced at Tina’s house while walking home that day and wondered if Jimmy and Tina were inside, and if so, were they having fun. A smile crossed his face while thinking this, one that then faded as he pictured Jimmy and Tina together in bed. Ugh. It wasn’t something he wanted to think about — at least not when Jimmy was involved. Tina he could think about all he wanted and in fact he had even imagined himself with her from time to time, especially when sitting on the shower floor. She was a beautiful girl, one who was nicely built but not stuck up; one he knew would be fun in bed because she wouldn’t be shy or embarrassed to try things. That was the trouble with girls in high school — at least that was the trouble with the ones he had had sex with. They were all so unimaginative and thought sex was just about having a guy stick himself into them and pound away. Alan knew differently. He also knew that there were things high school couples could do that were incredibly pleasurable but didn’t have the risk of getting pregnant attached, things that health classes should talk about rather than the stupid ‘abstinence’ theory. Abstinence was the equivalent of telling a person with diarrhea to just hold it. It was ridiculous.

A deputy cruiser drove by him while he was walking, the deputy inside — he couldn’t make out who it was — not hiding the fact that he was staring at Alan.

Alan waved.

Ever since the sheriff’s daughter had disappeared the police presence had been pretty heavy, yet there still hadn’t been any significant developments. Rumor had it that search parties would be started soon, ones that would comb the woods and fields looking for bodies. Why they hadn’t started those parties yet was something Alan didn’t understand. He hoped there was a good reason for it, but doubted it. He also had a feeling that these two disappearances would ruin Sheriff Reed’s career. People were already voicing complaints about the way he had handled things, and would remember their dissatisfaction come the next vote.

Another deputy cruised by as he neared the house and caused him to wonder if there would be a heavy presence tomorrow night at the dance. He hoped not because he wanted to try and get Rachel alone somewhere to fool around. He had even hinted at this while in art class with her today and she had teased him with a dozen maybes and will sees.

Maybe we will see if you are able to resist my charm, Alan said to himself with a smile.

An image of her pulling her dress down to reveal what had to be beautiful breasts stayed with him all the way into the house.

“Jimmy, you here?” he called out.

No answer.

His smile grew. What if Jimmy was really getting it on! If so he was happy for his brother, though again he really didn’t want to think about it too much.

The vision of Rachel with her dress pulled down returned. It was a better thought, one that followed him around the house as he got a snack and then went to watch TV.

Nothing good was on so he headed to a news station to see if there was any mention of the missing girls. Nothing was said. Had there not been so much focus on the oil spill and who was to blame for it then maybe some of the affiliates in Chicago would have been interested and driven the three in a half hours south to get here, but kidnappings and suspicious disappearances weren’t the fad right now.

* * *

Megan’s wrists screamed as she purposely lifted her legs into the air so that they would become covered in urine when she peed. Unfortunately she was unable to go when in this position and eventually put her legs back down, much to the relief of her arms, and simply leaned to the side so that it all wouldn’t just splash all over the floor. The position wasn’t perfect and a lot of the urine was wasted, but a good amount still went down her bare leg, the dark yellow liquid almost sluggish as it found the path of least resistance.

Finished, all Megan could do was wait and hope that Jimmy would respond the same way he had this morning when he had cleaned her legs. Worry was present too, along with a small bit of disgust at what she had done despite its potential for saving her life.

Only if your timing is perfect, her mind said. You will get one shot at this, and if you fail…

She looked at Samantha and knew that what the girl had gone through for her escape attempt would probably be nothing compared with what Jimmy would do to her.

* * *

Jimmy and Tina grew hungry after a while and left the comfort of the bed to head into town. They ate at a local sandwich place, one which was often frequented by kids during the lunch hour at school, but now was pretty quiet thanks to the mid afternoon time and provide them with a nice cozy atmosphere to talk about what they had just done, a topic which they danced around with at first but then jumped into once the subject was fully breached. It was great.

Afterward the two walked home holding hands.

“You don’t have to walk all the way back to my house,” Tina said once they came close to his house, which was closer to the downtown area than her house. “I’m sure I’ll be fine and I know you are tired.”

“I am tired, you wore me out—” he smiled “ — but I also like spending time with you and want to see you all the way to the door.”

Tina returned the smile and allowed him to walk her back to the house. Once there he kissed her goodbye, a long passionate kiss that left her warm and tingly, and watched her go inside.

Once inside Tina went to the window and watched him walk away, her mind curious why he took a right from her house as opposed to a left, but then decided maybe he wanted to enjoy some time to himself with more walking — though if he was like her, he was really sore from the afternoon activities — and went into her room.

Her eyes stumbled upon the condom which hadn’t made it into the waste bucket, and picked it up, her mind once again thinking about what they had done and how wonderful it had been.

He is a great guy.

She wrapped herself in thoughts about him and climbed back into bed.

* * *

Jimmy didn’t head home right away because he knew Alan would be there by now and didn’t want to walk in just to leave a second later. Originally he had planned on heading to the fallout shelter that night, but now wanted to get it over with, especially given how suspicious his activity around the Hood place would be if caught near dark again.

They probably will be suspicious of me now as well if I’m caught over there again.

This was why he had decided to head back toward the school rather than straight to the Hood place, that way he could cut through the woods all the way there. It was an easy and well known path, but one that would be completely hidden by the road, and therefore it was doubtful any law enforcement types would see him. He also doubted there would be any people on the trail, the idea that they could disappear next keeping them from going into places like the forest, which was perfect for him.