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What am I going to do with them?

The question had been bouncing around ever since he and Tina had walked back from the sandwich shop. A part of him just wanted to kill the girls and get rid of them like he had the bondage videos. Another part knew this wasn’t a good idea because he would grow desperate again — unless Tina was into the bondage stuff as well.

But would that be enough to stifle the cravings?

The idea of her willingly allowing him to tie her up was very appealing, but at the same time he liked the idea of a girl being helpless. Still, there was something to be said about the enthusiasm Tina had showed today and how powerful his pleasure had been because of it. Samantha and Megan did not show enthusiasm like that. They didn’t care about making him enjoy himself, and probably never would.

Unless I train them to only think about my pleasure.

Was that even possible?

Could he turn them into sex slaves whose only goal in life was to make him happy?

Could he get them to the point where he could leave the door open and they would not flee — only in theory because he would never be stupid enough to risk it?

Or should I just kill them and end it?

In his mind he saw them both hanging from their necks, their faces turning red while their legs kicked, painful chocked gasps escaping their lips. From reading stories online (the Internet was full of Breath Play sites) he also knew that their pussies would get really tight when doing this, so if he was inside them at the time, it would feel great.

The idea turned him on even though he had already ejaculated that day and if the walk through the woods had been a closely contested race his erection would be what people looked at during a photo finish.

If I hang Samantha from her neck would Megan give me a blowjob to save her life?

Having felt how wonderful it was for a girl to suck on his dick, something that he had been fantasizing about for years, he now craved it again and wanted to see what it was like to cum in their mouth. He wanted to watch them taste his cum and swish it between their lips before finally swallowing it.

In his mind he watched as Tina rolled the condom onto him and slipped him inside of her, her fingers at first having trouble getting him positioned properly, but then finally finding the tiny opening, which swallowed him up. It had felt wonderful, but not as pleasurable as the lips and hands, yet for some reason he had cum quickly while inside of her. He didn’t know why this was.

Up ahead the trees started to clear as the Hood house drew near. Jimmy slowed down and approached the place cautiously, his eyes and ears wanting to make sure no one was present before he made himself visible.

All seemed quiet.

Still, being as cautious as possible, he stepped off the path and crept through the woods until he was right in line with the shed and then emerged from the trees, thereby cutting down the risk that someone would just happen to walk by and see him.

* * *

Megan had been in a sort of daze when the door finally opened later that afternoon — what had seemed like an eternity after peeing on herself — her mind and body unable to stay focused for long periods of time due to her unbearable and drawn out situation. She had also wasted quite a bit of energy being angry at Samantha shortly after peeing on herself, the disgust at her actions having gotten the better of her and the spearhead of her anger, her feelings being that had Samantha untied the ropes with her mouth like Megan had suggested then she wouldn’t have had to pee on herself again. Samantha hadn’t fought back, but that wasn’t needed, because Megan’s mind had played both sides and berated her for failing into Jimmy’s trap to begin with and for not making the call to her father when she had the chance.

It was the latter mistake, her failure to call, that shamed her the most, not just because it would have ended their ordeal, but because it could, in reality, have been one of those rare life and death moments, one which she had fucked up. It wasn’t even her life that she thought about, but Samantha’s.  If her friend died, and by the looks of it, that moment wasn’t very far away, she would be responsible. Not ‘trigger pulling’ responsible, but responsible nonetheless.

Pissing all over herself would be her redemption, but only if it spurred Samantha into action. If not…

Megan didn’t want to think about what would happen if that became the reality. If she killed Jimmy, and Samantha still stayed in her coma like condition, then they would both die.

These thoughts weren’t present when Jimmy finally did enter, but they hadn’t disappeared either. Instead it had simply embedded itself into her.

Jimmy grimaced at the smell of the room.

Megan didn’t know if it was because of the freshly dried pee on her leg and the floor, or just the standard ‘two people living down here’ smell that he had attempted to clean away this morning.

The question was answered quickly.

“Did she piss herself again?” Jimmy asked and nodded toward Samantha.

“No,” Megan said, her eyes looking toward the floor as if in shame. “I did.”

Jimmy looked at her leg. “Why didn’t you use the bucket?” There was anger in his voice, though something else seemed to soften it. She didn’t know what though.

“I—” she started.

“God damn, I left it there so you two wouldn’t make me clean you like this every fucking day!”

“I’m sorry,” Megan shouted, tears somehow falling from her eyes. “I forgot about the bucket. I’m so tired from standing here like this. I’m—” she briefly wonder if whining this much would get her punished “ — can you please clean it off. I won’t do it again, I promise.”

Jimmy stared at her for several seconds.

“I’m going to make sure you keep that promise because I think you peed on yourself just to keep me from fucking you, but it isn’t going to work. From now on I’m going to fuck you every time I come down here no matter how disgusting you make yourself.” With that he went into the back to grab the wash cloth he had set on the sink to dry this morning, wetted it, and returned.

Heart racing, Megan waited for him to get down and start cleaning the leg.

One chance at this!

Jimmy took the cold wash cloth and started rubbing her leg, his hand purposely pressing hard while the other held the leg in place.

For a moment Megan feared he would keep hold of the leg the entire time, but then he started to kneel to get at her ankle and let go.


Her limp body sprang into action, her legs quickly hooking Jimmy by his throat and pulling him directly into her groin.

* * *

One moment Jimmy was leaning forward to clean off Megan’s foot, the next she had her legs wrapped around his throat, choking him, his mouth pressed right into her exposed pussy, his lips gasping for air.

It happened really fast, so fast that Jimmy couldn’t even really evaluate the situation. Instead he just reacted, his hands trying desperately to pull her legs free. Unfortunately, despite his strength, his arms were no match for her thighs, even in her weakened state, and the more he pulled the tighter they seemed to become, almost as if she were fighting his attempt by squeezing harder.

Without thought his fingernails plunged into the flesh of her legs and sliced toward the ground, his nails like a farm tractor tearing up packed in dirt.

Megan screamed but didn’t let go.

Jimmy felt her flesh curled beneath his nails as it ripped free, but still her legs would not loosen.