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“That was something,” Alan said. “You call it pinball dancing?”

Tina laughed.

Jimmy gave him a look. He then turned to Tina and said, “There just wasn’t enough room out there for us, right.”

“Not enough room,” Tina agreed.

Jimmy looked down at her right foot. “Your toes okay?”

Tina laughed again. “Yeah, I think so. It’s a good thing they aren’t open shoed, or whatever the hell you call them.”

“Open toed,” Rachel said. She sounded annoyed, her words almost asking how could someone not know that?

Tina looked at Jimmy who just shrugged back.

Rachel looked at Alan and said, “Why don’t you get me something to drink.” It wasn’t a question.

“Sure.” Alan started to stand.

“Hold up a sec,” Jimmy said. He turned to Tina. “You want anything?”

“Yeah, anything’s fine.”

“Okay.” Jimmy got up and walked with Alan to the buffet setup. There weren’t many people there at the moment and the sound of the gym seemed to fade as they got closer. The two were actually able to hear each other without shouting.

“Having fun?” Alan asked.

“I really am,” Jimmy said. He took two cups and dipped them into the punch. Without realizing it he also dipped the bottom of his left cuff sleeve.

Alan did the same only without staining his sleeve. He then looked around at the crackers and cookies, but decided against trying to balance two cups and a plate. “Tina seems to be enjoying herself.”

Jimmy glanced back toward their table. “You think so?” he asked hopefully. “I really made a mess out of that dance.”

“Don’t worry, she’s having fun. I can tell.”

Tina didn’t see him looking at her. Instead her gaze was on the dance floor, waiting.

“What about you?” Jimmy asked.

The two started walking back.

“Rachel isn’t talking much. I’m not sure she really likes me the way she let on and only wanted me to take her so she could be here.” He shrugged. “You know, so she didn’t miss her senior prom.”

A second later the two returned to the table.

“Thank you,” Tina said as Jimmy handed her the drink. Then, “Oh no, what did you do?”

“What?” Jimmy asked.

“Your sleeve.” She took hold of his wrist and turned it over for him to see. Her face betrayed her determination not to laugh.

“Damn,” Jimmy said loudly, though no one could hear it because of the music.  “That’s gonna cost me big time.” The tuxedo had come with a list of offenses that would result in more charges. Stains were one of them.

“Well, go to the bathroom and try washing it out,” Tina said, her voice taking on that of a concerned mother.

Jimmy eased his wrist away and sat down. “I’d rather stay here with you.” His voice had cooled. “Besides, it won’t come out.”

The song ended, along with the current dance. Tina looked at the floor and then at Jimmy. “Want to get in on the next one?” she asked.

“Sure,” Jimmy said.

* * *

Halfway to the school Matt stopped and realized that even with a ticket they probably would not let him into the dance due to his casual attire, and wondered if he should go home and change into something formal.

Thoughts of Caroline and how she had said NO to him a few weeks earlier followed. A mixture of resentment and embarrassment came next, especially since he had been unable to keep himself from tearing up as she let out a laugh, his emotions so high strung from working up the courage to ask her that they broke easily after she turned him down.

It had been one of the worst moments of his life, and afterward he had been too scared to try and ask anyone else, fearful that he would be rejected a second time.

God what if I see her there?

What if I beat the shit out of whomever she is with?

The thought would never become a reality.

The same was probably true with the idea of Brett and Jimmy going at it tonight because even if he got inside he doubted Jimmy would take the bait.

Just go home.

As appealing as the idea was, he continued toward the school so he could at least say he had tried. If they turned him away, which he was almost certain would be the case, he could tell Brett to go there himself and wait for him. If not and somehow Jimmy did take the bait, he would get to see Brett get his ass kicked — he was pretty certain of this as well — which would make it all worthwhile.

He continued toward the school, his hand ready to pull the ticket from his wallet where it had been stored next to his one and only condom, both of which he held on to just in case something unforeseen happened. Unforeseen but dreamt about often.

In the end he didn’t need the ticket, but only because Jimmy was already outside.

* * *

“You know what this reminds me of,” Tina said as the two headed down the hallway toward the door so they could get some fresh air.

“What?” Jimmy asked.

“You promise not to laugh?”

“Maybe,” he said with a smile.

She playfully punched him in the arm. “Promise.”

“Okay, I promise I won’t laugh.”

“It kind of reminds me of the Harry Potter books.”

“Um, how come?” Jimmy asked.

“Because, we are in a decorated school at night having fun yet have to be guarded by the authorities because something bad could be lurking outside.”


“Okay, it’s stupid, but I can’t help it.”

“No, I know what you mean. I read the books when I was younger and I can see why it feels that way.” In his mind he wondered if that made him Lord Voldemort. “Of course, in the books the Dark Lord and whatever horrible thing that threatened the students of Hogwarts was usually already inside or found its way inside, which makes you wonder if the same is true here.”

Tina’s grip around his arm tightened. “Okay you just caused a chill to run down my spine.”

Jimmy smiled.

At the door the school official who had checked their tickets asked them where they were going. Like before a deputy stood next to him. Unlike before they both had cups of punch and the deputy also had a cookie.

“Just going outside to cool off,” Jimmy said. “It’s really warm in there.”

“Okay, but just be aware that there are dozens of deputies out there and they will be keeping an eye on you.”

 “We really are just going out to get some air,” Jimmy said.

The man nodded.

The two stepped outside. “I hate it when adults do that,” Jimmy said.

“Do what?” Tina asked.

“Assume we are up to no good because we are teenagers.”

“I guess that means I’m not going to get lucky while out here, am I, and to think I made that whole story up about being hot and wanting some fresh air, all for nothing.”

“Hey, I didn’t say he was wrong,” Jimmy said quickly. “I just said I don’t like it when adults automatically assume we are up to no good.”

“Really,” Tina said. “Well then maybe we should walk a little farther from the school.”

“Maybe,” he said back and kissed her.

She returned the kiss, a small laugh escaping, and then pushed him away while saying, “I really think we should walk a little farther from the school.”

“Okay,” Jimmy said and took her hand.

A few other couples who were standing outside watched them start to walk away, knowing smiles on their faces, some of the guys thinking lucky bastard.

Together they headed down the side of the hill toward the school plaque, their direction taking them toward an unofficial walkway that went between the football field and parking lot.