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“Um, Jimmy,” Tina said as they headed toward the bleachers. “Not over there.”

“How come, I don’t see any deputies over there and it’s nice and dark.”

Tina stopped walking, her hand tugging at his. “Please not over there.” The look on her face told Jimmy this was not something he wanted to argue with, though now he was curious as to what the problem was.

Don’t ask now, it might ruin the moment.

Strangely it wasn’t the hint at having a sexual moment that his mind was thinking about, but the entire prom experience.

“It’s okay, we don’t have to go over there if you don’t want too,” Jimmy said.

“Thank you,” Tina said while embracing him, her head against his chest. “Thank you so much.”

For a moment Jimmy didn’t know what to do but then simply placed his palms on her back. He could feel her heartbeat through the thin fabric of her gown. It felt wonderful.

He tightened his hold.

It was a perfect moment in time.

And then…

“Well, well, what do we have here?”

Jimmy lifted his head and looked at Matt. “Leave us alone.”

Matt held up his palms. “I just wanted to let you know that Brett has your bondage videos and is waiting for you at the Hood place.”

* * *

Deputy Paul Widgeon was watching a good looking girl in red lead a not so good looking young man in a black tuxedo across the soccer field, his body getting ready to follow them so he could let them know they were being watched and should stay within the school bounds — and not have sex out in the field — when he caught sight of a small guy in a leather jacket appear from between two houses on the sidewalk and step into the parking lot. Normally such a situation wouldn’t be all that unusual, but given his clothes, which weren’t adequate for the event, and his hurried pace, Paul had a feeling he was up to no good and decided to keep an eye on him. While doing this he also radioed a deputy named Carl.

“What’s up Paul?” Carl asked.

“I got a girl in a red dress leading a guy out into the soccer field on my left and a guy who looks like he is up to no good walking toward the school on my right. Can you take the couple on the left and make sure they find their way back to the school.”

“Where are they exactly?” Carl asked.

Paul looked out into the field and to his dismay saw that they had now disappeared. “They were about twenty feet into the field five seconds ago, so there is no way they could have cut across it already. I’m guessing they are laying down about thirty yards to the right of the second base.”

“Got it,” Carl said. “I’ll be over there in a jiffy.”

“Thanks.” He turned back toward the guy in the leather jacket and suddenly said, “Oh shit, I got two guys fighting near the football field. Guy in a tux just laid out a guy in a leather jacket and is beating him senseless.”

* * *

“Jimmy stop!”

Jimmy heard the words but didn’t really let them register, his mind only focused on the words ‘bondage videos’ and ‘Hood place’ while he smashed Matt’s head into the blacktop parking lot, his lips demanding to know what Brett knew and what he had told people.


A hand touched his shoulder but he shrugged it away. At the same time he realized he wasn’t going to learn anything else from Matt, not after smashing his head so many times into the ground, and quickly headed toward his car.

* * *

Tina didn’t know what to do and just stood there in the dissipating exhaust smoke for several seconds, tears falling from her eyes. She had chased Jimmy all the way to the car after he had stopped beating the guy on the ground, pleading with him to stop, but to no avail and now he had driven away.

“Hey, you!” someone shouted in her direction.

Tina looked toward the voice and saw a town deputy standing over the guy.

“Me?” Tina asked.

Her voice barely registered yet the deputy seemed to understand what she was asking and nodded while saying, “Yes, you, come here.”

Tina obeyed.

Others came as well, most curious onlookers who had witnessed the brief fight from a distance and now wanted to see what was going on.

Several of them gasped when they arrived, the blood leaking from the guy’s ears startling them.

“This is Deputy Widgeon over at the Ashland Creek High School Prom. I need a paramedic here for a head trauma ASAP!” Deputy Widgeon turned toward Tina and said, “Who was the guy you were with and where did he go?”

Tina just shook her head.

Another deputy arrived on the scene and said, “Good god, what happened.”

“I don’t know,” Deputy Widgeon said. “One moment this guy was walking toward the school the next he was being knocked senseless by the guy that was with her.”

The second deputy turned to Tina. “What happened?”

“I — I — I don’t know,” Tina said. She wrapped herself with her arms.

“Yes you do!”

“They just started fighting.”

Voice started to mix and mingle behind her.

“Hey what’s going on?”

Someone beat the shit out of someone!”

“Huge fight!”

Tina looked around but didn’t see a single familiar face in the growing crowd. Up near the doors of the school students were flooding out of the building as if a gunman had opened fire within, news of the fight having reached them.

“Stay with me, young man,” Deputy Widgeon said. “Help is on the way.  Do you know what your name is?”

Tina was close enough to hear him say Matt, but anyone beyond her would have thought he was non-responsive.

“Okay, Matt, can you tell me what happened?”


“He’s in and out,” the other deputy said. He turned toward Tina. “The guy you were with, the one who did this, what was his name?”

“Um? Jimmy.”

“Jimmy what?”

“Hawthorn. Jimmy Hawthorn.”

Her voice was loud enough for a few people in the crowd behind her to hear and the next thing she knew Jimmy’s name was being said back and forth, the words ‘Jimmy Hawthorn beat the shit out someone’ bouncing from person to person until everyone had an idea that Jimmy Hawthorn was involved in something.

“And where did he go?” the deputy asked.

“I don’t know.” Tina really didn’t.

Her emotions suddenly got the better of her. First the thoughts about her father and mother under the bleachers, and then Jimmy’s comfort as he hugged her and said it was okay, and then the fight and now him driving away from her. It was too much. She couldn’t take it and sat against the car next to her crying.

* * *

Alan noticed several people racing from the gymnasium as he and Rachel walked onto the dance floor and wondered what was going on.

“… Jimmy Hawthorn…”

His head jerked toward the voice, his brother’s name being the only part of the sentence he heard and said, “What about Jimmy Hawthorn?”

The guy, who had been talking to a girl who was wearing a really risqué cocktail dress, looked at Alan and said, “Was I talking to you?”

Alan let go of Rachel’s hand and grabbed the guy by the collar and thrust him backward into a table.

The girl next to him let out a brief, “Oh my,” and stepped aside.

“If it involves my brother you better tell me what you said!”

“Hey man, sorry, chill. I was just saying Jimmy Hawthorn beat the crap out of some guy outside and then took off in his car.”

Startled, Alan asked, “Took off where?”

“How should I know? The police are everywhere though and when I was coming in I heard an ambulance.”