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One moment she was stuck with her hands over her head, the next her feet dropped to the ground as her body sagged. Relief did not come, however, because instantly her body was racked with muscle cramps. She cried out in pain.

Jimmy slowly lowered her all the way to the ground. It was basically a controlled collapse.

Samantha withered in agony as the fierce pins and needles raced across her body. The areas of pain were so large that she couldn’t distinguish where one ended and another began.

Tears fell from her eyes.

Her hands had the worst of it. For hours they had been a purplish tint, which meant blood was failing to get through to them. Now there was an onrush.

Slowly the pain began to fade and she managed to open her eyes. They drifted right to her hands, which were still bound, but not suffering. Hours earlier she had squeezed them into tight fists.  Now she opened them. The pins and needles returned.

She ground her teeth together.

Jimmy came and stood over her.

She looked up at him.

He took a knee and began untying her wrists.

White impressions marked where the ropes had been pressed into her skin. It would be a long time before they faded.

Jimmy suddenly took her right hand and slowly began to massage it. His fingers worked some of the tenderness away and brought a bit of life back into them.

Initially she felt warmth toward him and wondered if he would let her go, but then it faded as the situation changing quickly.

He dropped her hand and stood up.

She felt a new fright as he looked down upon her.

“Reach up into my pants,” he ordered.

Samantha did not move.

“Do it or I will hang you from your wrists for an entire night.”

Samantha didn’t feel like she was in control as her hand went up his right leg and into the opening of his shorts.

* * *

Jimmy quivered with pleasure as Samantha’s fingers got closer and closer to his penis, which was thumping with anticipation and excitement. And then her fingers wrapped around it and began stroking. Never before had a girl touched him like this and his knees actually vibrated uncontrollably each time her fingers twisted around the head of his erection, almost as if there was a reflex point within it, one which the doctor had never explored with his tiny little rubber hammer.

The moment was amazing, pure bliss, yet over much too quickly, the pleasure fading fast once he had spurted his load. At home he would have stopped jerking himself off at that moment but Samantha didn’t, and when her fingers came back around over his wet penis head it actually hurt, as if the nerves were so fired up that they couldn’t take the slightest contact.

His hands had been in his hair during the moment of ejaculation, but then quickly went down to stop her hand, his lips going, “Okay, okay, that’s enough.

Never in a million years would he have thought pain would so easily follow, or that he would need several minutes to recover.

* * *

“You can wash your hands if you like at the sink back there,” Jimmy said afterward.  He was sitting in the corner, his breathing slowly but surely returning to normal. “The water runs.  I tested it last week.”

Samantha went to the sink as quickly as possible and made sure to get everything off. She didn’t even want a molecule or atom of his semen to remain on her and wished the Hoods had installed a nuclear or biological decontamination shower in the small shelter that she could jump into.

“That’s enough, they’re clean,” Jimmy said after she spent several minutes scrubbing. “I have to leave soon, but before I go you can have a bottle of water from the shelf. Drink as much as you want.”

Samantha did as she was told, her mouth and body craving the water. Cramps hit about a third of the way through the bottle, which is when she stopped, her shaky hands struggling to recap it.

“Finished?” Jimmy asked.

“Yes,” Samantha said.  Her voice was still weak. She then put a hand to her side hoping the water cramp would pass.

Jimmy stood up and grabbed the rope that had bound her wrists earlier and said, “Okay, give me your hands.”

“Wait,” Samantha said once she realized what he was going to do. “I thought you were going to let me stay down?”

“No,” Jimmy said. “You’ve been down half an hour. I have to go and I can’t leave you like this.”

“Please, don’t tie me up like that again. Please don’t. Please.” The tears returned as she slowly backed away into the corner of the room. “I won’t try to get out, I promise.”

“Don’t make me force you.  You don’t want that.” His voice was calm, yet had a terrifying edge to it.

Samantha continued crawling backward, like a kid trying to escape a spanking, her sobs echoing through the small room.

Anger suddenly distorted Jimmy’s face and he came toward her, rope in hand. Seeing this, Samantha wished she hadn’t put up any resistance.

Jimmy grabbed her right wrist and pulled her toward him. Pain shot through her arm and shoulder.

“Please, I’m sorry,” Samantha whimpered.

Jimmy ignored her as he twisted the rope around her right wrist several times and then grabbed the left one and did the same. He then wrapped the rope around both wrists and tied it.

“Get over here,” he said while yanking her toward the rope that hung from the pipe in the ceiling. In one quick move he had a knot tied to the rope that bound her wrists and pulled her up.

Her feet left the ground. Her wrists felt like they were on fire.

“OH! Ahhh.”

Jimmy held the rope. “This is what it feels like to be suspended by your wrists. Do you want that?”

Samantha couldn’t say anything. Her feet kicked madly through the air trying to find the ground.

“Do you understand me?” he shouted.

“Yes,” she cried, the word barely coming out.

The pressure on her wrists disappeared as her feet were once again lowered to the ground. The relief she felt was indescribable.

“You ever act like that again and I’ll leave you up there all night and hit you a hundred times with my belt.” Spittle flew as he spoke.

“I’m sorry,” she said while crying, tears nearly choking her. “Please, I’m so sorry.” A part of her was angry at the way she apologized, but the reasonable part knew this was the only way to survive.

Jimmy turned away and tied the rope back around the pipe. He then flicked the light switch off while leaving, which left the room in complete darkness. Samantha couldn’t see a thing, but the relief at him being gone kept her from being upset about the darkness. He had also tied the rope in a way that allowed both her feet to be flat on the ground. In time this position would grow unbearable as well, but at the moment it wasn’t, and that was all that mattered.

Chapter Three

Megan Reed was the first to hear that Samantha King was missing and instantly thought foul play was involved. Unfortunately her father, Sheriff Reed, did not share in his daughter’s theory and had his own opinion.

“I can’t put out a missing person alert, Dorothy. Not until she’s been gone forty-eight hours.” Sheriff Reed sighed after speaking. This was the third time he had told Dorothy King about the policy.

Megan was one room over from her father, yet despite the distance, she could hear how hysterical Samantha’s mother was on the other end of the phone.

“No, it doesn’t matter. She’s eighteen and therefore an adult. All I can do — no, I know she’s still in high school but it doesn’t matter — all I can do is put out the word to my deputies that she is wanted back home and to let her know this if they come across her.” Dorothy said something franticly. “I’m sorry. She’s an adult and can do what she wants as far as the law is concerned.” More hysteria. “Dorothy listen. She’s probably out with friends and just lost track of time.”