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“Yes, God, yes,” moaned Pris. This was the way Effecto had loved her: muscular and tender, relaxed and confident, carefully modulating rhythm and tempo, prying her apart with sweet determination, kissing her adoringly all the while; a far cry from those young guys who were either trying to score touchdowns in bed or else practicing to join the tank corps. “Daddy!” squealed Pris.

“Daddy?” asked Wiggs.

“Uh, no, Danny,” said Pris. “Dannyboy.”

“Your man,” said Wiggs.

Effecto had played Priscilla like an accordion. Wiggs worked her as if she were an archaeological dig: spading, sifting, dusting, cataloging. Now, lying in a puddle on the sofa, she felt like she was ready to be shipped to the British Museum. Accompanied by a crate of late twentieth-century come shards.

Wiggs covered her with a Sepik war blanket and lay down beside her. A fresh Pres-to-log sputtered in the fireplace, and rain tapped messages in Morse code against the windowpanes. “You can't stay indoors forever,” and “There's plenty more where this came from” was what the rain was sending.

“Did you invite me here to seduce me?” asked Pris. She didn't care, at that point, she was merely curious. She caressed his flaccid shillelagh, wondering if Ricki would ever forgive her; wondering, too, if she would have felt half this good after sex with Ricki.

“I wish I could say yes, but the truth is, darlin', I wasn't that smart. This was an unexpected bonus.”

“Then why did you invite me?”

“Smell,” said Wiggs.

“I beg your pardon.”

“Now don't be takin' offense. Personally, you smell dainty as a lamb.” Dr. Dannyboy ducked his head beneath the blanket and took a vigorous whiff. “They can have their loaf o' warm bread, their new-mown hay. Nothin' beats the smell of a lassie freshly laid.”

“Hey. .”

“Again, no offense.” He surfaced, and kissed her with earnest affection. “See here, Priscilla, I have an interest in smell. That is, I have an interest in the evolution o' consciousness. Smell is the only sense to communicate directly with the neocortex. It bypasses the thalamus and the other middlemen and goes direct. Smell is the language the brain speaks. Hunger, thirst, aggression, fear, lust: your brain interprets these urges with a vocabulary o' smell. The neocortex speaks this language, and if we can learn to speak it, why we may be able to manipulate the cortex through the nose.”

“For what?”

“For expeditin' the evolution o' consciousness.”

“For what?”

“So's we can be happy and live a long, long time and not be bloody blowin' each other to bits.”

“You're going to disappoint a lot of generals.”

“Worse. It could mean the end o' Monday Night Football.”

“Well, fuck the Dallas Cowboys if they can't take a joke. But, Wiggs, wait a minute. What does any of this have to do with me?”

“You make perfume, don't you, darlin'?”

Priscilla raised herself on one elbow. “Uh, yeah, sort of. How did you know that?”

“I've learned a lot about perfumers since I met Alobar.”

“Alobar. The guy in prison.”


“The janitor.”

“And former king.”

“Who's a thousand years old.”


She sat completely upright. “This is the nuttiest thing I've ever heard. I'm getting more confused by the minute. . ” She sounded genuinely distressed. Wiggs gripped her sticky thigh.

“'Tis a long story.”

“I don't care. And cut the brogue, please. You talked like an American when we were making love.”

“Sure and 'twas because your wild little wooky sobered me up. Now the grape has got hold o' me tongue again.”

“All right, fine, I don't care if you talk like Donald Duck. Just tell the story.”

“Should I start at the beginning?”

“If that's not too traditional.”

“But what about your date?""Her?"

“You've already eaten her share.”

“Never mind. Talk to me. Now.”

“I'll start with the sixties.”

“Fine. You were probably more interesting then. I understand everybody was.”

“I'll start with the seventies.”

“I like you, Wiggs.”

“Sure and I like you, too.”

He cleared his throat and, tapping his patch with a wooky-scented knuckle, commenced to pin a tail on the beet.

By then, it was that part of the day that is officially morning but which any dunce can see is purest night. The streets of Seattle were as wet and greeny black as freshly printed currency. Despite the hour and the weather, people were lined up outside the Last Laugh Foundation as if the Last Laugh Foundation were a radio station giving away rock stars to pubescent girls. Some of the people looked at Ricki's tea strainer of a car as it ever so slowly rattled by. Others persisted in gazing expectantly at the darkened mansion.

Squint as she might, Ricki could detect not a glimmer in the house. She bit her lip to keep from crying. “It's two-thirty,” she said sorrowfully, as if “two-thirty” were the name of a fatal disease. “It's two-thirty in the son-of-a-bitching morning.”

Were Ricki concerned with precise expression, and she was not, she might have added, “here,” for while it was indeed, two-thirty in Seattle, in Massachusetts it was half past five, a time of night that could lay some legitimate claim to morning, and a cold crack of oyster light was beginning to separate the sky from the Atlantic. Still awake, Alobar lay upon his prison cot, practicing Bandaloop breath.

That's what he called it, what he and Kudra had called it all those years: Bandaloop breath. Of course, there was an absolute lack of evidence that the Bandaloop ever breathed in that manner. For that matter, there was precious little evidence that the Bandaloop ever existed. Absence of proof failed to faze Alobar, however, since, thanks to the Bandaloop, he had witnessed three hundred and eighty-five thousand, eight hundred and six sunrises in his life, and judging from the milky molluscan glow seeping through the barred window, was about to witness yet another.

Moreover, if he concentrated on his breathing, and the parole board soon ruled in his favor, he might go on witnessing sunrises indefinitely, despite the aging that worked in him now like naphthous bees in a leathery hive. That was his hope, although, considering his prospects, why he should want to go on — and on and on and on — was a question he could not easily answer. One thing was certain, he didn't intend to risk the Other Side without a splash of K23, and he was starting to wonder if he shouldn't have gone ahead and given Wiggs Dannyboy the formula for it. Dr. Dannyboy could have had some made and smuggled it in to him. His intense secrecy about K23, his long-standing refusal to tap its commercial potential, was a bit irrational, he must admit. But, then, were he a rational man, he would have been dead a thousand years. Ho.

Joints creaking like the lines of a storm-tossed ship, Alobar arose and hobbled to the window. He looked for his old benefactor, the morning star, but the window was tiny, and the only celestial light in the slice of sky available to his scrutiny was a blinking satellite circling the Earth. “The world is round-o, round-o,” he started to sing, but embarrassment shut him up. “If the parole board doesn't act soon, I'll send Dannyboy the formula,” he promised.

Alobar wasn't the only person thinking about a secret formula that morning (or night). Distracted by first one thing and then the other, Wiggs and Priscilla hadn't gotten around to it yet, but in New Orleans — time: four-thirty — Madame Devalier lay in her canopied bed, bejeweled hands crossed upon the vault of her belly, pondering a possible bottom note, mixing dozens, scores of ingredients in her mind's nose, not ever imagining how simple it could be; and not imagining, either, that in a cheap motel near the Seattle-Tacoma airport, where it was, yes, two-thirty, thank you, Ricki, V'lu Jackson slept with the answer — a drop or two of the answer — in an ancient bottle beneath her vinyl-wrapped, foam rubber pillow; and, of course, neither of them, Madame, awake, formulating, nor V'lu, dreaming, fist pressed against lonesome labia, could imagine that before they lay abed again, Bingo Pajama would be shot at their feet and that his little swarm of bees, masterless, would be frightening New Orleans half to. .