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5. Pamfil Seicaru: owner and director of Curentul, a daily newspaper.

6. Amorous crush.

7. Former name of Ivano-Frankivsk.

8. Potopul [The Flood], a play by H. Berger.

9. Beate Fredanov: actress.

1. Al. Finti: theatre producer.

2. Actress.

3. Ivan Bagrianov: newly appointed Bulgarian prime minister. He moved Bulgaria from a pro-Nazi foreign policy to neutrality.

4. Lucreţiu Pătrăşcanu: Communist leader and minister of justice in the first post- Antonescu government. He was executed in 1954 after a post-Stalinist show trial.

5. Herbert ("Belu") Zilber: Communist publicist and friend of Sebastian's. He was condemned to prison during the Patrascanu trial.

6. The house in question was a headquarters of the conspiracy, involving Communists, National Peasants, Liberals, and forces close to King Michael, to overthrow the Antonescu regime and align Romania with the Allies. The formal proclamation of this "coup d'etat" was made on 23 August.

7. They're not much to look at.

8. General Octavian Ulea: cousin of Patrascanu's, head of protocol at the Royal Palace, active participant in the 23 August coup.

9. Alexandru Graur: Jewish linguist.

1. Constantin Cristobald.

2. Emil Dorian.

3. Ury Benador.

4. Ion Călugăru.

5. But it had heart.

6. A bad sign!

7. Good kids.

8. Ştefan Enescu: he signed as author Sebastian's play Steaua fără nume under the name of Ştefan Mincu so that it could be performed.

9. George Macovescu: a middle-rank official in the Antonescu regime, later deputy minister of foreign affairs under Ceausescu.

1. C. Vişoianu was a member of the Romanian delegation that negotiated the terms of the armistice with the Soviet Union.

2. French anti-Semitic movement led by Charles Maurras.

3. But I stood firm.

4. Sebastian was appointed press adviser to the Foreign Ministry a couple of months before his death.

5. An unreliable type.

6. A novel by Mircea Eliade.

7. “La Caravella publishing house — Rome offers to publish translation of novel Accidentul, paying royalties of ten thousand Italian lire. Stop. If you accept, sum will be deposited at Legation until possible to transfer. Stop. Please cable immediately reply to Romanian Legation Vatican. Grigorcea."

8. Vişoianu was now foreign minister in the Sânâtescu government.

9. Victor Radulescu Pogoneanu: director of cryptography in the Romanian Foreign Ministry.

1. Sebastian’s dramatization of The Moon Is Down by John Steinbeck.

2. The name used by Lucrepu Patrascanu in the wartime Communist underground.

3. Herant Torossian: lawyer.