S: (smiles) Dirty snowballs!
Dr. N: If they are white in tone, what about the rest?
S: (pause) Well ... two are rather yellowish.
Dr. N: We are one short. What about the ninth member?
S: That's An-ras. He is doing quite well.
Dr. N: Describe his energy color.
S: He is ... turning bluish ... an excellent watcher ... he will be leaving me soon ...
Dr. N: Let's go to the opposite end of your company. What member are you most concerned about and why?
S: Ojanowin. She has the conviction from many lives that love and trust only bring hurt. (musing) She has fine qualities which I want to bring out but this attitude is holding her back.
Dr. N: Ojanowin is developing more slowly than the rest?
S: (protectively) Don't misunderstand, I am proud of her effort. She has great sensitivity and integrity, which I like. She just requires more of my attention.
Dr. N: As a watcher-teacher, what is the one quality which An-ras has acquired which you want to see in Ojanowin?
S: (no hesitation) Adaptability to change.
Dr. N: I am curious if the nine members of your company advance in a rather uniform way together under your teaching.
S: That's totally unrealistic.
Dr. N: Why?
S: Because there are differences in character and integrity.
Dr. N: Well, if learning rates are different between souls because of character and integrity, how does this equate with the mental capabilities of the human brain a soul selects?
S: It doesn't. I was speaking of motivation. On Earth we use many variations of the physical brain in the course of our expansion. However, each soul is driven by its integrity.
Dr. N: Is this what you mean by a soul having character?
S: Yes, and intensity of desire is part of character.
Dr. N: If character is the identity of a soul, where does desire come in?
S: The drive to excel is internal to each soul, but this too can fluctuate between lives.
Dr. N: So where does a soul's integrity fit into this?
S: The extension of desire. Integrity is the desire to be honest about Self and motives to such an extent that full awareness of the path to the source is possible.
Dr. N: If all basic intelligent energy is the same, why are souls different in their character and integrity?
S: Because their experiences with physical life change them and this is intentional. By that change new ingredients are added to the collective intelligence of every soul.
Dr. N: And this is what incarnation on Earth is all about?
S: Incarnation is an important tool, yes. Some souls are driven more than others to expand and achieve their potential, but all of us will do so in the end. Being in many physical bodies and different settings expands the nature of our real self.
Dr. N: And this sort of self-actualization of the soul identity is the purpose of life on our world?
S: On any world.
Dr. N: Well, if each soul is preoccupied with Self, doesn't this explain why we have a world of self-centered people?
S: No, you misinterpret. Fulfillment is not cultivating Self for selfish means, but allowing for integration with others in life. That also shows character and integrity. This is ethical conduct.
Dr. N: Does Ojanowin have less honesty than An-ras?
S: (pause) I'm afraid she does engage in self-deception.
Dr. N: I wonder how you can function effectively as a spiritual guide for the nine members of your company and still incarnate on Earth to finish your own lessons.
S: It used to affect my concentration to some extent, but now there is no conflict.
Dr. N: Do you have to separate your soul energy to accomplish this?
S: Yes, this capacity (of souls) allows for the management of both. Being on Earth also permits me to directly assist a member of my company and help myself at the same time.
Dr. N: The idea that souls can divide themselves is not an easy thing for me to conceptualize.
S: Your use of the term divide is not quite accurate. Every part of us is still whole. I'm only saying it does take some getting used to at first, since you manage more than one program at a time.
Dr. N: So your effectiveness as a teacher is not diminished by having multiple activities?
S: Not in the least.
Dr. N: Would you consider the major thrust of your instruction to be on Earth with your human body or in the spirit world as a free entity?
S: They are two different settings. My instruction is diversified but no less effective.
Dr. N: But your approach to a company member would be different depending upon the setting?
S: Yes, it would.
Dr. N: Wouldn't you say the spirit world is the main center for learning?
S: It is the center for evaluation and analysis, but souls do rest.
Dr. N: When your students are living on Earth, do they know you are their guide and are with them always?
S: (laughs) Some more than others, but they all sense my influence at one time or another.
Dr. N: Thece, you are on Earth with me right now as a woman. Are you also able to be in contact with members of your company?
S: I told you, yes.
Dr. N: What I am getting at is this-isn't teaching by example difficult when your Earth visits are rather infrequent these days?
S: If I came too often and worked with them directly as one human being to another I would be interfering with their natural unfolding.
Dr. N: Do you have the same reservations about interference as a teacher operating from the spirit world in a discarnate state?
S: Yes, I do ... although the techniques are different.
Dr. N: For mental contact?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: I would like to know more about the ability of spiritual teachers to contact their students. What exactly do you do from the spirit world to comfort or advise one of the nine company members on Earth?
S: (no answer).
Dr. N: (coaxing her) Do you know what I am asking? How do you implant ideas?
S: (finally) I'm unable to tell you.
Note: I suspect blocking here, but I can't complain. So far, Thece has been liberal with information and so has her guide. I decide to stop the session for a minute to appeal directly to Kumara. It is a speech I have given before.
Dr. N: Kumara, permit me to reason with you through Thece. My work here is intended for good. By questioning your disciple, I wish to add to my knowledge of healing and bring people closer to the higher creative power available within themselves. My larger mission is to combat the fear of death by offering people understanding about the nature of their souls and their spiritual home. Will you aid me in this endeavor?
S: (Thece answers me in an odd tone of voice) We know who you are.
Dr. N: Then would you both assist me?
S: We will talk to you ... at our discretion.
Note: This tells me if I exceed the undefined boundaries of these two guides with an intrusive question, it won't be answered.
Dr. N: All right, Thece, on the count of three you will feel more comfortable talking to me about how souls function as guides. Begin by telling me in what way a company member on Earth can signal to get your attention. One, two, three! (I snap my fingers for added effect)
S: (after a long pause) First, they have to calm their minds and focus attention away from their immediate surroundings.
Dr. N: How would they do this?
S: By silence ... reaching inward ... to fasten on their inner voice.
Dr. N: Is this how one calls for spiritual help?
S: Yes, at least to me. They must expand upon their inner consciousness to engage me on a central thought.
Dr. N: On you, or the specific problem which is bothering them?
S: They must reach out beyond what is troubling them in order to be receptive to me. That's difficult when they don't remain calm.
Dr. N: Do all nine company members have about the same abilities to reach you for help?