S: No, they don't.
Dr. N: Perhaps Ojanowin has the most problems?
S: Mmm, she is one of those that does ...
Dr. N: Why?
S: For me, getting the signals is easy. It's harder for people on Earth. The energy of directed thought must override human emotion.
Dr. N: Within a spirit world framework, how do you pick up the messages of just your company out of billions of souls who are sending out distress signals to other guides?
S: I know instantly. All watchers do because people send out their own individual patterns of thought.
Dr. N: Like a vibrational code in a field of thought particles?
S: (laughing) You could describe an energy pattern that way, I guess.
Dr. N: Okay, then how would you reach back to someone in need of guidance?
S: (grins) By whispering answers into their ear!
Dr. N: (lightly) Is that what a friendly spirit does with a troubled mind on Earth?
S: It depends ...
Dr. N: On what? Are teacher-spirits rather indifferent with the dayto-day problems of humans?
S: Not indifferent, or we wouldn't communicate. We gauge each situation. We know life is transitory. We are more ... detached because without human bodies we are unencumbered by the immediacy of human emotion.
Dr. N: But when the situation does call for spiritual guidance, what do you do?
S: (gravely) As watchers in the stillness, we recognize the amount of ... turbulence ... from the wake of troubled thought. Then we carefully merge with it and gently touch the mind.
Dr. N: Please describe this connection process further.
S: (pause) It's a slip-stream of thought which is usually turbulent rather than smooth, from someone in distress. I was awkward at first and I still don't have Kumara's skill. One must enter with subtlety ... to wait for the best receptivity.
Dr. N: How can a watcher be awkward, you have had thousands of years of experience?
S: Communicators are not all the same. Watchers too have a variety of abilities. If one of my company is in crisis-physically hurt, sad, anxious, resentful-they send out great amounts of uncontrolled negative energy which alerts me, but exhausts them. This is the challenge of a watcher, to know when and how to communicate. When people want immediate relief, they may not be in the proper mode for reflection.
Dr. N: Well, in terms of abilities, can you tell me how you were awkward as an inexperienced guide?
S: I wanted to rush in too fast to help without coordinating the patterns of thought we talked about. People can go numb. You don't get through to them when they have intense grief, for example. You are shut out of a cluttered mind when attentions are distracted and thought energy is scattered all about.
Dr. N: Do the nine members of your company sense your intrusion into their minds following a cry to you for help?
S: Watchers are not supposed to intrude. It's more of a ... soft coupling. I implant ideas-which they assume is inspiration-to try and give them peace.
Dr. N: What single thing do you have the most problem with during communications with people on Earth?
S: Fear.
Dr. N: Would you enlarge on that?
S: I have to be careful not to spoil my people by making life too easy for them ... to let them work out most of their difficulties without jumping right in. They only suffer more if a watcher moves in too quickly before this is done. Kumara is an expert at this ...
Dr. N: Is she ultimately responsible for you and your company?
S: Well yes, we are all under her influence.
Dr. N: Do you ever see any of your own peer members around? I'm thinking of associates at your level of attainment with whom you can confer about teaching methods.
S: Oh, you mean with those I grew up with here?
Dr. N: Yes.
S: Yes ... three in particular.
Dr. N: And do they lead company groups themselves?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: Are these more advanced souls responsible for about the same number of souls as you?
S: Uh ... yes, except Wa-roo. His company is more than double my own. He is good. Another company is being added to his work load.
Dr. N: How many superior entities do you and your friends who are company leaders go to for advice and direction?
S: One. We all go to Kumara to exchange observations and seek ways of improvement.
Dr. N: How many souls like you and Wa-roo does Kumara oversee?
S: Oh ... I couldn't know that ...
Dr. N: Try and give an estimate of the number.
S: (after reflection) At least fifty, probably more.
Additional inquiries into Kumara's spiritual activities were fruitless, so I turned next to Thece's creation training. Her experiences (which I have condensed) take us a little further than those training exercises described by Nenthum in the last chapter. To those readers with a scientific bent, I want to stress that when a subject is reporting to me about creation their frame of reference is really not grounded in earth science. I have to make the best interpretations I can from the information provided.
Dr. N: The curriculum for souls seems to have great variety, Thece. I want to go into another aspect of your training. Does your energy utilize the properties of light, heat, and motion in the creation of life?
S: (startled) Uh ... you know about that ...
Dr. N: What more can you tell me?
S: Only that I am familiar with this ...
Dr. N: I don't want to talk about anything which will make you uncomfortable, but I would appreciate your confirmation of certain biological effects resulting from the actions of souls.
S: (hesitates) Oh ... I don't think ...
Dr. N: (I jump in quickly) What creation have you recently done which makes Kumara proud of you?
S: (without resistance) I am proficient with fish.
Dr. N: (I follow up with a deliberate exaggeration to keep her going) Oh, so you can create a whole fish with your mental energy?
S: (vexed) ... You must be kidding?
Dr. N: Then where do you start?
S: With the embryos, of course. I thought you knew ...
Dr. N: Just checking. When do you think you will be ready for mammals?
S: (no answer)
Dr. N: Look Thece, if you will try to cooperate with me for a few more minutes, I promise not to take long with my questions on this subject. Will you agree to that?
S: (pause) We will see ...
Dr. N: Okay, as a means of basic clarification tell me what you actually do with your energy to develop life up to the stage of fish.
S: (reluctantly) We give instructions to ... organisms ... within the surrounding conditions ...
Dr. N: Do you do this on one world or many in your training?
S: More than one. (would not elaborate except to say these planets were "earth types")
Dr. N: In what kind of environment are you working now?
S: In oceans.
Dr. N: With basic sea life such as algae and plankton?
S: When I started.
Dr. N: You mean before you worked up to the embryos of fish?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: Then when souls start to create forms of life, they begin with microorganisms?
S: ... Small cells, yes, and this is very difficult to learn.
Dr. N: Why?
S: The cells of life... our energy cannot become proficient unless we can direct it to ... alter molecules.
Dr. N: Then you are actually producing new chemical compounds by mixing the basic molecular elements of life by your energy flow?
S: (nods)
Dr. N: Can you be more explicit?
S: No, I can't.
Dr. N: Let me try and sum this up, and please tell me if I am on the wrong track. A soul who becomes proficient with actually creating life must be able to split cells and give DNA instructions, and you do this by sending particles of energy into protoplasm?
S: We must learn to do this, yes-coordinating it with a sun's energy.
Dr. N: Why?
S: Because each sun has different energy effects on the worlds around them.
Dr. N: Then why would you interfere with what a sun would naturally do with its own energy on a planet?