S: It is not interference. We examine new structures ... mutations ... to watch and see what is workable. We arrange substances for their most effective use with different suns.
Dr. N: When a species of life evolves on a planet, are the environmental conditions for selection and adaptation natural, or are intelligent soul-minds tinkering with what happens?
S: (evasively) Usually a planet hospitable to life has souls watching and whatever we do is natural.
Dr. N: How can souls watch and influence biological properties of growth evolving over millions of years on a primordial world?
S: Time is not in Earth years for us. We use it to suit our experiments.
Dr. N: Do you personally create suns in our universe?
S: A full scale sun? Oh no, that's way over my head ... and requires the powers of many. I generate only on a small scale.
Dr. N: What can you generate?
S: Ah ... small bundles of highly concentrated matter ... heated.
Dr. N: But what does your work look like when you are finished?
S: Small solar systems.
Dr. N: Are your miniature suns and planets the size of rocks, buildings, the moon-what are we talking about here?
S: (laughs) My suns are the size of basketballs and the planets ... marbles ... that's the best I can do.
Dr. N: Why do you do this on a small scale?
S: For practice, so I can make larger suns. After enough compression the atoms explode and condense, but I can't do anything really big alone.
Dr. N: What do you mean?
S: We must learn to work together to combine our energy for the best results.
Dr. N: Well, who does the full-sized thermonuclear explosions which create physical universes and space itself?
S: The source ... the concentrated energy of the Old Ones.
Dr. N: Oh, so the source has help?
S: I think so ...
Dr. N: Why is your energy striving to create universal matter and more complex life when Kumara and the entities above her are already proficient?
S: We are expected to join them, just as they wish to unite their accomplished energy with the Old Ones.
Creation questions always evoke the issue of First Cause. Was the exploding interstellar mass which caused the birth of our stars and planets an accident of nature or planned by an intelligent force? When I listen to subjects such as Thece, I ask myself why souls would be practicing the chain reactions of energy matter with models on a small scale if they were not intending to make larger celestial bodies. I have had no subjects in Levels VI and above to substantiate how they might carry the forces of creation further. It would seem if souls do progress, then entities at this level could be expected to involve themselves with the birthing of planets and the development of life forms capable of higher intelligence suitable for soul use.
After pondering why less-than-perfect souls are associated with creation at all, I came to the following conclusion. All souls are given the op portunity to participate in the development of lower forms of intelligent life in order to advance themselves. This principle could also be applied to the reason why souls incarnate in physical form. Thece suggested that the supreme intelligence she calls the source is made up of a combination of creators (the Old Ones) who fuse their energy to spawn universes. The thought has been expressed to me in different ways by other subjects when they describe the combined power of non-reincarnating old souls.
This concept is not new. For instance, the idea we have no single Godhead is the philosophy of the Jainist sect in India. The Jains believe fully perfected souls, called Siddhas, are a group of universal creators. These souls are fully liberated from further transmigrations. Below them are the Arhats souls, advanced illuminators who still incarnate along with three more lower gradations of evolving souls. To the Jains, reality is uncreated and eternal. Thus, the Siddhas need no creator. Most Eastern philosophies deny this tenet of Jainism in favor of a divine board of directors created by a chairman. This conclusion is more palatable to the Western mind as well.
With certain subjects it is possible to pursue a wide range of topics in condensed periods. Earlier, Thece had alluded to intelligent life existing on other worlds when she talked about a soul's cosmic training. This brings up another aspect about soul life which may be hard for some of us to accept. A small percentage of my subjects, usually the older, advanced souls, are able to recall being in strange, non-human intelligent life-forms on other worlds. Their memories are rather fleeting and clouded about the circumstances of these lives, the physical details, and planetary location relative to our universe. I wondered if Thece had any such experiences long ago, so I opened up this line of inquiry for a few minutes to see where it might lead.
Dr. N: A while back you remarked about other physical worlds besides Earth which are available to souls.
S: (hesitant) Yes ...
Dr. N: (casually) And, I assume, some of these planets support intelligent life which are useful to souls wishing to incarnate?
S: That's true, there are many schoolyards.
Dr. N: Do you ever talk to other souls about their planetary schoolyards?
S: (long pause) It's not my inclination to do so-I'm not attracted to them-the other schools.
Dr. N: Perhaps you could give me some idea of what they are like?
S: Oh, some are ... analytical schools. Others are basically mental worlds ... subtle places ...
Dr. N: What do you think of the Earth school by comparison?
S: The Earth school is insecure, still. It is filled with resentment of many people over being led and antagonism of the leaders toward each other. There is so much fear to overcome here. It is a world in conflict because there is too much diversity among too many people. Other worlds have low populations with more harmony. Earth's population has outpaced its mental development.
Dr. N: Would you rather be training on another planet, then?
S: No, for all Earth's quarreling and cruelty, there is passion and bravery here. I like working in crisis situations. To bring order out of disorder. We all know Earth is a difficult school.
Dr. N: So, the human body is not an easy host for souls?
S: ... There are easier life forms ... who are less in conflict with themselves ...
Dr. N: Well, how would you know this unless your soul had been in another life form?
After I had provided this suitable opening, Thece began talking about being a small flying creature in an alien environment on a dying world where it was hard to breathe. From her descriptions, the sun of this planet was apparently going into a nova stage. Her words were halting and came in short, rapid breaths.
Thece said she lived on this world in a humid jungle with a night sky so densely packed with stars there were no dark lanes in between. This gave me the impression she was located near the center of a galaxy, perhaps our own. She also said her brief time on this world was spent as a very young soul and Kumara was her mentor. After the world could no longer support life, they had come to Earth to continue working together. I was told there was a kinship in the mental evolution of life on Earth and what she had experienced before. This flying race of people began afraid, isolated, and dangerous to each other. Also, like Earth, family alliances were important, representing expressions of loyalty and devotion. While I was concluding this line of questioning, there was a further development.
Dr. N: Do you think there are other souls on Earth who also had physical lives on this now-dead world?
S: (pause, then unable to restrain herself) Actually, I have met one.
Dr. N: Under what circumstances?
S: (laughs) I met a man at a party a while ago. He recognized me, not physically, but with the mind. It was an odd meeting. I was caught off balance when he came up to me and took my hand. I thought he was pushy when he said he knew me.