Dr. N: Then what happened?
S: (softly) I was in a daze, which is unusual for me. I knew there was something between us. I thought it was sexual. Now, I can see it all clearly. It was ... Ikak. (this name is spoken with a clacking noise from the back of her throat) He told me we were once together from a place far away and there were a couple of others here ...
Dr. N: Did he say anything more about them?
S: (faintly) No ... I wonder ... I ought to know them ...
Dr. N: Did Ikak say anything else about your former physical relationship on this world?
S: No. He saw I was confused. I didn't know what he was talking about then anyway.
Dr. N: How could he consciously know about this planet when you didn't?
S: (puzzled) He is ... ahead of me ... he knows Kumara. (then, more to herself than me) What is he doing here?
Dr. N: Why don't you finish telling me about him at the party?
S: (laughs again) I thought he was just trying to pick me up. It was awkward because I was drawn to him. He said I was very attractive, which is something men don't usually say to me. There were flashes in my mind that we had been together before ... as fragments in a dream sequence.
Dr. N: How did your conversation end with this man?
S: He saw my discomfort. I guess he thought it best to have no further contact, because I haven't seen him since. I've thought about him though, and maybe we will see each other again ...
I believe souls do come across time and space for each other. Recently, I had two subjects who were best friends and came to me at the same time for regression. Not only had they been soulmates in many former lives on Earth, but were also mated as fish-like intelligent beings in a beautiful water world. Both recalled the enjoyment of playing underwater with their strong appendages and coming up to the surface, "to peek." Neither subject could recall much about this planet or what happened to their race of sea creatures. Perhaps they were part of a failed Earth experiment long before a land mammal developed into the most promising species on Earth for souls. I suspect it was not Earth because I have had others who tell of living in an aquatic environment they know was unearthly. One of these subjects said, "My water world was very warm and clear because we had three suns overhead. The total lack of darkness underwater was comforting and made building our dwellings much easier." I have often wondered if the dreams we have at night about flying, breathing underwater, and performing other non-human physical feats relate to our earlier physical experiences in other environments.
In the early days of my studies of souls, I half-expected that those subjects who could recall other worlds would say they had lived in our galaxy within the neighborhood of the sun. This assumption was naive. Earth is in a sparse section of the Milky Way with only eight stars that are ten light years from the sun. We know our own galaxy has more than two-hundred billion stars within a universe currently speculated at one-hundred-billion galaxies. The worlds around the suns which might support life are staggering to the imagination. Consider, if only a small fraction of one percent of the stars in our galaxy had planets with intelligent life useful to souls, the number would still be in the millions.
From what I can gather from subjects willing and able to discuss former assignments, souls are sent to any world with suitable intelligent life forms. Out of all the stars which are known to us, only four percent are like our sun. Apparently this means nothing to souls. Their planetary incarnations are not linked to Earth-type worlds or with intelligent bipeds who walk on land. Souls who have been to other worlds tell me they have a fondness for certain ones and return to them (like Earth) periodically for a succession of lives. I have not had many subjects who are able to recall specific details about living on other worlds. This may be due to lack of experience, a suppression of memory, or blocks imposed by master guides to avoid any discomfort from flashbacks in non-earthly bodies.
Those subjects who are able to discuss their experiences on other worlds tell me that before coming to Earth, souls are frequently placed in the bodies of creatures with less intelligence than human beings (unlike Thece's case). However, once in a human body, souls are not sent back down the mental evolutionary ladder. Yet, physical contrasts can be stark and side trips away from Earth are not necessarily pleasant. One mid-level client of mine expressed it this way. "After a long series of human lives, I told my guide I needed a break from Earth for a while in another kind of environment. He warned me, `You might not like this change right now because you have become so accustomed to the attributes of the human mind and body.' " My client persisted and was duly given life on what was described as, "A pastel world living among a race of small, thickly-set beings. They were a thoughtful but somber people with tiny chalk-white faces which never smiled. Without human laughter and physical flexibility, I was out of sync and made little progress." The assignment must have been particularly difficult for this individual when we consider that humor and laughter is such a hallmark of soul life in the spirit world.
I was now approaching the final phase of my session with Case 23. It was necessary to apply additional deepening techniques because I wanted Thece to reach into the highest recesses of her superconscious mind to talk with me about space-time and the source.
Dr. N: Thece, we are coming to the end of our time together and I want you to turn your mind once again to the source-creator. (pause) Will you do that for me?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: You said the ultimate objective of souls was to seek unification with the supreme source of creative energy-do you remember?
S: ... The act of conjunction, yes.
Dr. N: Tell me, does the source dwell in some special central space in the spirit world?
S: The source is the spirit world.
Dr. N: Then why do souls speak of reaching a core of spiritual life?
S: When we are young spirits we sense power around us everywhere and yet we feel we ... are on the edge of it. As we grow older there is an awareness of a concentrated power, but it is the same feeling.
Dr. N: Even though you have called this the place of the Old Ones?
S: Yes, they are part of the concentrated power of the source which sustains us as souls.
Dr. N: Well, lumping this power together as one energy source, can you describe the creator in more human terms?
S: As the ultimate selfless being which we strive to be.
Dr. N: If the source represents all the spirit world, how does this mental place differ from physical universes with stars, planets, and living things?
S: Universes are created-to live and die-for the use of the source. The place of spirits ... is the source.
Dr. N: We seem to live in a universe which is expanding and may contract again and eventually die. Since we live in a space with time limitations, how can the spirit world itself be timeless?
S: Because here we live in non-space which is timeless ... except in certain zones.
Dr. N: Please explain what these zones are.
S: They are ... interconnecting doors ... openings for us to pass through into a physical universe of time.
Dr. N: How can time-doors exist in non-space?
S: The openings exist as thresholds between realities.
Dr. N: Well, if the spirit world is non-dimensional, what kind of reality is that?
S: A constant reality state, as opposed to the shifting realities of dimensional worlds which are material and changing.
Dr. N: Do past, present, and future have any relevance for souls living in the spirit world?
S: Only as a means of understanding succession in physical form. Living here ... there is a ... changelessness ... for those of us not crossing thresholds into a universe of substance and time.
Note: A major application of time thresholds used by souls will be examined in the upcoming chapter on life selection.