Whatever the circumstances, relationships between people are the most vital part of our lives. Is it coincidence, ESP, deja vu, or synchronicity when the right time and place come together and you meet someone for the first time who will bring meaning into your life? Was there a fleeting forgotten memory-something familiar tugging at the back of your mind? I would ask the reader to sort through those memories involving a distinctive first encounter with someone important in the past. Was it at school? Did this individual live in your neighborhood? How about meeting him or her at work or during some recreation? Did someone introduce you, or was it a chance meeting? What did you feel at that moment?
I hate to tamper with your fond recollections of a supposedly spontaneous past meeting, but such descriptions as chance, happenstance, or impulse aren't applicable to crucial contacts. This makes them no less romantic. In cases involving soulmates, I have heard many heartfelt accounts of close spiritual beings who journeyed across time and space to find each other as physical beings at a particular geographic spot on Earth at a certain moment. It is also true our conscious amnesia can make meeting significant people difficult and we may take a wrong turn and miss the connection at some juncture. However, there can be a prearrangement here for back-up contingencies.
In the case which follows, I will begin the dialogue at a point in the session where I am asking my subject about his spirit world activity just before rebirth into his present life.
Case 28
Dr. N: Is it close to the time when you will be leaving the spirit world for another life?
S: Yes ... I'm about ready.
Dr. N: After you left the place of life selection, was your soulmind made up as to who you would be and the people you were to meet on Earth?
S: Yes, everything is beginning to come together for me.
Dr. N: What if you had second thoughts about your choice of a time frame or a particular human body? Could you back out?
S: (sighs) Yes, and I have done that before-we all have-at least the people I know. Most of the time it's intriguing to think about being alive on Earth again.
Dr. N: But what if you resisted coming back to Earth shortly before you were due to incarnate?
S: It's not that ... rigid. I would always discuss the possibilities ... my concerns for a new life with my tutor and companions before making a firm commitment. The tutors know when we are stalling, but I have made up my mind.
Dr. N: Well, I'm glad. Now tell me, once you are firmly committed to return to Earth, does anything else of importance transpire for you in the spirit world?
S: I must go to the recognition class.
Dr. N: What is this place like for you?
S: It's an observation meeting ... with my companions ... so I can recognize them later.
Dr. N: When I snap my fingers you will go immediately to this class. Are you ready?
S: Yes, I am.
Dr. N: (snapping my fingers) Explain to me what you are doing.
S: I ... am floating in ... with the others ... to hear the speaker.
Dr. N: I would like to accompany you, but you will have to be my eyes-is that all right?
S: Sure, but we must hurry a little.
Dr. N: How does this place appear to you?
S: Mmm ... a circular auditorium with a raised dais in the middle-that's where the speakers are.
Dr. N: Are we going to float in and sit down on seats?
S: (shakes head) Why would we need seats?
Dr. N: Just wondering. How many souls are around us?
S: Oh ... about ten or fifteen ... people who are going to be close to me in the life to come.
Dr. N: That's all the souls you see?
S: No, you asked how many were around me. There are others ... further away in groups ... to hear their speakers.
Dr. N: Are the ten or fifteen souls around you all from your cluster group?
S: Some of them.
Dr. N: Is this gathering similar to the one near the gateway where you met a few people right after your last life?
S: Oh no, that was more quiet ... with just my family.
Dr. N: Why was that homecoming meeting more quiet than where we are now?
S: I was still in a daze from losing my body. Here, there is lots of conversation and milling around ... anticipation ... our energy is really up. Listen, we have to move along faster, I have got to hear what the speakers are saying.
Dr. N: Are these speakers your tutor-guides?
S: No, they are the prompters.
Dr. N: Are they souls who specialize in this sort of thing?
S: Yes, they give us the signs by coming up with ingenious ideas.
Dr. N: Okay, let's move in close to the prompter while you continue to tell me what is happening.
S: We form a circle around the dais. The prompter is floating back and forth in the center-pointing a finger at each of us and saying we must pay close attention. I have to do it!
Dr. N: (lowering my voice) I understand and I wouldn't want you to miss a thing, but please explain what you mean by signs.
S: This prompter is assigned to us so we will know what to look for in our next life. The signs are placed in our mind now in order to jog our memories later as humans.
Dr. N: What kind of signs?
S: Flags-markers in the road of life.
Dr. N: Could you be more specific?
S: The road signs kick us into a new direction in life at certain times when something important is supposed to happen ... and then we must know the signs to recognize one another, too.
Dr. N: And this class takes place for souls before each new life?
S: Naturally. We need to remember the little things ...
Dr. N: But haven't you already previewed the details of your next life in the place of life selection?
S: That's true, but not the small details. Besides, I didn't know all the people who would be operating with me then. This class is a final review ... bringing all of us together.
Dr. N: For those of you who will have an impact on each other's lives?
S: That's right, it's mainly a prep-class because we won't recognize each other at first on Earth.
Dr. N: Do you see your primary soulmate here?
S: (flushing) ... she is here ... and there are other people that I am supposed to contact ... or they will contact me in some way ... the others need their signs, too.
Dr. N: Oh, so that's why these souls are a mixed gathering of entities from different groups. They are all going to play some significant role in each other's new life.
S: (impatiently) Yes, but I can't listen to what is going on with you talking ... Shhh!
Dr. N: (lowering my voice again) All right, on the count of three I am going to hold this class in suspension for a few minutes so you won't miss anything. (softly) One, two, three. The speaker is now quiet while you are going to explain a little more about the flags and the signs. Okay?
S: I ... guess so.
Dr. N: I am going to call these signs memory triggers. Are you telling me there will be special triggers for each of these people with you?
S: That's why we have been brought together. There will be times in my life when these people will appear. I must try to ... remember some ... action by them ... the way they look ... move ... talk.
Dr. N: And each will trigger a memory for you?
S: Yeah, and I'm going to miss some. The signs are supposed to click in our memory right away and tell us, "Oh, good, you are here now." Inside us ... we can say to ourselves, "It is time to work on the next phase." They may seem like insignificant little things, but the flags are turning points in our lives.
Dr. N: What if people miss these road flags or signs of recognition because, like you said, you forget what the prompter told you? Or, what if you choose to ignore your inclinations and take another path?