S: (pause) We have other choices-they may not be as good-you can be stubborn, but ... (stops)
Dr. N: But, what?
S: (with conviction) After this class we usually don't forget the important signs.
Dr. N: Why don't our guides just give us the answers we need on Earth? Why all this fooling around with signs to remember things?
S: For the same reason we go to Earth without knowing everything in advance. Our soul power grows with what we discover. Sometimes our lessons get resolved pretty fast ... usually not. The most interesting part of the road are the turns and it's best not to ignore the flags in our mind.
Dr. N: All right, I am going to count from ten down to one, and when I reach one, your class will start again and you will listen while the prompter gives out signs. I will not speak until you raise the index finger of your right hand. This will be my sign that the class is over and you can relate to me the signs you are to remember. Are you ready?
S: Yes.
Note: I finish my count and wait a couple of minutes before my subject raises his finger. This is a simple example of why time comparisons between Earth and spirit worlds are meaningless.
Dr. N: That didn't take long.
S: Yes, it did. The speaker had a lot to go through with all of us.
Dr. N: I assume you have the details of recognition signs now firmly in your mind?
S: I hope so.
Dr. N: Good, then tell me about the last sign you were given as the class ended.
S: (pause) A silver pendant ... I will see it when I am seven years old ... around the neck of a woman on my street ... she always wore it.
Dr. N: How will this silver object be a trigger for you?
S: (abstractly) It shines in the sun ... to catch my attention ... I must remember ...
Dr. N: (in a commanding tone) You have the capacity to bring your spiritual and earthly knowledge together. (placing my hand on the subject's forehead) Why is the soul of this woman important for you to know?
S: I meet her riding my bike on our street. She smiles ... the silver pendant is bright ... I ask about it ... we become friends.
Dr. N: Then what?
S: (wistfully) I will know her only a short time before we move, but it is enough. She will read to me and talk to me about life and teach me to ... respect people ...
Dr. N: As you grow older, can people themselves be signs or provide flags to help you make a connection?
S: Sure, they might arrange introductions at the right time.
Dr. N: Do you already know most of the souls who will be meaningful people to you on Earth?
S: Yes, and if I don't, I'll meet them in class.
Dr. N: I guess they can set up love relationship meetings, too?
S: (laughs) Oh, the matchmakers-yes they do that, but meetings can be for friendship ... getting people together to help your career ... that kind of stuff.
Dr. N: Then the souls who are in this auditorium and elsewhere can be involved with different kinds of associations in your life?
S: (enthusiastically) Yeah, I'm going to connect with the guy who is on my baseball team. Another one will be a farming partner-then there will be my life-long pal from grade school.
Dr. N: What if you connect with the wrong person in business, love, or whatever? Does that mean you missed a relationship sign or a red flag for an important event?
S: Hmm ... it probably won't be wrong, exactly ... it could be a jump start to get you going in a new direction.
Dr. N: Okay, now tell me what is the most important recognition sign you must remember from this prep-class.
S: Melinda's laugh.
Dr. N: Who is Melinda?
S: My wife-to-be.
Dr. N: What is there to remember about Melinda's laugh?
S: When we meet, her laugh is going to ... sound like tiny bells ... chimes ... I really can't describe it to you. Then, the scent of her perfume when we first dance ... a familiar fragrance ... her eyes.
Dr. N: So, you are actually given more than one trigger sign for your soulmate?
S: Yes, I'm so dense I guess the prompters thought I needed more clues. I didn't want to make a mistake when I met the right person.
Dr. N: What is supposed to trigger her recognition of you?
S: (grins) My big ears ... stepping on her toes dancing ... what we feel when we first hold each other.
It is an old saying that the eyes are the windows to our soul. No physical attribute has more impact when soulmates meet on Earth. As to our other physical senses, I mentioned in an earlier chapter that souls retain such memories as sounds and smell. All five senses may be used by spiritual prompters as recognition signals in future lives.
Case 28 began to express some discomfort with my keeping him from participating in his spiritual recognition class. I reinforced his visual association of floating around a central dais in an auditorium. (other people use different names) I gave my subject time to finish taking instruction and communicating with his friends and then moved him out of the place of recognition.
It is my practice never to rush clients in and out of their spiritual settings during a session because I find this hinders the intensity of concentration and recall. When we had established ourselves away from the other souls, I talked to this man about his soulmate, Melinda. I learned these two souls were most comfortable in husband and wife roles although occasionally they chose to relate differently in their lives together. Both these souls wanted to make sure they would connect on Earth in their current lives. I thought I would follow up on what actually had transpired.
Dr. N: When you and Melinda came to Earth and were young, did you live close to each other?
S: No, I lived in Iowa and she was in California ... (musing) it was Clair that I knew in Iowa.
Dr. N: Were you interested in Clair romantically?
S: Yes, I almost married her. It was close-and that would have been a mistake. Clair and I weren't right for each other, but going together in high school had become a habit.
Dr. N: And yet you left your home town for California?
S: Yes ... Clair didn't want me to go, but my parents wanted to leave our farm and move west. I liked Iowa and was uneasy about moving and torn over leaving Clair, who was still in high school.
Dr. N: Was there a road sign-a flag of some sort-which helped you make the decision to move with your parents?
S: (sighs) It was my sister who waved a red flag at me. She convinced me I would have more opportunities in the city where my parents were planning to go.
Dr. N: Do you see your sister in the spirit world?
S: Oh yeah, she is in my circle (cluster group).
Dr. N: Is Clair one of your soulmates?
S. (pause) More a friend ... just friends ...
Dr. N: Was leaving Clair hard for you?
S: Oh, yes ... even more for her. We were sexually attracted to each other in high school. The infatuation had no real mental connection ... it's so hard on Earth to figure out what you are supposed to do with other people ... sex is a big trap ... we would have grown bored with one another.
Dr. N: Was the physical attraction different with Melinda than you had with Clair?
S: (pause) When Melinda and I met at the dance there was the strong physical attraction of her body ... and I guess she liked the way I looked, too ... but we both felt something much more ...
Dr. N: I want to get this straight. Did you and Melinda choose your male and female bodies in the spirit world deliberately to attract each other once you reached Earth?
S: (nodding) To ... some extent ... but we were attracted to each other on Earth because inside our minds was the memory of what we were supposed to look like.
Dr. N: When the time of the dance rolled around, what happened in your mind?
S: I can see it all now. Our tutor was helping Melinda and me that night. My idea to go to the dance was sudden. I hate to dance because I'm clumsy. I didn't know anybody in the town yet and felt stupid, but I was guided there.