Dr. N: And what do you do?
S: I'm going with him and we are thinking about the good times we spent together playing in the hay on the farm.
Dr. N: And he is letting you see all this in your mind so you will know who he is?
S: Yes ... as I knew him in my last life ... so I won't be afraid. He knows I am still a little shocked over my death. (subject had died suddenly in an automobile accident)
Dr. N: Then, right after death, no matter how many deaths we may have experienced in other lives, it is possible to be a little fearful until we get used to the spirit world again?
S: It's not really fear-that's wrong-more like I'm apprehensive, maybe. It varies for me each time. The car crash caught me unprepared. I'm still a little mixed up.
Dr. N: All right, let's go forward a bit more. What is Uncle Charlie doing now?
S: He is taking me to the ... place I should go ...
Dr. N: On the count of three, let's go there. One-two-three! Tell me what is happening.
S: (long pause) There ... are ... other people around ... and they look ... friendly ... as I approach ... they seem to want me to join them ...
Dr. N: Continue to move towards them. Do you get the impression they might be waiting for you?
S: (recognition) Yes! In fact, I realize I have been with them before ... (pause) No, don't go!
Dr. N: What's happening now?
S: (very upset) Uncle Charlie is leaving me. Why is he going away?
Dr. N: (I stop the dialogue to use standard calming techniques in these circumstances, and then we continue.) Look deeply with your inner mind. You must realize why Uncle Charlie is leaving you at this point?
S: (more relaxed, but with regret) Yes ... he stays in a ... different place than I do ... he just came to meet me ... to bring me here.
Dr. N: I think I understand. Uncle Charlie's job was to be the first person to meet you after your death and see you were okay. I'd like to know if you feel better now, and more at home.
S: Yes, I do. That's why Uncle Charlie has left me with the others.
A curious phenomenon about the spirit world is that important people in our lives are always able to greet us, even though they may already be living another life in a new body. This will be explained in Chapter Six. In Chapter Ten, I will examine the ability of souls to divide their essence so they can be in more than one body at a time on Earth.
Usually at this juncture in a soul's passage, the carry-on luggage of Earth's physical and mental burdens are diminishing for two reasons. First, the evidence of a carefully directed order and harmony in the spirit world has brought back the remembrance of what we left behind before we chose life in physical form. Secondly, there is the overwhelming impact of seeing people we thought we would never meet again after they died on Earth. Here is another example.
Case 7
Dr. N: Now that you have had the chance to adjust to your surroundings in the spirit world, tell me what effect this place has on you.
S: It's so ... warm and comforting. I'm relieved to be away from Earth. I just want to stay here always. There is no tension, or worries, only a sense of well-being. I'm just floating ... how beautiful ...
Dr. N: As you continue to float along, what is your next major impression as you pass the spiritual gateway?
S: (pause) Familiarity.
Dr. N: What is familiar?
S: (after some hesitation) Uh mm ... people ... friends ... are here, I think.
Dr. N: Do you see these people as familiar people on Earth?
S: I ... have a sensation of their presence ... people I knew ...
Dr. N: All right, keep moving along. What do you see next?
S: Lights ... soft ... kind of cloudy-like.
Dr. N: As you are moving, does this light continue to look the same?
S: No, they are growing ... blobs of energy ... and I know they are people!
Dr. N: Are you moving toward them, or are they coming toward you?
S: We are drifting toward each other, but I am going slower than they are because ... I'm uncertain what to do ...
Dr. N: Just relax and continue floating while reporting back to me everything you see.
S: (pause) Now I'm seeing half-formed human shapes-from the waist up only. Their outlines are transparent, too ... I can see through them.
Dr. N: Do you see any sort of features to these shapes?
S: (anxiously) Eyes!
Dr. N: You see just eyes?
S: ... There is only a trace of a mouth-it's nothing. (alarmed) The eyes are all around me now ... coming closer ...
Dr. N: Does each entity have two eyes?
S: That's right.
Dr. N: Do these eyes have the appearance of human eyes with an iris and pupil?
S: No ... different ... they are ... larger ... black orbs ... radiating light ... towards me ... thought ... (then with a relieved sigh) oh!
Dr. N: Go on.
S: I'm starting to recognize them-they are sending images into my mind-thoughts about themselves and ... the shapes are changing ... into people!
Dr. N: People with physical human features?
S: Yes. Oh ... look! It's him!
Dr. N: What do you see?
S: (begins to laugh and cry at the same time) I think it's ... yes-it's Larry-he is in front of everybody else-he is the first one I really see ... Larry, Larry!
Dr. N: (after giving my subject a chance to recover a little) The soul entity of Larry is in front of an assortment of people you know?
S: Yes, now I know the ones I want most to see are in front ... some of my other friends are in the back.
Dr. N: Can you see them all clearly?
S: No, the ones in back are ... hazy ... far off ... but, I have the sensation of their presence. Larry is in front ... coming up to me ... Larry!
Dr. N: Larry is the husband from your last life you told me about earlier?
S: (subject rushes on) Yes-we had such a wonderful life togetherGunther was so strong-everyone was against our marriage in his family-Jean deserted from the navy to save me from the bad life I was living in Marseilles-always wanting me ...
This subject is so excited her past lives are tumbling one on top of the other. Larry, Gunther, and jean were all former husbands, but the same soulmate. I was glad we had a chance to review earlier who these people were in sessions before this interval of recall in the spirit world. Besides Larry, her recent American husband, jean was a French sailor in the nineteenth century and Gunther was the son of German aristocrats living in the eighteenth century.
Dr. N: What are the two of you doing right now?
S: Embracing.
Dr. N: If a third party were to look at the two of you embracing at this moment, what would they see?
S: (no answer)
Dr. N: (the subject is so engrossed in the scene with her soulmate there are tears streaming down her face. I wait a moment and then try again.) What would you and Larry look like to someone watching you in the spirit world right now?
S: They would see ... two masses of bright light whirling around each other, I guess ... (subject begins to settle down and I help wipe the tears off her face with a tissue)
Dr. N: And what does this signify?
S: We are hugging ... expressing love ... connecting ... it makes us happy ...
Dr. N: After you meet your soulmate, what happens next?
S: (subject tightly grips the recliner arms) Oh-they are all here-I only sensed them before. Now more are coming closer to me.
Dr. N: And this happens after your husband comes near you?
S: Yes ... Mother! She is coming over to me ... I've missed her so much ... oh, Mom ... (subject begins to cry again)
Dr. N: All right ...
S: Oh, please don't ask me any questions now-I want to enjoy this ... (subject appears to be in silent conversation with her mother of the last life)
Dr. N: (I wait for a minute) Now, I know you are enjoying this meeting, but I need you to help me know what is going on.
S: (in a faraway voice) We ... we are just holding each other ... it's so good to be with her again ...