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She put on a slightly hesitant, artificial smile.'Er… how well did you know Professor Spohr?'

Ken said: 'I met him in jail, if that's what you mean.'

'Normally,' I said, 'Ken and I only move in strictly Blue Book circles, but you can't blame somebody for the people he meets in jail, can you?'

Her glance flicked back and 'forth between the two of us. 'Yees,' she said slowly. 'Well, this is what the director said.' She took a crumpled cable form from her Sitting Bull bag and passed it over.


Ken said: 'Yes, I see,' quite tonelessly, and then: 'So you don't know what he was hawking around?'

'I was hoping his daughter would know – unless you do?'

He shook his head. 'He never told me. But he had something, all right.'

Mitzi came out of the bar with Lazaros close behind. He came straight across and asked Kapotas: 'Did Professor Spohr post any letters here yesterday?'

It was a clever idea, but eight hours too late. Kapotas shook his head. 'No. I opened the box before I went home yesterday, and again this morning. Nothing.'

'Did he make any telephone calls?'

Now why hadn't I been that clever eight hours ago? Kapotas reached for the book beside the switchboard and ran a finger down the column. 'Room 323… yes, at 8.25 last night he spoke to a number in Israel, in Jerusalem.'

'Papadimitriou put it through, did he? Why didn't he tell me?'

'He probably forgot in the fuss last night,' I said soothingly. 'He was in a pretty panicky state.' And this was an angle where I didn't want anybody getting rough with fragile fat old Papa.

Lazarosgrunted and looked half convinced. 'Just the number, no name, of course?" He wrote the number down, then stared at it. 'I can ask Papa; he probably listened in.' And headed off to the doorstep where the Sergeant was sunning himself.

Mitzi was standing just on the edge of our little sewing circle; now she leaned timidly forward. 'May I see the number, please?'

Kapotas shoved the book at her. She took a diary from her bag and copied it down. Ken asked: 'Do you recognise it?'

'No, but perhaps I can call it and ask what…' her voice trailed off.

Ken indicated Eleanor Travis. 'This is Miss Travis from the New York Met. She wanted to meet your father. Mitzi Braunhof, nee Spohr.'

Eleanor stuck out her hand and Mitzi shook it tentatively. 'I am sorry, but I cannot say anything about-'

Our Eleanor hadn't come all the way from Rhodes (paying half her own expenses) for that. She said firmly: 'I just wanted to see if the Met should put in a bid for whatever it was your father had turned up.'

When in doubt, talk money.

Mitzi frowned briefly, looked a little bothered, then shook her head. 'I am sorry I do not know… I have not had time for his papers yet, you understand… I only know it wasein Schwert… a sword.'

Ken and I looked at each other; he recovered first. 'Look -maybe we could all sit down for a little chat.' He looked towards the bar, where Apostólos was just unlocking the grill, but still with a table-full of policemen comparing and arranging papers.

He turned to Eleanor and smiled his best smile. 'If you've got any money, we could all go and have a quiet drink at the Ledra.'


Miss Travis had a little trouble getting used to the idea that two grown men could be completely broke, right down to the point at which she had to pay off the taxi. I spent a little time explaining about the laws of receivership and none at all telling where our last mils had gone.

We were just ahead of the lunchtime rush at the Ledra bar, so we got a corner table by the french windows and the waiter came across and said gravely: 'Good morning, Captain Caviti. It's been a long time.' And Ken said indeed it had and why didn't we all just drink whisky sours to make the ordering simpler? When Ken gets sparking, you don't find much room to argue, so we all had whisky sours; from Mitzi's expression as she sipped, it was the first she'd ever met.

When nobody was overhearing, Ken laid the folded paper on the table. 'Your father posted it last night, the Sergeant took it out and opened it. Roy took it off him.'

Mitzi's hand reached for it, then stopped, as if she were suddenly scared.

Slowly, hands trembling just a little, she unfolded the paper. 'Have you read it?'

I said: 'We don't read German.'

She skimmed it quickly, ending on a frown. 'But it does not say where is the sword.'

Ken lifted his glass and took a gulp and put it down again, face expressionless.

Mitzi said: 'Who was it being sent to?'

He gave her the envelope. 'Have you heard of Pierre Aziz?'

'I think my father… I think I have heard the name.'

'How about Franz Meisler?'

'Yes, he was working with my father in Israel. I think he is now in America."

I glanced at Eleanor. But she shook her head. 'Say – d'you mind telling me just what that is?'

Mitzi looked down at the paper again. 'Only a… a description of a sword.'

'May we hear it?'

Mitzi sipped, cleared her throat and started. The sword which we… in the tomb… at Akka… have found… is of… made of steel. With a name… on the… blade… of Ufert.' She looked up doubtfully, but Eleanor nodded enthusiastically.

'Ufert, that's right. Twelfth-century German sword-maker. Go on.'

'With… doubleedged blade… straight… guardpiece… some traces of gilding on the Knauf l The knob?'

'Pommel,' Eleanor said.

'Yes… which is of iron. With on one side… a gem of about 25 millimetres… perhaps a ruby.'

Eleanor frowned. "That's odd.'

'Odd? ' said Ken. 'A ruby 25 millimetres across? It's a sight better than odd.'

'No, I mean one set into a twelfth-century European sword. They hadn't picked up the idea of decorating swords much, at that time. Sorry, go on.'

Mitzi took another sip of her whisky sour, blinked and went on. 'On the other side of the… the pommel… a… an inlay of gold wire… and enamel… in shape of a shield… three gold leopards on red.'

"Three leopards! ' There was a sudden light behind Eleanor's eyes – which were blue, I noticed for the first time.

I said 'So the owner kept a pet shop?'

'No – it means the owner was probably Coeur de Lion. King Richard the Lion-Heart.'


After a long time I said: 'I suppose that would make it quite interesting, historicalwise.'

Eleanor looked at me. 'Just quite.'

'I thought it was lions on the English whatsit.'

'No, three leopards was Richard's bearing. Lions came in just after. Mind, to a Gerrnan sword-maker they were both as mythical as dragons.' She looked at Mitzi. 'Is that all?'

She'd been silently mouthing her way through the paper. 'No… then is the measurements of the sword, and then where it was found: in the ruins of the church of Sainte-Croix.'

I took out a pipe and started scraping it out. 'What is that thing, then? – a sales brochure?"

Eleanor said: 'No. Well, yes. Sort of, perhaps. A sword like that would only have a limited intrinsic value-'

Ken bent his eyebrows at her. 'With that ruby?'

'We-ell… there's rubies and there's rubies, particularly around that time. Twelfth-century swords aren't exactly common – most of them were still made of iron and rusted away when they didn't break, and I wouldn't believe in this one if ithadn't been found in a tomb where it might have been properly protected… But still, there's a few around and as works of art they're nothing and not great swords besides: the real European arms and armour came much later. But if you can tie that sword to King Richardand prove it's one he carried on his Crusade… Well, name your price.'