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“Real pleased I’m sure,” Tiger Pansy said around her gum. She smiled at Paula. “Hey, I know you, you’re that famous Investigator, right. I was wanting to play your character in Murderous Seduction, but Jaycee gave it to Slippy Gwen-Hott instead. Shame, that.”

Paula had absolutely no idea how to reply. She looked at Nigel for guidance. He seemed indecently pleased at her discomfort.

“Delighted to have you here, Tiger Pansy,” Nigel said with perfect civility.

“Oh, wow, it really is you.”

“This,” Paula sputtered at Mellanie, “this is the person you found for Qatux?”

“Of course,” Mellanie said. “Tiger Pansy is perfect.”

Paula took a breath, and gave the porn starlet a close look. Tiger Pansy was combing at her wild red hair with three-centimeter gold and purple fingernails. Her facial skin was leathery, with a sheen that betrayed inexpert reprofiling treatments that not even her excessive makeup was able to conceal. She’d squeezed into a henna-colored skirt that only came halfway to her knees; a black blouse had the top three buttons undone. Paula was sure Tiger Pansy was wearing an uplift bra. She really didn’t need to. “Do you know what you’re supposed to be doing?” Paula asked.

“Yeah, Mellanie explained it all to me. It’s kinda weird, but what the hell. It ain’t fucking a D.O.L. for a living. Right?” She giggled loudly, a sound reminiscent of a sea lion mating call.

And Paula realized that, actually, Mellanie was one hundred percent right. Tiger Pansy was perfect for this. “Right,” Paula agreed.

“They’re coming through,” Nelson announced.

The dark force field turned fluorescent as the Operations Center locked the wormhole exit inside the High Angel, the first time the sentient starship had ever allowed that to happen. Hoshe and Qatux walked through it.

Tiger Pansy’s jaw stopped chewing as she looked up at the big alien. “Oh, wow.” Her giggle turned nervy. Even Mellanie’s chirpiness faded away.

Nigel stepped forward. He bowed. “Qatux, welcome to the Commonwealth. We are honored that you’re here. I only wish it was under different circumstances.”

“Nigel Sheldon,” the alien rasped. Several of its eyes swayed around to look at the Dynasty leader. “I am grateful for this opportunity. My race has remained sheltered in the High Angel for too long. And is this the delightful lady who has agreed to be my companion during this visit?”

“Ohh.” Tiger Pansy’s mouth opened to a wide incredulous O. She walked forward, almost falling as her shoes wobbled on their slender heels. Nigel, Nelson, and Paula all gave a little lurch forward, their arms lifting in unison ready to catch her. “You’re a real gentleman, you know that.” Tiger Pansy hesitantly put out a hand.

Qatux unrolled an unsteady tentacle. Its tip coiled gently around Tiger Pansy’s wrist. She shivered as if caught in a blast of icy air. Slender OCtattoos glowed a phosphor green beneath her skin; for a moment her whole body was luminous, with emerald pinpricks shining through her fuzz of hair. Qatux sighed like a human who’d just downed a whiskey chaser in one.

Tiger Pansy looked down at her hands as the light faded. “I didn’t know they could do that. You got you some fancy software there, Mr. Qatux.”

“Yes,” Qatux murmured. “I thank you for allowing my routines access to your circuitry. They can provide the direct links I require. I can feel your emotional content perfectly. You are a poignant lady, Tiger Pansy.”

Tiger Pansy’s nervous giggle sliced into the silence. “Hey, that’s really sweet.”

Qatux released her hand; its head swung around to face Nigel and Nelson. “And now it will be my delight to help you uncover the Starflyer agents in your midst.”

“We’re setting up a dedicated analysis center,” Nelson said. “The suspects will be brought in for you once we’ve neutralized any wetwired weapons.”

The biggest airlock door in the chamber expanded. Qatux moved through it with a ponderous gait. Tiger Pansy tottered alongside. “So is there, like, a Mrs. Qatux?” she asked.

Paula couldn’t help the gentle smile on her face as she watched the very odd couple leave.

“Now there’s something you don’t see every day,” Hoshe said quietly.

“Only once in a very long lifetime, I’d say,” Paula replied. Her e-butler told her there was a call from Justine for herself and Nigel.

“I’ve made contact with Johansson,” Justine said. “He’s willing to help us track down the Starflyer, but there’s a problem.”

“Which is?” Nigel asked.

“He wants some proof that our offer isn’t an entrapment. After all, he has spent a hundred thirty years being pursued by the Serious Crimes Directorate, and now he’s about to face his target.”

“Will a personal guarantee from me swing it?” Nigel asked.

“He wants Paula to deliver the data Kazimir McFoster was carrying.”

“No.” The word came out before Paula even knew she’d said it. There was no analysis, no careful reasoning. She simply knew the answer.

“Why not?” Justine asked. “I know this is difficult for you, but the Guardians were right.”

“I accept that,” Paula backtracked. “Johansson had a perfect right to oppose the Starflyer, even though he should have used different methods. But Elvin is a mass murderer, a political terrorist of the worst kind. I cannot overlook that, no matter what.”

“You have to,” Nigel told her.

“You both know what I am. Therefore you know I cannot.”

Just for an instant, Nigel’s affable façade slipped. “I don’t get this; you of all people know what’s at stake here. Just take the data to them, forget your damn scruples for a minute. We can nab that little shit Elvin when this is over, because I assure you I certainly haven’t forgotten Abadan.”

“No,” Paula said.

“Shit!” Nigel glared at her. It would have made anybody else in the Commonwealth back down immediately; Paula seemed oblivious of his anger. “All right,” he snapped. “Justine, call them back. Negotiate. Find someone else they consider acceptable.”

Mellanie trailed after Qatux and Tiger Pansy as Nelson led them over to the security center. It wasn’t far from the exploratory division, a blank dome with a heavily guarded entrance. Cat’s Claws had been assigned the escort duty; wearing their bulky armor suits they looked formidable. Her inserts scanned them passively, showing her which one was Morton; otherwise she would never have known. He didn’t say anything to her. All of the squad were taking their duty very seriously.

“This way I get to stay in the game,” Morton had said contentedly when he and the others suited up. Nelson had given them the option of leaving, but they’d decided to stay on. Mellanie knew why Morton was doing it; this kept him close to the real players and, she hoped, her as well. The Cat and Rob just seemed to enjoy the whole idea of a fight.

Nelson had turned over a lecture theater for Qatux to use. Most of the seating had been removed, and the lighting dimmed. Various technicians were setting up equipment cabinets. They all stopped when the alien came in. Several applauded. Tiger Pansy giggled, and started doing introductions like some old-fashioned diplomatic interpreter.

Mellanie saw Dudley and the Bose motile lurking about near the big wall-mounted portal that presenters used to display their lecture data on. The Bose motile had three security guards standing close by. They all wore sharp business suits, and appeared perfectly friendly, but Mellanie’s scan located some inserts with a very high power density wetwired into their bodies. Their visible OCtattoos were green and red lines running in parallel along the rear of their cheeks.

Two of the Bose motile’s sensor stalks bent around to follow her as she walked over to them. “Hello, Mellanie,” it said. She saw it now had a slim modern handheld array hanging from a leather strap around one of its arm limbs.

“Hello,” she said pleasantly. “So are you Dudley one, or two? What have the pair of you decided?”