"It wasn'tsomewhere in New Jersey. It was down the block from where Mr. Greenblatt was killed."
"Byyou, Mr. Machia, just to be clear."
"Yes, sir." The witness nodded."By me."
Kaskel scratched his chin."Now, you describe yourself as a longtime member of the Guarino crime family, isn't that right? And you've admitted to doing a lot of bad things on behalf of that family."
"Yes," the witness answered."To both."
"Like… killing people or trafficking in drugs, isn't that right?"
"That's correct."
"What kinds of drugs did you traffic in, Mr. Machia?"
Machia shrugged."Marijuana. Ecstasy, heroin, cocaine. You name it."
"Hmmph," the lawyer snickered to the jury,"you're quite the entrepreneur, aren't you? You've owned a gun, haven't you, Mr. Machia?"
"Yes, sir. I've always had a gun."
"Ever use your gun or threaten the life of someone in connection to those drugs, Mr. Machia?"
"Yes, sir, I have."
"Evertake any of those drugs yourself, Mr. Machia?" Cavello's lawyer pressed.
"Yes, I've taken drugs."
"So you're an admitted drug user, a car thief, a burglar, a knee breaker, and oh, yes,a killer, Mr. Machia. Tell me, in the course of your longtime crime dealings, did you ever have the occasion to lie?"
"Lie?" The witness chuckled."Of course I lied. I lied all the time."
"By all the time, you mean… once a month? Once a week? Every day, perhaps?"
"We always lied, Mr. Kaskel. That was what we did."
"Why would we lie? To keep out of trouble. To avoid getting caught."
"Ever lie to the cops, Mr. Machia?"
"Sure, I lied to the police."
"To the FBI?"
"Yes." The witness swallowed."When I was first arrested, I lied to the FBI."
"What about your wife, Mr. Machia? Or, say, your mother? Ever lie to them?"
Louis Machia nodded."I guess in the course of my life I've lied to just about everyone."
"So let's face it, Mr. Machia, what you are is a habitual liar. Basically, you've lied to everyone you know. The people you work with, the police, the FBI, your wife. Even the woman who bore you. Let me ask you, Mr. Machia, is there anything you wouldn't lie about?"
"Yes." Louis Machia straightened up."This."
"This?" Kaskel mocked him sarcastically."Bythis, I assume you mean your testimony?"
"Yes, sir," the witness said.
"The government's promised you a sweet deal, haven't they? If you tell them what they want to hear."
"If I admit to my crimes and tell the truth." The witness shrugged."They said they would take that into account."
"By that, you mean reduce your sentence, correct?"
"Maybe even to ‘time served,'" the Eyebrow said, wide-eyed,"is that not correct?"
"It's possible." The witness nodded.
"So tell us," Kaskel said,"why should this jury believe you now, when in practically every other instance of your life, you've admitted you habitually lied in order to save your own skin?"
"Because," said the witness, smiling,"it makes no sense for me to lie now."
"It makes no sense?" Kaskel scratched his chin again."Why?"
"Because if they catch me in a lie I stay in prison. All I have to do to get my sentence reduced is tell the truth. How 'bout that, Mr. Kaskel?"
Chapter 20
THEY BROKE FOR LUNCH. Andie went out with O'Flynn and Marc, the crime writer, to Chinatown, a short walk from the courthouse in Foley Square.
For a while, as they picked at appetizers, they exchanged stories. Andie told them about Jarrod, about what it was like raising a kid in the city by herself. O'Flynn asked what it was like to work onThe Sopranos, and Andie admitted she'd sort of stretched that a little bit:"I was an extra. I exaggerated to get off the trial."
"Jeez." O'Flynn stared at her glassily."Y'just broke my heart."
"John's been rewinding through five years of reruns trying to pick you out in the Bada Bing." Marc grinned, picking up a piece of bean curd with his chopsticks.
"So what about you?" Andie turned to Marc."What kind of stuff do you write?"
Marc seemed like a cool guy to her. He had longish, curly blond hair, a bit like Matthew McConaughey, and always wore jeans with his navy blazer and open-necked shirt.
"Couple of okay mystery novels-one was nominated for an Edgar Award. I did some CSI and NYPD Blue scripts."
"So, like, you're famous," said Andie.
"Iknow a few famous writers," he said, grinning."Am I making you nervous?"
"Yeah, I can hardly hold my chopsticks." Andie smiled."Look at them shake."
"So I gotta ask you guys." O'Flynn lowered his voice."I know we're not supposed to talk, but this Machia guy, what'd we make of him?"
"We make him to be one coldhearted sonovabitch," Marc said."But he does know how to get a laugh."
"Heis a sonovabitch," Andie agreed,"but when he was talking about his friend, I don't know, I felt a different side of him starting to come through."
"I guess what I was really asking"-O'Flynn leaned in close-“is, do we believe him? In spite of all the shit he's done."
Andie looked at Marc. Machia was a murderer and a thug. He'd probably done a hundred horrible things he'd never owned up to. But that bit about telling the truth hit home, how he had nothing to gain from lying now.
The writer shrugged."Yeah, I believe him."
They both looked at Andie."Yeah, I believe him, too."
Chapter 21
WHEN THE JURY CAME BACK from lunch, a behemoth of a man took the witness stand. He was probably three hundred pounds, and he was one of the least healthy-looking people I'd ever seen.
"Can you state your name," Joel Goldenberger stood up and asked,"and where you currently reside?"
"My name is Ralph Denunziatta," the heavyset man said,"and I currently reside in a federal penitentiary."
Suddenly there was an ear-splitting boom that seemed to shake the entire building.
Everybody jumped or covered their heads. It was under-the-table time. There were several loud cries. One of the marshals made a move toward Cavello. No one knew what was happening yet. I stood up and was about to jump over the railing to protect the judge.
Then the noise came again. From the street. Maybe a demolition explosion, or a truck backfire. Everyone looked around as the nervous gasps in the courtroom diffused.
The only one who hadn't moved was Cavello. He just sat there, looking around, concealing an amused grin."Don't look atme, " he said, and nearly everybody in the courtroom laughed.
The trial resumed. Denunziatta was about fifty, with a couple of double chins and grayish thinning hair; he spoke in a soft tone. Like Machia, I'd gotten to know him well. I was the one who had arrested him. I actually liked Ralphie, if you could like a guy who wouldn't shrug to see you dead.
Joel Goldenberger stepped up to the stand."Mr. Denunziatta, would you state your position in organized crime?"
"I was a captain in the Guarino crime family." He spoke in a hushed tone, eyes averted.