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Back on the super-express, the Modhran mind segment I’d dealt with had mentioned that, as far as he knew, Minnario always took his meals alone. Now I knew why.

He’d finished his main meal and was starting on his dessert cheese when Bayta finally called.

“I can’t get a match on Blue One’s face with anyone aboard the station,” she said tightly. “Staff, visitors, clients—no one. As far as the main computer is concerned, he simply doesn’t exist.”

“Terrific,” I growled. “Is Emikai there with you?”

“No, he left as soon as we reached the room,” she said. “He said there were some things he had to do.”

“You’ve double-locked the door, though, right?” I asked. “Blue One had a passkey, remember. Some of the others might have them, too.”

“Double-locked, one of the dining chairs is pressed against it to make it harder to slide, and Ty’s lying down beside it,” she assured me.

Clearly, my native paranoia had started rubbing off on her. Aboard Proteus, that was increasingly looking like a good thing. “And you’ve been through all the records?”

“Everything I can find,” she said. “Do you want me to keep digging?”

“Probably no point,” I said. “But there are bound to be areas of the computer you haven’t been able to access. Maybe we’ll call Emikai in later and see if his cop training included system hacking.”

“You think it might?”

“Mine did,” I reminded her. “Besides, he did say earlier that even enforcement officers sometimes have to improvise. Go ahead and get started on that listing of nearby medical areas.”

“All right,” she said. “Is he awake yet?”

I looked at Blue One. His eyes were still closed, his face still slack. From all outward appearances he seemed to still be in the depths of dreamland.

All appearances but one. His breathing, while still slow, was definitely faster and stronger than it had been when I’d first begun my vigil. “Actually, he just woke up,” I said. “I’ll talk to you later.”

I keyed off the comm and reached out a foot to nudge Blue One in his side. “Come on, look alive,” I said. “I haven’t got all night.”

For a moment he didn’t move. I was picking out a spot for my next kick, a harder one this time, when he opened his eyes. “Interesting, that last conversation,” he said. “Have you misplaced someone?”

“Only temporarily,” I said. “You want to tell me what you know about it? Or do I have to beat it out of you?”

He favored me with another of his thin, evil smiles. “Address me by name,” he said.

“Sure,” I said. “What name would you like me to use?”

“By my name,” he repeated. “Or this conversation is ended.”

“I don’t know your name.”

“A pity,” he said, and closed his eyes again.

I felt my lip twitch. In other words, he wanted to know how much I actually knew. “How about Shonkla-raa?” I asked. “That close enough?”

He opened his eyes again, his blaze darkening. “So we were right,” he said quietly. “You did indeed examine Asantra Muzzfor’s papers aboard the Quadrail.” He cocked his head. “And if he didn’t destroy them, it follows that everything else you told us concerning his death was a lie.”

“Most of it,” I agreed. “The truth is that he attacked me after the murder investigation was over. Without warning or provocation, of course.”


I looked him squarely in the eye. “And during the fight I killed him.”

His blaze darkened even farther. “Impossible,” he said flatly.

“I’m sure you’d like to think so,” I said. “But it might just be that you don’t know as much about me as you think you do.” I leaned back deliberately in my chair. “You ever hear of the mystery of Quadrail 219117?”

“The outbound train from Homshil to the Bellidosh Estates-General,” he said. “The one that…” He trailed off, an odd expression suddenly on his face.

“The one that disappeared a couple of years back,” I finished for him. “Vanished from the tracks into thin air with everyone aboard and was never heard from again. You want to know what really happened to it?”

His eyes were locked on me. “Tell me.”

“One of the mind segments of your friend the Modhri had decided I had information he didn’t want me to have,” I said. “He’d also brought some coral aboard the train, which he used to infect the rest of the passengers. He figured a trainful of walkers ought to be more than enough to take me down.”

I paused. “And?” Blue One asked.

“It wasn’t,” I said. “I killed him.”

He smiled again. But this time it was forced and uncertain. “All of him,” he said.

“Every last bit of him,” I confirmed. It hadn’t been nearly that easy, of course, any more than it had been easy to take down Asantra Muzzfor. And I’d had a lot of help in both situations.

But Blue One didn’t know that. And he wasn’t going to. “There’s a reason the Spiders hired me, Shonkla-raa,” I continued. “I’m good at what I do. And if I don’t get some answers about Terese German, I’ll probably have to kill a lot more people. Starting with you.”

For a dozen heartbeats he remained silent. Across the room in the dining area, Minnario had stopped chomping, and even Doug at my feet seemed to be listening in anticipation. “I’m not afraid of you,” Blue One said at last. “But I also have no desire to see blood flow in the corridors of Kuzyatru Station.”

“A wise decision,” I said, “especially since you’re probably trying as hard to operate under the radar as I am. Where is she?”

“I don’t know,” Blue One said. “Moving her wasn’t part of the plan. I can only assume it was done in response to this.” He twitched his shackled arms. “If you’d care to release me, I could go ask them.”

“Maybe later,” I said. “Fine—let’s assume you really don’t know where she is. Where might she be?”

He snorted. “What, aboard Kuzyatru Station?”

“I’m not talking about the whole station,” I said. “I’m talking about the limited number of ratholes you and your limited number of fellow Shonkla-raa have set aside for yourselves.”

He smiled again. “You delude yourself, Compton. There are far more of us than you can possibly imagine.”

“And they’ll be jackbooting their way down the corridors to Director Usantra Nstroo’s office any time now,” I said. “Heard it before. I want a list of those bolt-holes.”

He shook his head. “A waste of time. She’s a medical patient in poor condition, which means they’ll have taken her to another medical facility.”

“That makes sense,” I said, watching him closely. “Except that she wouldn’t be in poor condition if you hadn’t been dosing her with sickness juice. Did I mention we’d found your gimmicked hypos?”

His face changed, just enough to show I’d hit a nerve with that one. “Did you think we weren’t expecting you to?”

“Actually, yes, I do think that,” I said. “Seems like a lot of wasted effort, though. Why not just have Dr. Aronobal spike Ms. German’s normal meds? Aronobal is on your team, isn’t she?”

He hesitated, then shrugged. “I suppose there’s no point in denying it. Yes, she was our agent looking for likely prospects on Earth. She heard about Ms. German’s condition and arranged for her transport here.”

“And the rest of the Humans, the ones in Building Twelve?” I asked. “Did Aronobal bring them in, too?”

Again, his expression shifted subtly. “You’re well informed, Compton,” he said. “I was told you hadn’t been closer to Building Twelve than the spot where I left Tech Yleli’s body.”