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On the Tuesday she went to the Papéterie, and was the life and soul of the party, sparkling with merriment. Driving home, it was so warm that she begged to have the top of the carriage put back, and so she enjoyed the crowning pageant of the autumn, the full hunter's moon and the crimson ball of the sun both visible at once.

Wednesday found her busy at her desk, confessing to a slight cold, but making nothing of it. The next day bronchitis developed, followed by pneumonia. For several days the issue seemed doubtful, the strong constitution fighting for life. Two devoted physicians were beside her, one the friend of many years, the other a young assistant. The presence of the latter puzzled her, but his youth and strength seemed tonic to her, and she would rest quietly with her hand in his strong hand.

On Sunday evening the younger physician thought her convalescent; the elder said, "If she pulls through the next twenty-four hours, she will recover."

But she was too weary. That night they heard her say, "God will help me!" and again, toward morning, "I am so tired!"

Being alone for a moment with Maud, she spoke one word: a little word that had meant "good-bye" between them in the nursery days.

So, in the morning of Monday, October 17, her spirit passed quietly on to God's keeping.

Those who were present at her funeral will not forget it. The flower-decked church, the mourning multitude, the white coffin borne high on the shoulders of eight stalwart grandsons, the words of age-long wisdom and beauty gathered into a parting tribute, the bugle sounding Taps, as she passed out in her last earthly triumph, the blind children singing round the grave on which the autumn sun shone with a final golden greeting.

We have told the story of our mother's life, possibly at too great length; but she herself told it in eight words.

"Tell me," Maud asked her once, "what is the ideal aim of life?"

She paused a moment, and replied, dwelling thoughtfully on each word,—

"To learn, to teach, to serve, to enjoy!"



Abbott, J., I, 214, 215; II, 99.

Abdin Palace, II, 35, 36.

Abdul Hamid II, II, 42.

Abdul Hassan, mosque of, II, 36.

Aberdeen, Countess of, II, 165, 166.

Aberdeen, J. C. H. Gordon, Earl of, II, 165.

Abolitionists, I, 177, 305; II, 171.

Academy of Fine Arts, French, II, 23.

Acroceraunian Mountains, I, 272.

Acropolis, II, 43.

Adamowski, Timothée, II, 55, 58.

Adams, Charles Follen, II, 270, 273;

verse by, II, 335.

Adams, Mrs. C. F., I, 266.

Adams, John, I, 4.

Adams, John Quincy, II, 312.

Adams, Nehemiah, I, 168.

Advertiser, Boston, II, 195, 222.

Ægina, I, 73.

Æschylus, II, 130, 282, 348, 372.

Agassiz, Alexander, II, 50.

Agassiz, Elizabeth Cary, I, 124, 345, 361; II, 228, 287, 292.

Agassiz, Louis, I, 124, 151, 251, 345; II, 150, 158.

Aidé, Hamilton, II, 251.

Airlie, Lady, II, 254.

Alabama, II, 108.

Albania, I, 272.

Albany, I, 342.

Albert of Savoy, II, 303.

Albert Victor, II, 9.

Albinola, Sig., I, 94.

Alboni, Marietta, I, 87.

Alcott, A. Bronson, I, 285, 290; II, 57, 120.

Aldrich, Mrs. Richard, II, 367.

Aldrich, T. B., I, 244, 262; II, 70, 354, 357, 358.

Aldrich, Mrs. T. B., I, 245.

Alger, Wm. R., I, 207, 244, 245; II, 127, 139, 140.

Allston, John, I, 12.

Alma-Tadema, Lady, II, 168, 169.

Alma-Tadema, Laurence, II, 168, 169, 171.

Almy, Mr., II, 139.

Amadeo, II, 31, 278.

Amalfi, II, 33.

Amberley, Lady, I, 266.

Amélie, Queen, II, 30.

America, I, 7, 11, 207, 247, 267, 273, 320, 344; II, 18, 21, 189.

American Academy of Arts and Letters, II, 399.

American Academy of Science, I, 251, 259.

American Authors, Society of, II, 355.

American Branch, International Peace Society, I, 306.

American Civil War, I, 176, 186, 219-22; II, 253.

American Institute of Education, II, 68.

American Notes, I, 81.

American Peace Society, I, 303.

American Revolution, I, 6.

American School of Archæology, Athens, II, 243.

American Woman Suffrage Association, I, 365.

Ames, Mr., II, 166, 167.

Ames, Charles Gordon, I, 392; II, 187,193, 216, 229, 273, 280, 287, 288, 298, 324, 328, 358, 361.