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Coggeshall, Joseph, I, 253; II, 57.

Cogswell, J. G., I, 46, 104, 184.

Colby, Clara, II, 180.

Cole, Thomas, I, 42.

Colfax, Schuyler, I, 378.

Collegio Romano, II, 255.

Colliers' Weekly, II, 391.

Collyer, Robert, II, 62, 230, 255, 344.

Cologne, I, 92; II, 173.

Colonial Dames, II, 198.

Colorado, I, 372.

Columba Kang, II, 91.

Columbia University, II, 227.

Columbian Exposition, II, 107, 178, 181, 182, 184.

Columbus, Christopher, I, 323; II, 178, 194, 244, 357.

Combe, George, I, 95.

Commonwealth, I, 141, 142.

Concord, Mass., I, 152, 177; II, 57, 61, 77, 128, 194.

Concord, N.H., I, 254.

Concord Prison, II, 252.

Concord School of Philosophy, II, 118, 119, 120, 128.

Constantinople, I, 345; II, 35, 42.

Continental Congress, I, 4.

Conway, M. D., I, 306.

Cook's agency, II, 34, 41.

Cookson, Mr., II, 170.

Coolidge, Joseph, II, 313.

Copperheads, I, 239.

Coquelin, B. C., II, 288, 289.

Coquerel, Athanase, I, 286; II, 315.

Corday, Charlotte, I, 12.

Cordés, Charlotte, I, 12.

Corea, II, 91.

Corfù, I, 272.

Corné, Father, I, 53, 54.

Corot, J. B. C., II, 172.

Corse, Gen., II, 380.

Cotta, J. F., I, 202.

Council of Italian Women, II, 254, 255.

Cowell, Mary, I, 13.

Crabbe, George, I, 13.

Cram, R. A., II, 156.

Cramer, J. B., I, 43.

Crawford, Annie. See Rabé.

Crawford, Eleanor, II, 389.

Crawford, F. Marion, I, 130, 254, 255, 362; II, 28, 31, 65, 69-71, 80, 81, 84, 240, 362, 376, 389.

Crawford, Mrs. F. M., II, 240.

Crawford, Harold, II, 240.

Crawford, Louisa W., I, 18, 19, 30, 34, 35, 58, 59, 70, 78, 79, 95, 103, 115, 118, 130, 134.

Letters to, I, 81, 84, 88, 92, 110, 111, 113-17, 119-22, 125-29, 130, 131, 155-59, 168, 170-72.

See also Terry, Louisa.

Crawford, Thomas, I, 41, 95, 115; II, 55, 389.

Crete, I, 260-62, 264, 275-77, 278, 287; II, 43, 44, 225, 394.

Crimea, I, 294.

Crimean War, II, 189.

Critic, N.Y., II, 66.

Crothers, S. McC., II, 320.

Crusaders, II, 15.

Cuba, I, 173, 176, 177, 326.

Cuckson, Mr., II, 203.

Cumberland Lakes, I, 92.

Curiel, Señor, I, 324.

Curtis, G. W., I, 143, 159, 160; II, 93.

Letter of, II, 147.

Cushing, Mr., II, 74, 75.

Cushing, Louisa, II, 227.

Cushman, Charlotte, I, 204; II, 345.

Cutler, B. C., Sr., I, 10, 13, 17.

Cutler, B. C., 2d, I, 27, 28, 38, 39, 107; II, 222, 364.

Cutler, Eliza. See Francis.

Cutler, John, I, 10, 12.

Cutler, Julia. See Ward.

Cutler, Louisa. See McAllister.

Cutler, Sarah M. H., I, 10, 12, 13, 17, 39, 40, 42; II, 319.

Cyclades, I, 272.

Cyprus, II, 42.

Czerwinsk, II, 12, 13, 14.

Dana, R. H., Jr., I, 226.

D'Annunzio, II, 285.

Dante, Alighieri, I, 174, 330; II, 26, 27, 120,357.

Dantzig, II, 15, 18.

Daubigny, C. F., II, 172.

Daughters of the American Revolution, II, 179, 194, 351.

Davenport, E. L., I, 204.

Davidson, Thomas, II, 128.

Davidson, Wm., letter of, II, 390.

Davis, James C., I, 201, 251.

Davis, Jefferson, I, 222.

Davis, Mary F., I, 304.

Davis, Theodore, II, 251.

Dead Sea, II, 38, 39.

Declaration of Independence, I, 4.

DeKoven, Reginald, II, 195.