Parnell, Fanny, II, 4.
Parsons, verse by, II, 115.
Parthenon, I, 274.
Pascarello, Sig., II, 255.
Passion Flowers, I, 59, 106, 135, 137, 142, 162, 251; II, 211.
Pater, Walter, II, 168.
Patti, Adelina, II, 5.
Paul, Jean, I, 67.
Peabody, A. P., I, 210.
Peabody, F. G., II, 127.
Peabody, Lucia, II, 260.
Peabody, Mary. See Mann.
Peace, I, 300-07, 309, 312, 318, 319, 332, 345, 346; II, 8, 77, 326, 327, 359.
Pearse, Mrs., II, 250.
Peary, R. E., II, 396.
Pecci. See Leo XIII.
Peekskill, I, 6.
Pekin, II, 276, 278, 279.
Pelosos, Ernest, I, 124.
Pennsylvania Peace Society, I, 319.
Perabo, Mr., I, 245, 259; II, 136.
Pericles, I, 274.
Perkins, Charles, II, 99.
Perkins, Mrs. C. C., I, 347; II, 65.
Perkins, G. H., II, 292.
Perkins Institution for the Blind, I, 73, 74, 102, 103, 105, 109, 111, 112, 128, 167, 249, 273, 283, 354; II, 59, 73, 129, 150, 269, 293, 347, 357.
Perry, Bliss, II, 320.
Perrysburg, II, 121, 122.
Persiani (Fanny Tacchinardi), I, 87.
Perugia, II, 243.
Peter the Great, II, 249.
Petrarch, Francesco, I, 194.
Philadelphia, I, 63, 131, 169, 295, 304, 318; II, 195, 196.
Philippines, II, 265.
Phillips, Wendell, I, 261, 286, 362; II, 61, 62, 84, 87, 88, 92, 108, 168, 190.
Pickering, John, II, 220.
Pierce, E. L., II, 187.
Pierce, J. M., I, 251, 346.
Pinturicchio, II, 252.
Piræus, II, 43, 44.
Pitti Palace, I, 253.
Pius IX, II, 28, 29, 31, 241.
Plato, I, 40, 382; II, 7, 338, 389.
Plutarch, I, 342.
Poe, E. A., I, 26.
Poggia-Suasa, Princess, II, 247.
Point-aux-Trembles, I, 5.
Poland, II, 13.
Polk, James K., I, 129.
Pompeii, I, 278.
Pompey's Pillar, II, 34.
Ponte, Lorenzo da, I, 45.
Pope, Alexander, I, 13.
Porter, F. A., II, 82.
Portland, Maine, I, 76.
Portland, Ore., II, 134.
Portsmouth, R. I., I, 154.
Portugal, II, 30.
Potomac, Army of the, I, 192, 366.
Potter, Frank, II, 381, 382.
Potter, H. C, II, 179.
Poughkeepsie, II, 202.
Pourtalés, Count, I, 124.
Poussin, Nicolas, I, 42.
Powel, M. E., II, 277.
Powell, Aaron, I, 303; II, 178, 182.
Powell, Samuel, II, 49.
Powers, Henry, I, 354.
Prado Museum, II, 243.
Press Association, II, 181.
Prime, Ward & King, I, 16, 55, 62; II, 9.
Primrose League, II, 170.
Prison Discipline Society, I, 127.
Prison reform, I, 127, 315, 316.
Procter, Adelaide, II, 5.
Providence, II, 100, 121, 126, 198.
Provo, Bishop of, II, 138.
Prussia, I, 94; II, 12.
Puerto Plata, I, 322, 331.
Pym, Bedford, II, 107.
Quaker denomination, I, 224, 365.
Quebec, I, 5, 38.
Quincy, Josiah, I, 264; II, 364.
Quincy, Mrs. Josiah, I, 201.
Quincy Mansion School, II, 324.
Rabé, Annie von, II, 13, 14, 16.
Rabé, Eric von, II, 13, 14, 16.
Rabé, Oscar von, II, 17.
Rachel, Elisa, I, 97, 254.
Radical Club, I, 284-86, 290, 344; II, 290, 379.
Rainieri, Mr., II, 43.
Ray, Catherine, I, 6.
Ray, Simon, I, 6.
Read, Buchanan, I, 131.
Red Bank, I, 6.
Red Cross, II, 210.