After much nudging of each other and Sylvia trying to hide her face, we were naked from the waist down and made by Dick to kneel up on the sofa before him with our bottoms bare! I then heard a slithery sound, as Sylvia did, for she gripped my hand, and knew he was producing a straps-so well had he rehearsed himself! Very gently he basted our derrieres at first, chiding us playfully for both being “naughty girls,” then gave us each what I believe some boarding-school girls nowadays call a “sixer.” Oh, it burned! You can well-imagine then that, requiring neither of us to move, he pronged us both, according each six strokes or thereabouts of his cock in turn in our cunnies before-after numerous such plungings of his doughty weapon-he innundated Sylvia's warm nest. There-I have told you all, or almost have, for such details as I have omitted you will well enough imagine, or else they were too mundane to recount. But now to your dear self, for in your last you made fleeting reference to “recalcitrant or interfering female relatives” of whom you were promising to say more. Do tell? Have there been such recently? I am agog to know!
Your ever-adoring Caroline
Editor's Note:
Having received this intelligence, one wonders muchly what has happened to Maude. Perhaps much of the same that happened to Sylvia, but without such “ceremonials”! We shall see, perhaps. Meanwhile, Madam is replying to Caroline, after several weeks during which she has evidently been much occupied.
My dearest Caroline,
Forgive my silence. I enjoyed your last letter so very much that in the end I retired with it, finding bed the best place in which to read it all. Dear Sylvia-how well she did, and how well you managed the affair! Your honesty about the “devils of desire” was indeed praiseworthy. Such happens to all of us at times. I am what I believe is called a feminist and hence entirely on the side of women all the time-though they do not always believe it at first! Even so, I must also give praise to Dick who comported himself well and did not lustfully seek to forage between your thighs while so happily engaged in Sylvia's bottom. That speaks of a certain discipline in him which I would not otherwise have known about. In refusing the silent offer of your own body close to his during Sylvia's bottom-tupping, he absorbed himself very properly in his true task and-as it appeared- read the writing on the wall as to the way she wished to receive him. I do trust that you may encourage her to occasionally repeat her “formal exercises,” for they can be truly delightful. Most males are far too greedy for what they wish to have, and hence go too hasty to the matter and spoil it all. Would that Dick might visit here again, for now that I know his character better he could well induce several of my girls to have their bottoms, at least, anointed. No one can discern virginity in that particular respect which-as I have hinted to several of my more advanced pupils-is very useful! So you see, I have nothing to upbraid you for at all, and would praise the reserve you showed on both the first and second occasions. What of Alison, now that you are back at home? Have you heard of her or from her? I perceive that her guardian-although well furnished at his loins-might become a bore to her, though she may not mind that much so long as he is otherwise treating her well. He promised in front of me to cozen her in all material respects. Should you chance to visit them, or make excuse to do so, be an angel (as you truly are!) and observe whether or not this is being done. As to the little tale to which you refer, it occurred some months ago and proved, among other things, extremely handy for two of my girls, Suzanne and Emily. The one is dark, and the latter fair, and they are much taken with, each other, which I do not mind at all! Both are eighteen and have weathered all my tests even-as such I reserve for just the most advanced-to entertaining dildos in their bottoms. These are the slender, velvet-covered ones that you know about and, being not too great in girth, do not alarm the girls too much but ease them nicely into their future fate-or one of them, at least! I should tell you, by the by, that about a year ago a couple came from Surrey to see me, accompanied by their daughter, whom they intended to place with me.
What they expected, I do not know, for they were absolutely not the kind that I wish to entertain Or be associated with. They were vulgar, my dear, and nouveau riche, the father being in the railway business or something contingent. I allowed them to see me at my worst-quite deliberately, of course, and they departed taking their coddled and plump daughter with them. In that there was no loss to me! The recent occasion has been quite different. Sir Bertram (as I had best discreetly call him) announced by letter his impending arrival together with his wife and daughter. His letter was of good address, of course. I mused upon it. By some whim also he had inserted with his letter a photograph of the daughter, Dorothy (such dull names do you English give your girls!). I was taken with her. Suzanne and Emily were permitted to muse upon her likeness and uttered certain noises of enthusiasm. “I would love to cuddle her!” Suzanne declared.
Tut-tut, she was scarce sixteen, I said-for so the letter described. I but pretended to prudery, of course, in respect of age. Some girls of fifteen are perfectly ripe for the cock-some not. One judges as one finds! “Let her come! Shall you, Madam?” begged Emily, with I all the time pursing up my lips. What had Sir Bertram and his wife heard of my methods, my approach, I wondered? Would they come in great naivety and then flounce off as the others had? The idea came to me then that I would first entertain them out of doors, which is to say at a picnic. I revealed my plans to Suzanne and Emily, and the reasons thereof. They clapped! So it was arranged. On the appointed day a great picnic basket was prepared- I taking sole charge of the wines for the purpose you may already guess. We attired ourselves suitably in white and pink, with frilled dresses, parasols, and long white gloves. Suzanne and Emily were hard put not to giggle often. I had to admonish them severely while we waited. Then was I put to deliberate mendacity, for upon the arrival of Sir Bertram's carriage from Paris, I opened the doors and pretended great alarm. My secretary, I said, had given me the wrong date. I had expected them on the morrow, I went on. Allowing them no time to recover from this, and finding Sir Bertram seemingly enchanted by the appearance of my two damsels, I went on to say that our picnic spot was but two miles hence and that in order to make mutual acquaintance we might all repair there. My own carriage also being waiting, this was done. Oh, but my goodness, you do not want such “mundane details,” dear, so I'll continue fast. We found our sward in a well-hedged meadow and there settled. Dorothy proved even prettier than her likeness and a perfect little cherub. Her Mama, Anthea, was of slightly stouter stock but not less comely for that and had-as I soon saw-good legs. Sir Bertram himself was tallish, quite imposing, and near to a gentleman as might be. I will not bore you however with all the preambles, during which I discoursed very carefully indeed upon the curriculum at my establishment. The presence of Suzanne and Emily, their attractive forms and faces and the general merriment in their expressions did more to advertise myself than I could do, for they were clearly in the best of health, came from good families, and were patently enjoying all their days at St. Germain-en-Laye, as Sir B. himself remarked (not failing to twinkle at both!). Well now-I really must confess to you, sweet Caroline, that I could have let all be and quite easily drawn Dorothy into my sphere of influence. A mischief was upon me, though. Perhaps the warm sun, the blue sky, and the splendid wine had something to do with it. That which I was about to venture was something I had never done before. My general rule is that parents should be neither seen nor heard once their daughters, nieces, wards, or whatever, are safe within my walls until I am satisfied that tuition has run its course. Such as happened to Blanche, to Alison, and a few others is rare. “In the main the girls return to England with their cunnies still virgin even though they may have been dildoed in their bottoms. Even so, their cunnies by then pout for attention and, I am sure, receive it as soon as can be discreetly arranged, for if that is not the prime purpose for which they are sent here, then all my time is wasted! Perhaps I did feel that Dorothy was a trifle too young, for it is essential that girls should mature in their minds as much as their bodies in certain respects-and you know well enough those to which I refer. I am told that I am a philosopher, which I suppose is true. I do not mind a girl being bedded by her sire provided she is eager for a bout and knows what she is at. My tuition generally ensures the latter but does not stipulate the former! I see you smile behind your hand and do admit to a little hypocrisy in this, but in the end I must say that it is up to the girls themselves. I send them back cock-ready, it is true; that is my task. But I hear you scolding me (if you dare!) and telling me to get on with my tale. Very well. I had decided to give Dorothy a lesson that no other girl has ever been afforded here. In other words, she was to have an exceedingly practical education, while I in turn would garner in and teach her lovingly all that she needed to know. Hence, our cold collation having been consumed, I opened my “special” bottle of wine and dispensed some to Sir Bertram and his wife. I then replaced the bottle quickly in the picnic basket (the lid being up and concealing it from them) as if I had forgotten to serve myself. Sir Bertram-having laughingly reminded me of this-I withdrew an ordinary bottle which to their eyes looked the same. As for Dorothy, she received-as my two pupils did-a seemingly innocent sarsaparilla, the colour of which concealed the very slightest touch of aphrodisiac.