Besides, how many merry tales you would then have to tell me! I will help you all I can, you know, even at a distance. Tell me soon!
Your Hopeful And Devoted Julie
Editor's Note:
The endpiece of Julie's letter must have come as a signal surprise to her friend. It is not inconceivable, however, that Caroline must sometimes have pondered the same line of thought as to opening an “English establishment.” As a recent Supplement in our own Ladies' Domestic Journal has shown, interest in the disciplining of young ladies was as rife then as now. Scores of correspondents of both sexes in that Supplement praised the virtues of the birch, and many in a manner that the journal itself had probably never envisaged publishing before. As to Julie's cullings from the Personal Column of The Times, such “Announcements,” wherein ladies of good standing offer to take in girls for discipline, are still occasionally permitted to appear. One has long wondered who replies to these advertisements and what transpires in many an Acacia Avenue behind drawn curtains when the girls are taken in. Perhaps, however, we need wonder no more, since what is about to transpire will indeed lift more than one pair of curtains.
My darling Julie,
What a breathtaking letter! What descriptions! The poetess in you has really come out!
Dear Jeannette, how delicious she proved! Was there a reprise? But I believe you would have told me if there was. You see, I am all at a gabble in my excitement at your telling which, so well restrained, brought all most vividly to me-including the “stockinged serpent” of her leg which coiled about him. Such a languorous pose, I always think. It permits the other foot to dig into the bed or couch and act as lever to the hips! Had Jeannette struggled more, would you have restrained her or let her go and run up to your room (or hers!) in disarray? But tush, it does not come into question, your powers of persuasion being such. Besides, there are few moments more adorable than to kiss the lips of a young girl while she is being reamed. I'm sure that quite seduced her-more than he! But now to your little “surprise piece” at the end. You mean it? Do you really? Could I? Dare I? Oh, my thoughts spin round! How would I begin-what to arrange? I have always taken you for granted in this sense and never thought to ask. Such vistas open before me as I scarce dare think about. Would it be apt to ask Sylvia to assist me-or even Dick? Your advice first on this, my pet, would be esteemed more than I can ever say. You see, you have aroused me so much with the idea that I cannot wait to hear from you, and am in any event in poverty of other news from here. Tell me, tell me, tell me, as I used to say (while shaking you!). I would almost wish to take the carriage to the coast and run down to the harbour to wait upon the arrival of the mail. I wait breathlessly.
Believe me, I do!
Your impatient Caroline
Darling, dearest Caroline,
By such mischief do you absent yourself to Kew while writing to me upon such an enervating matter! Of course, I think it is a CAPITAL idea, and will help you all you need. What of Sylvia? Would she be part of this-and Alison-or Maude? What help that you might need, I will give you gladly, for I shall benefit a little from it in the end-some charming, round, tight, offered “ends” such as I have no doubt you will be able to present to me! Why not here? After all, the house is mainly empty and has many rooms. The country is to be preferred in any event, for one needs a certain isolation. As to fees, I have no idea, but given the success that Julie has obtained, I believe you might charge exactly as you wished and that none will flinch from writing out the cheques! Yes, I believe one might say that such an establishment would be self-sufficient in all respects! Return as soon as you can, you minx, that we may discuss it further.
Your devoted Dick
My sweet, impatient Caroline,
Very well, I will answer exactly what you ask and will take no room up in my letter with fripperies, indulgences, or naughty tales. To begin with, you must not involve any men in your plan, for they will USE you, my pet, and nothing else. I believe myself that I erred a trifle in inviting Georges and the Minister here, but they were fortunate in this and no others will follow in their footsteps or their penis-probing paths! To the outer world (and I include your male friends much in this) you must remain remote-mysterious! They may enjoy the after-fruits, but are not allowed to shake the boughs! All must be as between a woman and her girls. The latter are more comforted thereby and take heed of other females far more than they will ever do of men. Indeed, they are to be taught this, taught their pride in womanhood, and counselled never, never to give it away. But I have said all this to you before, have I not-and quite unnecessarily, for you know it in your heart and have even practised it. The girls will believe in your guidance, whereas they would flee (and rightly, at that early stage) from the clasping paws of men. I frequently tell my pupils that the males are born in this world to pleasure US, and not vice versa, but that the skilful female will give every outward appearance of believing the latter while wending matters in her own way, and so arranging all to her advantage. This is the primary lesson and, having absorbed it, they will do as they are told. Imagine that Jeannette's allowance was doubled immediately after that torrid night, though he has only once since mounted her and she not half so fretful in their second bout, which took place in privacy, my dear, and in my bed (I, most nobly, absenting myself downstairs and treating it merely as a visit, don't you know!). But there, that little tidbit is for your ears alone. You will come to the same in due course, I have no doubt of it. All my girls know, by inference at least, to whose cocks they are first destined, for then I know them to be broken-in and ready for adventure as they will. They have but that one naughty hurdle to leap, as often enough I hint to them, and then the race to pleasure is all theirs. But to return to what we call administration. No- no males-not even Dick, and certainly not Horace!
Rent a house, my dear, at first; you will soon decide to afford a larger one than you at present have. Six small dormitories suffice.
Perhaps two girls to each-or three-the better to confide when lights are out. Three “classrooms”-but you can easily manage that, for they have for the most part no need but to sit around in chairs. Save, that is, for their “discipline.” Yes, they must always have it-and, besides, they are quickly enlivened (and intrigued) by watching the bare bottoms of others being warmed-up. I suggest the same curriculum as I: modes, wines, the arts of conversation (and the arts of teasing!), French, of course-for then they will learn better to read the naughty books-and always, daily, exercises to keep their limbs and hips supple. The real recalcitrants can be feather-teased when bending over-and perhaps held by a senior girl. I never use crude words, you know-may say “penis” or “stalk” or “manly weapon,” but never “prick” or “cock,” except when one or other is most positively about to receive such at the end of term or upon vacation! I am aware that a few do, but advise them privately against it, for I would have them mature first in my hands. Hence I tell them that they may kiss, be fondled a little and even rub themselves against it (though always shyly, of course) but no more than that. So expectations are built up, and again then they return to the birch and strap to keep them ready for the fray and to “advise” them that their treasures in between their thighs and between their bottom cheeks are not too readily to be given up to lusting males. Ever be on their side, and praise men but little! Of course, you must advertise, and most discreetly, as I know you will. “Young ladies disciplined and trained in understanding hands,” will best suffice. The wise will read in to that all that you would have them do. Letters will come in abundance, you may be sure of that! Reply with caution, and but rarely reply at all to those who offer not a printed address and, best of all, escutcheons of arms! To those who seem “inappropriate,” answer merely that you regretfully are full for several terms and will write to them again-but never do! Be utterly formal in your interviews with males. Say “with regret” that no visits are allowed by males who are not accompanied by wives. That soon will shut the eager up! Can I advise you further? I do not think I can. Your mind is just as alert as mine, and you can play the “Madam” beautifully when the mood so takes you. As to Sylvia, why not?