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Polly was almost as quick to strip and stare at her very sexy body. My cock was stiffening and lifting inside my shorts…tenting out the front pretty obviously in the absence of underwear to contain it.

"Mindy…why don't you take your clothes off and leave them in the car. You can run along to join the other girls in the pool while I chat with your father." We both stood and watched as Mindy unhesitatingly peeled off her dress and scampered off naked.

"She's a lovely girl," Eloise said, turning to me, "and so are the other girls you are going to get to fuck tonight. Why don't you get comfortable while I fill you in on the group here and tell you our rules." I stripped as she stood there watching me, and was more than a little bit self conscious for the first few seconds…but I suppressed those foolish feelings and was soon as naked as she. The difference was that she didn't have a nearly erect cock jutting from her belly!

"We are a group of parents who believe that sex freely given between adults and children is not wrong…as long as the children are mature enough physically to be unharmed. If they are too little yet, we restrict the activities to things that don't involve penetration," she began. "Cindy told me about your large cock and I'm sure you understand that if it were improperly used on a girl who was too young, you could cause great pain and possibly injury.

"There are twelve girls here tonight…the youngest is nine…the oldest is thirteen. A few of the older ones have some pubic hair and a couple of them have small breasts…but they even though they very much enjoy sexual activities, they are still little girls. With a cock as large as yours, I suggest you don't try and fuck the littlest ones. There will be plenty of pussies ready and able to take one that large ..and I might want a chance to test you myself before the night is out," she laughed lightly.

"Each of the girls was introduced to sex by her father and each of them has a very positive outlook," Eloise went on, "and all the fathers are gentle, caring men. Still we have to have a few rules. Break one of them and you're out…no second chances…no exceptions. Still interested?"

"Eloise, I enjoyed sex with your Cindy and I've been incredibly pleasured by Mindy…plus you're turning me on something awful," I told her, stroking my cock with new found boldness, "I suspect I'd agree to just about anything."

"Well," she laughed again, "we may test that later, but here's the rule list.

– No alcohol, drugs or smoking around the girls

– No last names are used here unless someone wants you to

– The girl is always in charge. You start and stop when she says so. Force a girl or hurt her and you're history

– No anal sex. They're just too small yet

– Never turn anyone down when asked for some sexual activity…and they have agreed to be equally responsive to anything you might ask them for

– Kinky stuff like water sports is fine…but do it where you won't make a mess for everyone else. In other words, don't piss in a common area, do it on the grass

– No photography without everyone's agreement

– No private dates with someone else's daughter. What you and Mindy do on your own time is your business, and dates are permissible if the girl is with one or both of her parents while you have sex with their child

– Never ever tell any outsider about the group. There is a nomination committee that handles that. You were nominated before Cindy approached you. A loose comment could get us all in jail.

– Keep us posted on any possible sexually transmittable disease. We have doctors in the group, plus all the girls, including Mindy, are on birth control pills

"Any questions?"

"Well…you said I'd been nominated. By whom?"

"You'll find that out later, "she laughed, "no personal questions are allowed for the first timers. By the way, you're a guest tonight, but future parties require every member to contribute fifty dollars for costs…agreed?"


"One other questions…I can understand a father's wish to have sex with his daughter…and even understand sharing his daughter with other men in order to enjoy theirs. I would have suspected that a mother might feel differently. How come you're here offering me a chance to screw your little girl? What do you get out of it?"

"Good question. I was raised in a very sexually active family…and my dad was one of the founders of this group. I started getting screwed in the home by my father when I was nine years old. I believe in this way of life…plus some of the members have teen-aged boys. Nobody fucks with the enthusiasm and staying power of male teenagers! I should know…since I have two teenage boys, one thirteen and one sixteen. They're insatiable and I wouldn't have it any other way. Enough said?"

"Enough said!"

"Fine…let's get back to the party. You two are the only first timers tonight. Relax and enjoy yourselves, and remember…pretty much anything goes. By the way…it's OK to stare. I can see that you're trying manfully not to stare at my cunt. Go right ahead! Have a blast!"

"It's just that I've…" I faltered.

"Never seen a bare pussy on an adult woman?" she grinned, "well, I discovered sex before I had any pussy fur and I decided that I liked myself that way. It was a disappointment when I started to look like a long-haired Angora cat between my legs. My dad was sympathetic, plus he liked the way my inner lips looked when we fucked…so he paid to have me permanently depilated when I was fifteen. I still think the little girl look is best…don't you?"

"I think that your bald puss is one of the most erotic sights I've ever seen," I added, feeling my stiff cock throbbing.

"Thanks for the compliment," she laughed, "I'd like to see how that fine long cock of yours feels…but tonight is for introducing you to the girls…and vice versa. Save yourself for them…you'll need all the strength you can muster. Come on…lets join the party."

With that, she turned and walked away from me, her fine bare ass twitching and bobbling as she walked. Taking a deep breath, I followed.

She led me along the front of the long garage and then turned to walk down a narrow hedge-walled curving pathway. I was just a pace behind her when all of a sudden we stepped out onto an open lawn before the main house. It was beautiful! Flower beds were everywhere, tasteful lawn furniture was scattered about, a large swimming pool graced the broad patio and beyond tall French doors opened into the mansion. But that was just the setting!

A half circle of lawn chairs at the end of the pool held five naked men about my own age…athletic, hard bodied, good looking men…three other men were in the pool. Two young and very pretty nude women were with the five men…one of them looking like a fairly young teenager, with small, perky tits and just a haze of pale brown pussy hair.

The young girl was fingering her slit.

As I looked around, everyone I saw was nude.

But what really grabbed my attention was what I saw on the far side of the pool. There I spotted seven nude young girls…Mindy among them…and all of them were like her, titless and with hairless pussies. They were standing around the edge of one of the tables where another young girl lay with her knees up and her legs spread. They were all giggling, as one of their group worked a long bright day-glow pink dildo in and out of the reclining girl's garishly exposed gaping hairless pussy.

A slender girl standing beside Mindy was half squatting with another of the impossibly brightly tinted dildos in her hand…and was working it in and out of her own vagina as she stood there watching the sex play. The girl's back was to where I stood and since her legs were wide apart, I could see the brightly colored thing pressing her naked lips apart as she masturbated openly and unabashedly before the others.

I could see that Mindy and two other girls were standing there rubbing their slits and toying with their clits as they watched the sex play.