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cardiac hypertrophy 263

cardiac muscle 262–3

cardiovascular disease 60, 77, 246, 265, 279

cartilage-hair hypoplasia 257–8, 330


with extra toes 203–4

tortoiseshell/calico patterning 94–5

CCG repeats 10, 19, 123, 227

Celera Genomics (company) 25, 29

cells 14

division 63–6

CENP-A protein 66–73

centromeres 64–73, 80

CGG repeats 226

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 44

chloride transport 231

cholesterol 279–80

chromosome 4 283–4, 286

chromosome 8 158

chromosome 10 208

chromosome 11 141

chromosome 13 77–8

chromosome 14 142, 158

chromosome 15 138–40

chromosome 16 215

chromosome 18 77–8

chromosome 21 76, 77–8


numbers 80

repair 47–9

chronic psychological stress 61

cigarette smoke, exposure to 213–14

cigarette smoking 58–9, 61

cirrhosis of the liver 213–14

cleft lip 204

Clinton, Bill 25

cloning 95–6

cocaine 265

collagens, defects in 220

colorectal cancer 108

congenital diarrhoea disorder 243–4, 330

consanguinity 207–8

Cornelia de Lange syndrome 169, 330

CpG motifs 114, 123, 133–4

cross-talk 117–23, 131–2, 191

crossing-over 43–4

CTCF protein (11-FINGERS) 178–9, 286

CTG repeats 9, 21, 23–4, 230

CUG repeats 230

cystic fibrosis 26–7

cytomegalovirus (CMV) 278

cytoplasm 15, 146

daughter cells 4

de novo mutation 138

detoxification 275–6

Dexter, Michael 26


in babies 207

genetics contribution in 212

type 1 234

type 2, obesity and 61–2, 215

Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia 150

diarrhoea 243–4

Dicerna (company) 281

diet, and longevity 62


compaction/looping 168–70

knitting with 9–11

DNA double helix 68

DNA fingerprinting 45–6

DNA methylation 114–16

DNA methyltransferases 134

dominant disorders 8

Down’s Syndrome 76–7, 79, 80, 330

Duchenne muscular dystrophy 26–7, 91–4, 248–54, 276, 278, 330

DUX4 (FSHD retrogene) 284–6

dwarfism 243, 258, 331

dyskeratosis congenita 55–6, 330

dystrophin 92–3, 248–54, 278

Edward’s syndrome 77, 79, 80, 330


chromosome numbers 64, 80

formation 43–4, 64, 73, 75, 181–2

mutated cells 138

electron transport chain 154

embryonic stem (ES) cells 105, 163–6

ENCODE project 185–99

critiques 191–2, 196–9

evolutionary conclusions 195–9

measures of function 191–4

multiple parameters 188–91

endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) 41–3

enhancers 159–60

epigenetic modifications and 160–7

epigenetic modifications 114

and enhancers 160–7

self-sustaining 176

smallRNAs and 267

epigenetic systems 115

cross-talk with long non-coding RNAs 117–23, 131–2

and expansions 123

erythromycin 152

ETMR paediatric brain tumour 330

evolution, ENCODE project and 195–9

exons 238, 249–50

expressivity, variable 206

extra digits 202–4, 330

extracellular matrix 50–1

EZH2 enzyme 117

facial development 204–7

facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) 11–12, 283–6, 330

factories 171–3

familial hypercholesterolaemia 279–80

Feingold syndrome 257, 330

fibrillarin 152

fibroblasts 50–1

fingers, extra 202–4, 330

forebrain 264

FOXP3 transcription factor 234

Fragile X protein 20, 227–9

Fragile X syndrome 10, 19–20, 89, 123, 227, 229–30, 330

frame shift 250

Friedreich’s ataxia 11, 18–19, 20, 331

fruit flies, HOX cluster 41

FSHD 11–12, 283–6, 330

FTO gene 215

FUS gene 236

GAA repeats 11, 18–19

gain-of-function mutations 230


creation 64, 65, 75–6

see also eggs; sperm

GATA8 transcription factor 207

Gcn5 gene 50

gender, determination 81–2

gene expression

amplification steps 14–16

levels 159–60

stochastic component 88–9

genes, protein-coding, identification 98

genome percentage having function 186–7

potential versus actual functional regions 191–4

see also human genome genome-wide association studies (GWAS) 213

Genzyme (company) 280

germ cells 64

telomerase activity 53

germline 133, 285

GGC sequences 246–7

GGT sequences 246–7

GlaxoSmithKline (company) 252–4

glioblastoma 107

glutamine 245

glycine 246, 247

GU sequences 244

haemoglobin, production 115, 172, 176

haemophilia B 90

Hawking, Stephen 235

heart attacks 262

heart disease, obesity and 61

heart protein 231–2

height 184

Hemingway, Ernest 203–4

hepatitis C virus 269, 331

HHV-8 virus 244–5, 331

histidine 245

histone proteins 69–70, 73

modifications 113–20

HIV 41, 244, 279

holoprosencephaly 204–7, 331

horses 268

HOX genes 41, 106, 175

human cartilage-hair hypoplasia 257–8, 330

human genome

number of genes 28–9

percentage having function 186–7

potential versus actual functional regions 191–4

size 29–32

Human GenomeProject 12, 26

human genome sequence cost of sequencing 27

initial draft 25

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 41, 244, 279

human telomere syndromes 55

Huntington’s disease 212, 213

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria 245–6, 331

hydatidiform mole 126–8

idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 56, 331

IFITM5 gene 223

Ig genes 175

immune system 115, 172–3, 257–8, 269, 285

immunologically privileged sites 285

imprinting 128–30

disorders 136–41, 142–3

resetting the imprint 133–6

imprinting control element (ICE) 130–5, 139–40

induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells 164

infection, risk in elderly 54

infertility treatment 141–3

inflammatory response 160

insulation theory 34–6

insulators 177–9

insulin 207, 231–2, 234, 271

interspersed repetitive elements 38–41

intestines 260–1

introns 17, 214, 238, 249

IPEX syndrome 234–5, 331

iron overload 19

IRX3 gene 216

Isis (company) 280

Japan, diet and longevity 62

Jolie, Angelina 108

Kaposi’s sarcoma 244–5

karyotypes 81

keratin 176

Klinefelter’s syndrome 332

Kynamro (drug) 280

Leopold, Prince 90

limb development 41, 106, 204

linc RNAs 103

lipoproteins 280

liver, and detoxification 275–6

liver cancer 108, 275–6

liver cirrhosis 213–14

long non-coding RNAs 97–112

3D structures 99–100

and brain 110–12

and cancer 107–10, 118–19

cross-talk with epigenetic systems 117–23, 131–2