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definition 97

enhancing 162, 167

expression level 97–8

expression patterns 190

functions 102–3, 106, 112

longevity 60–2

Lou Gehrig’s disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) 235–6, 276

lung cancer 74, 107, 217, 268

macromolecular complex 146

major repressor 117–20

and cancer 118–19

knockout of 132

malignant melanoma see melanoma

mammals, reproduction 125–6, 129–30

marsupials, imprinted genes 130

master regulators 164–6

MeCP2 gene 91

Mediator complex 162–3, 165, 167, 169

melanoma 35, 226, 331

Merck (company) 281

messenger RNA 16, 147–9, 222–4

expression level 97–8

expression patterns 190

untranslated regions at end of 232–6

see also splicing

methionine 247


Agouti viable yellow 122

brain 263–5

with Fragile X syndrome 229

gene knockout experiments 260–1

imprinted genes 135

long non-coding RNAs 98

overweight 215–16

reconstituted eggs experiments 126–8, 135

repeat elements in 40

microRNA (miRNA) 256

Mipomersen (drug) 280

Mirna Therapeutics (company) 275–6

mitochondria 153–5

mutant 155

monotremes 132

morphogens 202–4

and facial development 204–7

and pancreas 207–10

mosquitoes 268

motor neuron disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) 235–6, 276

multiple sclerosis 212

muscle stem cells 261–2

muscle wasting 232

Muscleblind-like protein 1 (MBNL1) 230


de novo 138

definition 8

effects 10

gain-of-function 230

MYC protein 158

myotonic dystrophy 8–9, 21–4, 230–2, 331

National Institutes of Health 25

neurons 20, 114–15, 228–9, 263

neuropathic pain 111–12, 331

non-templated changes 235

North American eastern equine encephalitis virus 268–9, 331

Novartis 281

nucleolus 150–1

obesity 61–2, 214–17

OCA2 gene 211

octamers 69–73

Ohio Amish dwarfism 243, 331

Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome 163, 331

organ transplants 42

organismal complexity, proportion of junk DNA and 4, 187–8

osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) 219–25, 332

ovarian cancer 74, 107, 268

paclitaxel (drug) 74

pancreas, development 209

pancreatic agenesis 207–10, 332

pancreatic cancer 108

papillary thyroid cancer 108

parent-of-origin effect 128, 138, 140

Patau’s Syndrome 77, 79, 80, 332

patient-derived cells 165

penetrance, variable 206

personalised medicine 217–18

pigmentation 211, 214

pigs 42–3

placebo procedures 252–3

placenta 105, 127, 129–30, 135, 141

plaques 111

plasmapheresis 279

pluripotency 105–6, 107

poetry example 238–40

polyadenylation signal 233, 234–5

Polycomb Response Complex (PRC2) 118

positive feedback loops 166

Prader-Willi syndrome 136–40, 150, 152, 332

pregnancy rates 78

programmed cell death 50

promoters 157–9, 190

and cancer 158–9

Prosensa (company) 252, 254

prostate cancer 107, 108, 109, 118–19


as drugs 271–2

functions 10

importance 1

pseudoautosomal regions 182

PTF1A transcription factor 207

pufferfish 32–3

pulmonary fibrosis 56, 58–9

RaNA Therapeutics (company) 281

red blood cells 54

red — green colour blindness 90

regulatory regions 170, 189, 195, 207, 209–11

regulatory T cells 234

research funding 198–9

retina, viral infection in 278–9

retinitis pigmentosa 242–3, 332

retrogenes 284–6

Rett syndrome 90–1

rheumatoid arthritis 212, 271

ribosomal RNA molecules see rRNA

ribosomes 146–7, 148–9, 224–5, 245

in primitive organisms 151

RNA 15–16

enzymatic activities 156

Roberts Syndrome 169, 332

Roche (company) 281

rodents, repeat elements in 40

Romanov dynasty 90

rRNA 146–9

methylation 151

mutations in genes 149

numbers of genes 149

Sainsbury, David 26

Sanofi 280

Sarepta 254

satellite cells 261

schizophrenia 212, 213

scissors enzyme 258, 260–3, 264–5

senescence 51

sense RNAs 277–8

sex chromosomes 80

Silver-Russell syndrome 140, 142, 332

simple sequence repeats 45–6

Six3 transcription factor 205

skeletal deformations 108, 119, 224, 257–8

skeletal muscle problems 231–2, 261

skin cells 168

small interfering RNA (siRNA) 256

small molecule drugs 271–3

smallRNAs 255–69

and brain 263–7

and cancer 265–8

epigenetic modifications 267

and stem cells 258–63

smell, sense of 263–4

SMN1 gene 248

SMN2 gene 248

smoking 58–9, 61

passive 214

snoRNAs 150–2

Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) protein 202


chromosome numbers 64, 80

formation 43–4, 64, 73, 75–6, 181–2

mutated cells 138

Spinal Muscular Atrophy 247–8, 332

spindle apparatus 65–6, 67, 70–1, 73–4

spleen 260

spliceosome 241–2, 243, 244, 248

splicing 17, 30, 222, 237–54

alternative 238

and disease 242–8

manipulating for therapeutic gain 248–54

SRY gene 82

statins 279

stem cells 53–4

blood 54, 58

smallRNAs and 258–63

stop signals 148–9, 245, 246, 250

super-enhancers 163, 165–7

and cancer 167

supratentorial neuroectodermal tumours 266

telomerase activity 52–3

telomeres 49–62

and diseases 55–9

length importance 54–5

as molecular clock 60–2

shortening 51–3

testes 82, 110

testosterone 82, 109

tetracycline 152

tetrapods 99

thymus 260

thyroid gland 234

tobacco 58, 61

tortoiseshell cats 94–5

totipotency 105

Trading Places (film) 47

transcription factors 157–9, 205

transfer RNA see tRNA transthyretin 274

Treacher-Collins Syndrome 150

trisomy 13 77–8

trisomy 18 77–8

trisomy 21 76, 77–8

tRNA 147–9

and insulation 179–80

numbers of genes 150

Tsix gene 87–8

Tsix RNA 87–8, 97

TTAGGG motifs 49, 52, 54

tumour suppressors 275

Turner’s syndrome 332

two-base sequences 241

ultraviolet radiation 35

uniparental disomy 138

untranslated regions (UTRs) 222–3, 226–7, 230, 232–6

variable expressivity 206

variable penetrance 206

Victoria, Queen 90

virgin birth 125

Wellcome Trust 25, 26

white blood cells 60–1, 268–9

Williams-Beuren syndrome 44


genome size 29–32

number of genes 28

X chromosomes 79–96, 180–4