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The gene that is mutated in Duchenne muscular dystrophy was identified in 1987 and the one that is mutated in cystic fibrosis was identified in 1989. Despite the fact that mutations in these genes were shown to cause disease over a decade before the completion of the human genome sequence, there are still no effective treatments for these diseases after 20-plus years of trying. Clearly, there’s going to be a long gap between knowing the sequence of the human genome, and developing life-saving treatments for common diseases. This is especially the case when diseases are caused by more than one gene, or by the interplay of one or more genes with the environment, which is the case for most illnesses.

But we shouldn’t be too harsh on the politicians we have quoted. Scientists themselves drove quite a lot of the hype. If you are requesting the better part of $3 billion of funding from your paymasters, you need to make a rather ambitious pitch. Knowing the human genome sequence is not really an end in itself, but that doesn’t make it unimportant as a scientific endeavour. It was essentially an infrastructure project, providing a dataset without which vast quantities of other questions could never be answered.

There is, of course, not just one human genome sequence. The sequence varies between individuals. In 2001, it cost just under $5,300 to sequence a million base pairs of DNA. By April 2013, this cost had dropped to six cents. This means that if you had wanted to have your own genome sequenced in 2001, it would have cost you just over $95 million. Today, you could generate the same sequence for just under $6,000,{19} and at least one company is claiming that the era of the $1,000 genome is here.{20} Because the cost of sequencing has decreased so dramatically, it’s now much easier for scientists to study the extent of variation between individual humans, which has led to a number of benefits. Researchers are now able to identify rare mutations that cause severe diseases but only occur in a small number of patients, often in genetically isolated populations such as the Amish communities in the United States.{21} It’s possible to sequence tumour cells from patients to identify mutations that are driving the progression of a cancer. In some cases, this results in patients receiving specific therapies that are tailored for their cancer.{22} Studies of human evolution and human migration have been greatly enhanced by analysing DNA sequences.{23}

Honey, I lost the genes

But all this was for the future. In 2001, amidst all the hoopla, scientists were poring over the data from the human genome sequence and pondering a simple question: where on earth were all the genes? Where were all the sequences to code for the proteins that carry out the functions of cells and individuals? No other species is as complex as humans. No other species builds cities, creates art, grows crops or plays ping-pong. We may argue philosophically about whether any of this makes us ‘better’ than other species. But the very fact that we can have this argument is indicative of our undoubtedly greater complexity than any other species on earth.

What is the molecular explanation for our complexity and sophistication as organisms? There was a reasonable degree of consensus that the explanation would lie in our genes. Humans were expected to possess a greater number of protein-coding genes than simpler organisms such as worms, flies or rabbits.

By the time the draft human genome sequence was released, scientists had completed the sequencing of a number of other organisms. They had focused on ones with smaller and simpler genomes than humans, and by 2001 had sequenced hundreds of viruses, tens of bacteria, two simple animal species, one fungus and one plant. Researchers had used data from these species to estimate how many genes would be found in the human genome, along with data from a variety of other experimental approaches. Estimates ranged from 30,000 to 120,000, revealing a considerable degree of uncertainty. A figure of about 100,000 was frequently bandied about in the popular press, even though this had not been intended as a definitive estimate. A value in the region of 40,000 was probably considered reasonable by most researchers.

But when the draft human sequence was released in February 2001, researchers couldn’t find 40,000 protein-coding genes, let alone 100,000. The scientists from Celera Genomics identified 26,000 protein-coding genes, and tentatively identified an additional 12,000. The scientists from the public consortium identified 22,000 and predicted there would be a total of 31,000 in total. In the years since the publication of the draft sequence, the number has consistently decreased and it is now generally accepted that the human genome contains about 20,000 protein-coding genes.{24}

It might seem odd that scientists didn’t immediately agree on the numbers of genes as soon as the draft sequence was released. But that’s because identifying genes relies on analysing sequence data and isn’t as easy as it sounds. It’s not as if genes are colour-coded, or use a different set of genetic letters from the other parts of the genome. To identify a protein-coding gene, you have to analyse specific features such as sequences that can code for a stretch of amino acids.

As we saw in Chapter 2, protein-coding genes aren’t formed from one continuous sequence of DNA. They are constructed in a modular fashion, with protein-coding regions interrupted by stretches of junk. In general, human genes are much longer than the genes in fruit flies or the microscopic worm called C. elegans, which are very common model systems in genetic studies. But human proteins are usually about the same size as the equivalent proteins in the fly or the worm. It’s the junk interruptions in the human genes that are very big, not the bits that code for protein. In humans, these intervening sequences are often ten times as long as in simpler organisms, and some can be tens of thousands of base pairs in length.

This creates a big signal-to-noise problem when analysing genes in human sequences. Even within one gene there’s just a small region that codes for protein, embedded in a huge stretch of junk.

So, back to the original problem. Why are humans such complicated organisms, if our protein-coding genes are similar to those from flies and worms? Some of the explanation lies in the splicing that we saw in Chapter 2. Human cells are able to generate a greater variety of protein variants from one gene than simpler organisms. Over 60 per cent of human genes generate multiple splicing variants. Look again at Figure 2.5 (page 18). A human cell could produce the proteins DEPARTING, DEPART, DEAR, DART, EAT and PARTING. It might produce these proteins in different ratios in different tissues. For example, DEPARTING, DEAR and EAT could all be produced at high levels in the brain, but the kidney might only express DEPARTING and DART. And the kidney cells might produce 20 times as much of DART as of DEPARTING. In lower organisms, cells may only be able to produce DEPARTING and PARTING, and they may produce them at relatively fixed ratios in different cells. This splicing flexibility allows human cells to produce a much greater diversity of protein molecules than lower organisms.

The scientists analysing the human genome had speculated that there might be protein-coding genes that are specific to humans, which could account for our increased complexity. But this doesn’t seem to be the case. There are nearly 1,300 gene families in the human genome. Almost all of these gene families occur through all branches of the kingdom of life, from the simplest organisms upwards. There is a subset of about 100 families that are specific to animals with backbones but even these were generated very early in vertebrate evolution. These vertebrate-specific gene families tend to be involved in complex processes such as the parts of the immune system that remember an infection; sophisticated brain connections; blood clotting; signalling between cells.