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‘Do you want this money or don’t you?’ I broke in.

‘Must I repeat every statement I make to you?’ she said angrily. ‘I have said I want it!’

‘Then you do it my way or you won’t get it!’

‘I think he’s an absolute doll,’ Odette said. ‘I’ll do whatever you say, Harry… I may call you Harry?’

‘You can call me what you like so long as you do what I tell you,’ I said, then to Rhea, I went on,

‘When I’ve seen Odette off on the plane, I will telephone your husband. He is a millionaire. What chance have I got to get to him?’

‘His secretary will answer,’ Rhea said. ‘You tell him you want to talk to my husband about his daughter, his secretary will ask him if he wants to speak to you. I will be there. I’ll see my husband does speak to you.’

‘It will be late. I’m hoping Odette’s girl friend will have telephoned, asking where she has got to.’ I looked at Odette. ‘Do you think she will telephone?’

‘Of course she will.’

‘I want her to. It will create the right atmosphere. You must be missing before I telephone.’

‘She’ll call,’ Odette said.

‘Okay. I’ll tell your father to have the money ready in two days’ time and to wait for further instructions,’ I said, then looked over at Rhea. ‘You must persuade him not to try any tricks. What you have to be careful about is that he doesn’t tell the bank to take the numbers of the bills or get the Federal Bureau to mark the money. How you do that, I wouldn’t know, but if you don’t fix it, you won’t be able to spend the money — nor shall I.’

‘I’ll arrange it,’ Rhea said curtly.

‘I hope you will. Two days after my first telephone call, I’ll call again. Is your husband well enough to deliver the ransom himself?’

She nodded.

‘He wouldn’t trust anyone to do it except himself.’

I lifted my eyebrows at her.

‘Not even you?’

Odette giggled, putting her hand over her mouth, while Rhea’s eyes narrowed and her face hardened.

‘Of course he trusts me!’ she said angrily, ‘but he would consider it dangerous. He wouldn’t allow me to go with him.’

‘Well, okay.’ I lit another cigarette. ‘I’ll tell him to leave home at two in the morning and drive along East Beach Road. He is to drive the Rolls. There’ll be no traffic on that road at that time. The money is to be in a briefcase. Somewhere along the road he will see a flashing light. As he passes the light he is to drop the case out of the car and drive on. He is not to stop. In the meantime, Odette will have returned.

She will come here to this cabin and wait for me. I will take my share of the money and give her the rest.

What you two do with it after doesn’t concern me, but you’ll have to be careful.’

‘Oh, no!’ Rhea said sharply. ‘I’m not agreeing to that! You’re not to give her the money! You’re to give it to me!’

Odette sat up, swinging her legs to the floor. Her pallid face was puckered with spite.

‘Why shouldn’t he give it to me?’ she demanded shrilly.

‘I wouldn’t trust you with a nickel!’ Rhea said, her eyes glittering. ‘He’s to give it to me!’

‘Do you imagine I trust you?’ Odette said, her voice hard and vicious. ‘Once you get your claws into that money…’

‘All right, all right, cut it out!’ I broke in. ‘We’re wasting time. Here’s a better way. I’ll draft a letter for Odette to write to her father. It’ll be more convincing that way and will save me a third telephone call. She will tell him how to deliver the ransom. She will say, after he has delivered it, for him to drive on to Lone Bay parking lot where she will be waiting for him. It’s a good half hour’s drive. That’ll give you both time to be here and collect the money. How’s that?’

‘But if Daddy finds I’m not at the parking lot, he might go to the police,’ Odette said.

That was the first sensible thing either of them had volunteered since they had entered the cabin.

‘That’s right. Then in the letter, he will be told there is a note waiting for him at Lone Bay, telling him where to find you. I’ll put the note in your car. When he gets it, he’ll be told you have returned home. That fix it?’

Rhea was staring at me.

‘We shall, of course, have to trust you with all that money, Mr. Barber.’

I grinned at her.

‘If that’s going to worry you then you shouldn’t have picked on me. If you have a better idea, now’s the time to trot it out.’

The two women looked at each other, then Rhea, hesitating for a moment, said, ‘So long as I am here when you hand over the money, I have no better suggestion.’

‘That’s another way of saying she trusts you and not me,’ Odette said. ‘Isn’t she a lovely stepmother?’

‘She has to trust me,’ I said. ‘Now you tell me something: what happened to you? Why didn’t you meet your friend at the movies? Why did you go to the Pirates’ Cabin? Who kidnapped you?’

She stared blankly at me.

‘I wouldn’t know. Why ask me? It’s your story.’

‘Don’t you think you’d better know? Your father will question you. You can bet he will call in the police after he has got you back, and they will question you. Those boys are professionals. If they once suspect you’re lying, they’ll rip into you until they get the truth out of you.’

She lost a lot of her poise then and she looked uneasily at Rhea.

‘But I’m not going to be questioned by the police! Rhea says I’m not!’

‘Of course she isn’t!’ Rhea broke in.

‘You both seem pretty certain of that,’ I said. ‘I’m not so sure.’

‘My husband has a horror of publicity,’ Rhea said. ‘He would rather lose the money than get newspaper reporters worrying him.’

‘Sorry, I’m still not convinced. I wouldn’t be earning what you’re going to pay me,’ I said, ‘if I didn’t take the police into consideration. She must have a story ready in case the police move in. I’ll fix it for her.’ To Odette, I went on, ‘Can you come out here tomorrow night so I can coach you? You’ll need a lot of coaching if you want to keep that money.’

‘It’s not necessary,’ Rhea said. ‘How many more times do I have to tell you: my husband won’t call in the police!’

‘I told you I’d take this job on my own terms. You either do what I say or I’ll quit,’ I said.

‘I’ll be here tomorrow night at nine,’ Odette said and smiled at me.

‘That’s that then.’ I got to my feet. ‘Just one more thing.’ I was speaking to Rhea. ‘You’re to get her a dress. Get it from a cheap store: something a college girl would wear, and you’ve got to get her a red wig. Be careful how you get it. Don’t get it at a local shop. Maybe it would be better if you went into Dayton for it. It mustn’t be traced back to you. She’s got to disappear completely at the Pirates’ Cabin.

She’ll be seen there, and she’ll be seen leaving, but after that there must be no trace of her until she returns home.’

Rhea shrugged.

‘If you think this is really necessary, I’ll do it.’

‘Bring the dress and the wig with you tomorrow night,’ I said to Odette. ‘By then I’ll have a story ready for you, and the letter.’ I went to the door, opened it and looked out. The beach was deserted. ‘See you tomorrow night.’

Rhea went first, not looking at me. Odette followed her. As she passed me, she gave me a half smile and fluttered her eyelids at me.

I watched them walk away into the darkness, then I went into the bedroom and turned off the tape recorder.