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“Yeah, I know something about that.”

We look at each other for a long minute. A whole lot gets said in that silence. Then Dee asks, “You wanna tell me what all that was about in there?”

And I do. So much it’s squeezing my chest. I’ve been wanting to tell him this, everything about me, for weeks now. I nod.

Dee offers me his arm, and I loop mine through it, and we leave the bathroom as a pair of girls come in, giving us a strange look.

“Well, there was this guy . . .” I begin.

He shakes his head and gently clucks his tongue like a sweetly scolding grandmother. “There always is.”

_ _ _

I take Dee back to my dorm. I serve him a backlog of cookies. And I tell him everything. When I finish, we’ve munched our way through black-and-whites and peanut butter. He wipes the crumbs off his lap and asks me if I ever thought about Romeo and Juliet.

“Not everything tracks back to Shakespeare.”

“Yes it does. Did you ever think what might’ve happened if they weren’t so damn impatient? If maybe Romeo had stopped for a second and gotten a doctor, or waited for Juliet to wake up? Not jumped to conclusions and gone and poisoned himself thinking she was dead when she was just sleeping?”

“I can see you have.” And I can. He’s pretty worked up.

“I’ve seen that movie so many times, and every damn time, it’s like screaming at the girl in the horror movie. Stop. Don’t go in the basement. The killer’s down there. With Romeo and Juliet, I yell, ‘Don’t jump to conclusions.’ But do those fools ever listen to me?” He shakes his head in dismay. “I always imagine what might’ve happened if they’d waited. Juliet would’ve woken up. They’d already be married. They might’ve moved away, far away from the Montagues and the Capulets, gotten themselves a cute castle of their own. Decorated it up nice. Maybe it would’ve been like The Winter’s Tale. By thinking Hermione was dead, Leontes had time to stop acting like a fool and then later he was so happy to find out she was alive. Maybe the Montagues and Capulets would find out later that their beloved kids weren’t dead, and wasn’t it stupid to feud, and everyone would be happy. Maybe it would’ve turned the whole tragedy into a comedy.”

The Winter’s Tale isn’t a comedy; it’s a problem play.”

“Oh, you hush up. You see where I’m going with this.”

And I do. And maybe I hadn’t thought about this with Romeo and Juliet, but I had briefly gone to the what-if place with me and Willem. On the train back to England and then on the flight home, I’d had second thoughts. What if something had happened to him? But both times, I’d voiced my doubts—first to Ms. Foley and then to Melanie—and both times I’d been set straight. Willem wasn’t Romeo. He was a romeo. And I’m no Juliet. I tell Dee this. I enumerate all the examples of him being a player, beginning with the fact that he picked up a random girl on a train and, an hour later, invited her to Paris for the day.

“Normal people don’t do that,” I say.

“Who said anything about normal? And maybe you weren’t random. Maybe you were something to him too.”

“But he didn’t even know me. I was someone else that day. I was Lulu. That’s who he liked. And besides, let’s pretend something did happen, he didn’t ditch me. I only know his first name. He doesn’t even know my name. He lives a continent away. He’s irretrievably lost. How do you find someone like that?”

Dee looks at me as if the answer is obvious. “You look.”


NAME: Willem


AGE: 20 as of last August


PARENTS: Yael and Bram. Mom isn’t Dutch Mom is a naturopathic doctor

1.9 meters, which is about 6’3”; 75 kilos, which is about 165 pounds.

Acted with the theater troupe Guerrilla Will last summer

This is the complete list of hard biographical facts that I have on Willem. It takes up barely a third of a page in one of my abandoned lab notebooks. When I finish, the list is like a taunt, reality’s bitchslap. You think you fell in love with someone, and this is what you know about him? Eight things? And how would I find him with these eight things? Forget looking for a needle in a haystack. That’s easy. At least it would stand out. I’m looking for one specific needle in a needle factory.

Eight things. It’s humiliating. I stare at the page and am about to tear it out and crumple it up.

But instead, I turn the page and start writing a different list. Random things. Like the amused look on his face when I admitted I’d thought he was a kidnapper. And the way he looked at the café when he found out I was an only child and asked if I was alone. The goofy happiness as he bounded around the barge with Captain Jack. How good it felt to know that I was responsible for him looking that way. The way Paris sounded under the canal. The way it looked from the back of the bike. The way his hand felt in the crook of my hip. The fierceness in his eyes when he jumped up to help those girls in the park. The reassurance of his hand, grasping mine as we ran through the streets of Paris. The raw expression on his face at the dinner table when I’d asked him why he’d brought me there. And later, at the squat, how he looked at me and I felt so big and strong and capable and brave.

I let the memories flood me as I fill one page. Then another. And then I’m not even writing about him anymore. I’m writing about me. About all the things I felt that day, including panic and jealousy, but more about feeling like the world was full of nothing but possibility.

I fill three pages. None of what I’m writing will help me find him. But in writing, I feel good—no, not just good, but full. Right, somehow. It’s a feeling I haven’t experienced in a long, long time, and it’s this more than anything that convinces me to look for him.

_ _ _

The most concrete thing on the list is Guerrilla Will, so I start there. They have a bare-basics website, which gets me pretty excited—until I see how out of date it is. It’s advertising plays from two summers ago. But still, there’s a contact tab with an email address. I spend hours composing ten different emails and then finally just delete them in favor of a simple one:


I am trying to find a Dutch guy named Willem, age 20, who performed in last summer’s run of Twelfth Night. I saw it and met him, in Stratford-upon-Avon, and went to Paris with him last August. If anyone knows where he is, please tell him that Lulu, also known as Allyson Healey, would like him to get in touch with her. This is very important.

I list all my contact info and then I pause there for a moment, imagining the ones and zeros or whatever it is that emails are made of, traveling across oceans and mountains, landing somewhere in someone’s inbox. Who knows? Maybe even his.

And then I press Send.

Thirty seconds later, my inbox chimes. Could it be? Could it be that fast? That easy? Someone knows where he is. Or maybe he’s been looking for me all this time.

My hand shakes as I go to my inbox. Only all that’s there is the message I just sent, bounced. I check the address. I send it again. It bounces again.