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Rolling her eyes, she pointed past Sam to a black car in the driveway. “The jerk ex showed up a couple of minutes ago, and I told him she wasn’t here. He just took off to find her.” She shrugged. “He knows where she goes.”

Without thinking, Sam backed out of the house. “Where’s the trail?”

Reese pointed to the side of the house. “It’s that way. Just keep going. You’ll run into them.”


Tiffany sat on her favorite rock. It was the same one she used to sit on with her father almost everyday. They’d go hiking if the weather permitted. Then they would talk and sing. This was where she’d felt closest to him. “Hey Daddy,” she whispered. Some went to cemeteries to talk to their loved ones. Not her. This was where he was.

This land belonged to the ski resort, but the town was in the way, so it had never developed more lifts in this direction. She was glad. It had always felt like her property, like she had a connection to it.

Today she wanted to say goodbye to him for a bit. Tears were already in her eyes. “So I know you already know what’s going on. That I’m going on tour.” She laughed as tears spilled down her cheeks. “Can you believe it? They only wanted the band if I was the lead.” Covering her face, she let herself cry harder. Her father had always told her to believe in herself.

But so many things had gotten in the way of that.

“Thank you, Daddy, for always loving me. And thank you, God. Thank you.”

All these talks seemed to always turn into talks with God. That’s just how it was when she overlooked the mountains from here.


At the sound of his voice, Tiffany knew who it was. Instantly, all the magic and joy flowed out of her.

He stood there, his brown hair disheveled as it fell longer down his shoulders and an earring in his left ear. He wore jeans and a black leather jacket. It was the jacket she’d bought for him for Christmas last year.

She stood, her heart pumping so fast she could barely get a breath. Anger, repulsion, and fear all moved through her.

He smiled and closed the distance between them. “I played a gig in Salt Lake last night.” He shrugged. “When I got to the diner to see you today, Lou told me the good news.”

It might be irrational to want to punch someone in the gut, but all she could do was think about what the new keyboard player looked like. She didn’t know much about her, but as she stared at Brett in this moment, she knew it didn’t matter anyway.

Pushing past him, she went into a jog. “I guess I am lead material.” She didn’t want to run away, but she wanted to get away from him. To quote her mother, ‘he’d always had some sick hold on her.’

“Wait.” He was running with her. “Would you just stop?” He grabbed her arm.

But she shrugged away. “No.” She stopped jogging and settled for a fast walk. “Just go away, Brett. It’s over.”

This time he took hold of her shoulder. “Please.”

The force of his grip stopped her.

She whirled back to him, but unlike when she’d usually been around him, this time she felt powerful. “In case you didn’t get the memo, I’ve moved on.”

Before she could stop him, he gripped her around the waist and pulled her into him.

The smell of leather and his soap and all the smells that were him battered her senses.

The rapid beat of his heart pumping pulsed into her. His eyes were on her lips. “I’ve never quit loving you, Tiff.” He licked his lips, and she knew he was about to kiss her.


It was irrational and ridiculous that Sam had run down the path at a full out sprint. But all he’d seen was red when Reese told him Brett had gone after her.

Careful not to fall or trip over rocks and sticks along the path, Sam didn’t have enough time to even notice or care how beautiful it was out here. No. The only thing he had time to notice when he came across Tiffany pinned up against Brett was that he was dipping his head to kiss her.

Instantly, Sam stopped. All the energy was completely sucked out of him, like turning off a switch on a vacuum.

He didn’t have time to do anything, but it didn’t matter anyway. Tiffany reached back and then smacked him across the face. “Get away from me.”


Tiffany flung back to the path, pushing forward like a bull on a rampage. Then she saw Sam. Standing out of breath with sweat coming down his forehead, he stood there wearing one of those annoyingly tight athletic shirts, shorts, and tennis shoes. His face looked dangerous, and his fists were clenched.

For some foolish reason, Tiffany’s heart fluttered seeing him standing there looking all cave manish and protective. She flashed him a smile. “I guess I got to have the last word.”

At her words, he relaxed, grinned, and fell into step with her as she moved up the mountain path. “Yes, you did.” He let out a low rumble of a laugh.

“Tiffany,” Brett called out to her.

She kept walking, smiling at Sam and ignoring Brett.

“Tiffany, wait!” Brett was following them.

“Do you want me to tune this guy up?” Sam offered, and she could see his eyes light up thinking about it.

“He’s not worth it.” Tiffany picked up her pace.

But Brett picked up his pace too. “Oh, so you have a new boyfriend now? You think you can just walk away from me?”

Anger surged through her, wanting an outlet, but she kept walking, shaking her head at Sam not to do anything. Her house was coming into view.

“Right. I get it. You’ve moved on. Message coming in loud and clear.” He puffed out behind her. “Well, good luck.”

For some unfathomable reason, tears filled her eyes at how pathetic he sounded. She and Sam were almost to her back yard.

“I’m sure you’ll make a great lead, but we both know you’ll never be over me. We need each other. That’s why I came back.”

This ticked her off. Stopping, she whirled back to him. She knew what would hurt Brett the most, but she didn’t want to use Sam that way. “Shut up, Brett.”

By the look on his face, Tiffany could tell that getting her attention was exactly what he wanted.

This was how he’d always been. This was the way he’d always gotten under her skin. He was an abuser of the lowest kind, always manipulating people’s emotions, but she hadn’t been able to see that when she’d been with him. He’d always played her, but she was done with that.

Brett grinned and raised his eyebrows. “A pro ball player. Nice touch. Just like your best friend. I guess you can ride his coattails now.”

Bam. He’d hit her where he knew she was vulnerable. Every part of her was alert, awake, and ready to pounce.

“Please let me throttle him,” Sam whispered quietly.

“No.” She shook her head and then pointed at Brett. “I want you to know I am over you.” Moving to Sam, she grabbed the front of his shirt.

The look on Sam’s face was one of complete shock, but he let her pull him to her.

Their lips met, and it was like everything else melted away. All she could do was feel him. She knew he felt the same by the way he pulled her closer and from the low moan that escaped his lips.

She pushed her hands up his shoulders and into his hair, loving the way he responded to her.

Tiffany knew she wasn’t kissing Sam Dumont to prove to Brett that she was over him. No, she was kissing Sam Dumont because…she wanted to.